Zone1 The Little Mermaid Is Teaching Black Kids to Hate White People

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Black and brown children can swim like fish if they have access to a swimming pool when they are young. I taught babies to swim when I was a teenager. ...and I saw small Arab children swimming in artesian wells like they were born swimming.

Sure, whatever.

I'm not the one who said most blacks can't swim...
Most folks criticizing this film are just pointing out the truths of the matter. The studios are not only intentionally straying from the source material, in an effort to separate blacks from their dollars… These studios are also showing how little they actually think of blacks by lazily repackaging previous successful films, and shows, but shoe horning a black, gay, trans… Whatever into the familiar lead roles. It’s really just unabashed pandering. Why has no one questioned these studios as to why they haven’t put what passes for their creative talents, into creating from the ground up, great, quality, original films, and shows that deliver the same great enjoyment of their past successes; built on black characters with their own unique stories?
Serious question. Is it because they think the white dollars won’t be interested? If so then they clearly are pandering to blacks, and offering them a low effort, low quality product designed for a quick cash grab. I guess we’ll see if what they really think of black people pans out at the box office…
Sure, whatever.

I'm not the one who said most blacks can't swim...

Nor am I. I just thought their joke was funny even though I feel like an idiot for laughing. Anyways, I'm sort of confused about this whole entire Mel Gibson thing since now I'm not sure if it's true or just a meme/joke/rumor that he's going to play MLK Jr. On one hand the blacks need a taste of their own medicine, but on the other hand that would be totally disrespectful to MLK Jr. because the whole entire point of his dream speech was that he was a black person looking for equality with white people. Not dominance over white people, equality. That's where people today are getting confused.
Most folks criticizing this film are just pointing out the truths of the matter. The studios are not only intentionally straying from the source material, in an effort to separate blacks from their dollars… These studios are also showing how little they actually think of blacks by lazily repackaging previous successful films, and shows, but shoe horning a black, gay, trans… Whatever into the familiar lead roles. It’s really just unabashed pandering. Why has no one questioned these studios as to why they haven’t put what passes for their creative talents, into creating from the ground up, great, quality, original films, and shows that deliver the same great enjoyment of their past successes; built on black characters with their own unique stories?
Serious question. Is it because they think the white dollars won’t be interested? If so then they clearly are pandering to blacks, and offering them a low effort, low quality product designed for a quick cash grab. I guess we’ll see if what they really think of black people pans out at the box office…

When we took our daughter to see The Little Mermaid back in the late 1980's, there were several little black girls in the audience.

I'm just guessin' that there won't be too many little white girls in the audience this time around.

This movie could prove to be a financial disaster...
Nor am I. I just thought their joke was funny even though I feel like an idiot for laughing. Anyways, I'm sort of confused about this whole entire Mel Gibson thing since now I'm not sure if it's true or just a meme/joke/rumor that he's going to play MLK Jr. On one hand the blacks need a taste of their own medicine, but on the other hand that would be totally disrespectful to MLK Jr. because the whole entire point of his dream speech was that he was a black person looking for equality with white people. Not dominance over white people, equality. That's where people today are getting confused.
Malcolm X would be a good one too....because he learned that Whites aren't the Devil when he went to Mecca.
I just want to say things must be going incredibly well for white racists in this country if they can afford to have so much rage against fictional mermaids.
Muslims in the middle east use cartoons to brainwash their children to hate Jews. Nothing new.
There is a movie coming out for blacks about black history. Woman King, with Viola Davis. So it is possible to pander to black interests. It's not one I would see. But might do well. Davis says anyone who doesn't see it is racist.
There is a movie coming out for blacks about black history. Woman King, with Viola Davis. So it is possible to pander to black interests. It's not one I would see. But might do well. Davis says anyone who doesn't see it is racist.
This is just going too far, with any white not participating in the pandering to blacks being labeled “racist.” Our former Governor proposed two teacher pay scales, with higher pay going to blacks even though the years of experience and education they had was the same. In a preemptive move to shut up whitey, he said that anyone objecting to the race-based dual pay scale was racist.

Let’s reverse it. If a white producer put out a movie about, say….all the developments and inventions that whites have contributed to our nation, and then said that any black who didn’t see it was racist against whites, how would that go over?
Every Woke anything teaches that White people are bad.

There is a movie coming out for blacks about black history. Woman King, with Viola Davis. So it is possible to pander to black interests. It's not one I would see. But might do well. Davis says anyone who doesn't see it is racist.
Viola Davis looks terrible in that.

Matt Walsh makes a joke that goes o'er the head of lefties.....He said, actually organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean are translucent and he has no interest in seeing Little mermaid unless he can see her brain through her skull.

Leftist have no sense of humor as you can glean from this topic.

Translucent Lives Matter.
Prove me wrong! That's exactly what people would be saying if white kids were acting this way about seeing a white person in a movie role on TV. Newsflash!! Ariel was originally white. That isn't being racist, it's just stating the facts. This is brainwashing children at its finest.

Is Ariel a real person?
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