the looney left wing temper tantrum

There is plenty of proof

Russia DID hack the DNC Servers
Trump DID use that information in his campaign
Trump family members DID meet with the Russians to obtain damaging information on Hillary
Trump DID offer policy concessions favorable to the Russians

The Democrats SAID the Russians hacked it. They refuse to turn the server over for investigation.
You THINK Trump used info from the RUSSIANS!!!! Did Hillary use information she got??

But please, do go on fooling yourselves and keep up THE RUSSIANS!!!! THE RUSSIANS!!!!!!....the Democrats have no message, no leadership. Nothing. Just RUSSIANS!!! RUSSIANS!!!

CIA, NSA and FBI all agree the Russians hacked the is not up for discussion
Trump did use the information in those leaked emails....there is video proof

Yes.....Deny all you want

But Trumps election victory has the stink of the Russians on it
Any proof yet? A smidgen? A teeny tiny piece? Nope and it's been eight months.


There is plenty of proof

Russia DID hack the DNC Servers
Trump DID use that information in his campaign
Trump family members DID meet with the Russians to obtain damaging information on Hillary
Trump DID offer policy concessions favorable to the Russians
CIA, NSA and FBI all agree the Russians hacked the is not up for discussion
Trump did use the information in those leaked emails....there is video proof

Yes.....Deny all you want

But Trumps election victory has the stink of the Russians on it

They all agree the DNC said so. Not the same. In order to charge an illegality you have to provide proof. It won't happen, because the DNC is not about to release the server for everything else that is on it.

I am not denying anything. Is it likely Trumps campaign used information provided to them against Hillary? I would say it is not only likely, but probable.
But take your faux outrage somewhere else. It isn't like Trump is the only one to have received information from fact we know Hillary did it also. We also know that Obama's campaign chief met with several foreign leaders...were they comparing golf scores?
CIA, NSA and FBI all agree the Russians hacked the is not up for discussion
Trump did use the information in those leaked emails....there is video proof

Yes.....Deny all you want

But Trumps election victory has the stink of the Russians on it

They all agree the DNC said so. Not the same. In order to charge an illegality you have to provide proof. It won't happen, because the DNC is not about to release the server for everything else that is on it.

I am not denying anything. Is it likely Trumps campaign used information provided to them against Hillary? I would say it is not only likely, but probable.
But take your faux outrage somewhere else. It isn't like Trump is the only one to have received information from fact we know Hillary did it also. We also know that Obama's campaign chief met with several foreign leaders...were they comparing golf scores?

It is not up to either one of us to decide whether Russia hacked the servers. The information on how they were hacked and proof is classified. Revealing that information publically will provide the Russians with information on our anti-cyber capabilities
But that information has been provided to those with a need to know and the conclusion is unanimous. Russia hacked the DNC servers and attempted to hack actual voting machines
CIA, NSA and FBI all agree the Russians hacked the is not up for discussion
Trump did use the information in those leaked emails....there is video proof

Yes.....Deny all you want

But Trumps election victory has the stink of the Russians on it

They all agree the DNC said so. Not the same. In order to charge an illegality you have to provide proof. It won't happen, because the DNC is not about to release the server for everything else that is on it.

I am not denying anything. Is it likely Trumps campaign used information provided to them against Hillary? I would say it is not only likely, but probable.
But take your faux outrage somewhere else. It isn't like Trump is the only one to have received information from fact we know Hillary did it also. We also know that Obama's campaign chief met with several foreign leaders...were they comparing golf scores?

It is not up to either one of us to decide whether Russia hacked the servers. The information on how they were hacked and proof is classified. Revealing that information publically will provide the Russians with information on our anti-cyber capabilities
But that information has been provided to those with a need to know and the conclusion is unanimous. Russia hacked the DNC servers and attempted to hack actual voting machines

No the information hasn't been provided.
If you have evidence on your laptop of a crime, the courts will not allow you to simply print some stuff out and say you have it. They will want the laptop and have it examined by independent experts.
Try again. It won't stand up in court.
And the fact the Russians hacked the DNC servers is not evidence of anything other than the Russians hacked DNC servers. It has nothing to do with Trump or his campaign, for that you would have to prove that his campaign were actively involved in the hacking. Good luck with that. It doesn't exist.

