The Little Prince: Astrotrain/Mermaids (Fable Deskware)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does capitalism make you sick? Why? Here's a vignette inspired by Toys. What inspires you about deskware-writing? Enjoy,


The Little Prince (LP) lived in Los Angeles (California), the City of Angels in America. A graduate of Dartmouth and UCLA, the Little Prince (LP) wanted to create a software interface platform in the 21st Century for art-sharing online clubs. However, he invited only amateur artists and never professional artists. You see, LP (Little Prince) wanted Los Angeles to be the haven for home-based creativity sharing online. LA was to be the diorama of LP (Little Prince).


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "The online matrix facilitates open networking, and sharing private art can be a thing of American dreams."


LP (Little Prince) loved the Apple boutique-store in LA and visited often to check on new updates and market offerings made by the iconic American computer company, founded by pioneering eccentric genius Steve Jobs. LP wanted to translate Apple society imagination to home-based creativity platforms for networking ingenuity in this new era of Facebook and Nickelodeon.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "I think the Apple Macintosh was way better than the Commodore 64, since it reminded us of toys."


LP (Little Prince) collected various avatar-oriented notebook stickers to create profile page collages and jpg mosaics on his club-based art-sharing online network. LP (Little Prince) called his online spiritual art club the AstroTrain, a reference to the idea that traffic matrix can be a thing of great youthful and even childlike daydreams.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "I like collecting private homemade artworks of great folk-avatars such as Transformers robots for AstroTrain."


LP (Little Prince) also collected various iconic Transformers (Hasbro) toys and comics (Marvel), especially robot action-toys symbolizing modernism imagination and new age matrix intelligence. His favorite was Soundwave, an espionage robot capable of holding and leading miniature warrior robots like Rumble and Frenzy who transformed into compact audio cassettes!


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "These compact cassette mini-robots obviously represent a new age capitalism ideology in America!"


LP (Little Prince) also collected rather impressive home-made comic book drawings and portraits of special super-heroines and anti-heroines such as Talia al Ghul to create online comic contests about who'd create the best renditions of these amateur artworks online. These contests made Talia very popular in the online dungeon!


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "I was a big fan of a young girl's rendition of a Talia/Batman doodle signifying crime dialogue."


Of course, this aesthetic tradition of forging pedestrian-friendly imagination went back to the days of 1980s cinema, when stories on screen presented images and ideas of everyday people immersed in very other-worldly forms of dollar-intrigue.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "People ask me what I think of female avatars in graphic video-games, and I tell them they're dangerous!"


LP (Little Prince) was a big fan of the Mortal Kombat video-game series, featuring very outlandish warriors, both men and women, using weapons as varied as chain-arrowheads and throwing blade-fans to create very fatal forms of fighting, involving severe decapitation and limb removal. LP (Little Prince) thought the female warriors in these MK games reflected a modern fascination with using gender to characterize raw death.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "Modern storytelling must be about the intrigue surrounding urban traffic dementia and pirate dogma."


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): Consumers care about the toy-appearance of tech!
STEVE JOBS (SJ): Well, computers aren't just toys.
LP: I appreciate that, but user-friendly home-use of computers should feel like playful workshops!
SJ: Tech is not just like woodshop class from high-school!
LP: I appreciate that, but it's at least a form of personalized intelligence.
SJ: Well, I guess computer-use is a form of private education.
LP: It certainly is, which is why many vehicles like bikes and cars have a toy-like appearance now!
SJ: Are you referring to Kia cars and Vespa scooters of recent design?
LP: Yes; and these Kia/Vespa vehicles represent a pedestrian interest to streamline toy-life.
SJ: Everyone loves toys!
LP: Exactly, and just imagine if kids are talking about toys and computers.
SJ: I suppose there'd be less demand for war and violence-toys.
LP: That's true; that's why these toy designs reflect a modern education!
SJ: Well, what if war and violence-toys deflate all this modernism playfulness?
LP: We'll have to argue that private use of toys creates social dexterity.


GOD: You can't defend capitalism with references to just toys!
SATAN: Perhaps you can uphold commerce with images of design!
GOD: Well, I doubt these new age toys and tech and vehicles can create absolute peace.
SATAN: Technology and intelligence aren't the adversaries of humility.
GOD: Well, they can be, if humans misuse forms of civilization ingenuity.
SATAN: Perhaps tool-use has become a form of vanity!
GOD: Vanity will always guide us towards dollars.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

Here's a notation addendum about the Transformers (Hasbro) robot-toy Eject (an espionage symbol) that might illuminate some ideas about modernism gold. This one was inspired by Videodrome. Thanks for reading,


Little Prince (LP) visited the campus of UCLA for a special conference on the role of technology in modern political intelligence and espionage. The conference invited not only experts in politics and governance but also laymen and everyday students of modernism and media aficionados and DJs such as LP (Little Prince). Since LP studied at UCLA, he's excited for this special intelligence-tech event near the traffic iconic city of LA, the City of Angels in America.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "I'm excited to talk about a Transformers (Hasbro) espionage robot at the conference."


LP (Little Prince) collected Transformers (Hasbro) robot toys and was especially fond of robots that reflected modernism and political intelligence, such as Blaster and Soundwave and Shockwave and Omega Supreme. Blaster, a heroic Autobot robot transformed into a tape-playing boom-box that hosted miniature heroic robots who transformed into espionage-geared compact audio cassettes. Blaster the adversary of the evil Decepticon robot Soundwave and represented democracy in espionage intrigue.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "Blaster has numerous mini-robot cassette components signifying democratic combat!"


LP (Little Prince) especially liked Blaster's mini-component warrior-robot who transformed into an espionage-geared compact audio cassette named Eject. Eject, a valiant Autobor robot, was known to be a great advocate of sports and game theory, arguing that competitive arenas must always foster special politically-oriented democratic ambitions.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "Eject reminds me of the persuasive imagination behind modernism dogma."


LP (Little Prince) even purchased Eject toys and action-sets for his collection of modernism artifacts symbolizing new age political espionage and governance teamwork and competition imagination! Growing up, LP liked movies like Spy Game and Syriana that represented democratic modern media-oriented social conversations, and Eject was his perfect little 'tech' avatar.


LITTLE PRINCE (LP): "If you look at the advocacy of incendiary media on Al Jazeera, you see Eject's hardware!"

In other words, LP (Little Prince) advocated the marketing of intelligence/espionage consciousness in this new era of media and network-driven sociopolitical imagination! Even movies reflected this emerged social fascination, so LP (Little Prince) wanted to collect toys such as Eject that symbolized modernism IQ. However, a media figure, an actress, thought LP's online blogs and clubs about engaged socialization pensive tech-imagination chatter and liberty-driven tech-accessible creativity/arts was merely a form of dollar-spun gibberish. She was a real Devil's Advocate!


LP (Little Prince): You must admit these tech-symbolic toys are creativity-stimulants!
ACTRESS: Well, some of these boom-box artifacts merely hype hardware obsession.
LP: Don't you find Eject, an espionage-toy, reflective of new age diaries?
ACTRESS: Creative thinking about political intrigue is not necessarily art!
LP: Well, we can at least say that such artifacts represent modern design.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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