Face it, RW, Trumps campaign was corrupt.
And so was Hillary's. And so was Obama's.
You can't jump up and down in faux outrage against one while ignoring the others. If you do - your a hypocrite. Are you?
There is plenty of proof

Russia DID hack the DNC Servers
Trump DID use that information in his campaign
Trump family members DID meet with the Russians to obtain damaging information on Hillary
Trump DID offer policy concessions favorable to the Russians

The Democrats SAID the Russians hacked it. They refuse to turn the server over for investigation.
You THINK Trump used info from the RUSSIANS!!!! Did Hillary use information she got??

But please, do go on fooling yourselves and keep up THE RUSSIANS!!!! THE RUSSIANS!!!!!!....the Democrats have no message, no leadership. Nothing. Just RUSSIANS!!! RUSSIANS!!!

CIA, NSA and FBI all agree the Russians hacked the is not up for discussion
Trump did use the information in those leaked emails....there is video proof

Yes.....Deny all you want

But Trumps election victory has the stink of the Russians on it
It was Hillary that used the Russians against Trump.
That's it?

The left keeps bringing up Russia and Conservatives don't like it

Who is the Snowflake!

You loons keep bringing it up but still haven't a smidgen of proof.

People are weary of the nonsense and it's time to put it aside

Trump sycophants are tired of it...the rest of the country are waiting patiently for the investigations to conclude. That's going to take a while longer. Mueller is digging deep.
Mueller will have to come up with criminal charges against Trump and/or his associates.
I can't wait to read all your conspiracy theories about how President Trump somehow 'got to' all of Mueller's DEM investigators.
It should be good for a laugh.
CIA, NSA and FBI all agree the Russians hacked the is not up for discussion
Trump did use the information in those leaked emails....there is video proof

Yes.....Deny all you want

But Trumps election victory has the stink of the Russians on it

They all agree the DNC said so. Not the same. In order to charge an illegality you have to provide proof. It won't happen, because the DNC is not about to release the server for everything else that is on it.

I am not denying anything. Is it likely Trumps campaign used information provided to them against Hillary? I would say it is not only likely, but probable.
But take your faux outrage somewhere else. It isn't like Trump is the only one to have received information from fact we know Hillary did it also. We also know that Obama's campaign chief met with several foreign leaders...were they comparing golf scores?

It is not up to either one of us to decide whether Russia hacked the servers. The information on how they were hacked and proof is classified. Revealing that information publically will provide the Russians with information on our anti-cyber capabilities
But that information has been provided to those with a need to know and the conclusion is unanimous. Russia hacked the DNC servers and attempted to hack actual voting machines

No the information hasn't been provided.
If you have evidence on your laptop of a crime, the courts will not allow you to simply print some stuff out and say you have it. They will want the laptop and have it examined by independent experts.
Try again. It won't stand up in court.
And the fact the Russians hacked the DNC servers is not evidence of anything other than the Russians hacked DNC servers. It has nothing to do with Trump or his campaign, for that you would have to prove that his campaign were actively involved in the hacking. Good luck with that. It doesn't exist.

Face it, RW, Trumps campaign was corrupt.
And so was Hillary's. And so was Obama's.
You can't jump up and down in faux outrage against one while ignoring the others. If you do - your a hypocrite. Are you?

for that you would have to prove that his campaign were actively involved in the hacking. Good luck with that. It doesn't exist.

Where do you guys get that? Nobody is claiming that Trump was involved in the hacking. The Russians did it and Trump used the information they provided.
The question remains of collusion.
After repeated denials, Trump admits that his family members specifically met with the Russians to obtain dirt on Hillary

We will find out if a crime was committed. But crime or no crime....The STINK of Russian involvement is all over the Trump election
....The STINK of Russian involvement is all over the Trump election

There is a faint whiff of collusion in the air....but there is a an overwhelming stench of Hillary's bad campaign and ignoring the working class that gave Trump the oval office.
You just can't let yourself admit it.
Any proof yet? A smidgen? A teeny tiny piece? Nope and it's been eight months.


There is plenty of proof

Russia DID hack the DNC Servers
Trump DID use that information in his campaign
Trump family members DID meet with the Russians to obtain damaging information on Hillary
Trump DID offer policy concessions favorable to the Russians

It's a big ole nuthin burger. Give it up
....The STINK of Russian involvement is all over the Trump election

There is a faint whiff of collusion in the air....but there is a an overwhelming stench of Hillary's bad campaign and ignoring the working class that gave Trump the oval office.
You just can't let yourself admit it.

Nobody is saying that the Russians were the only reason Trump won. Comey had a lot to do with it

But once the Mueller report comes out, it will be clear that Russia intentionally helped Trumps campaign and that Trump encouraged it

That is the STINK of Russian involvement in Trumps win
Any proof yet? A smidgen? A teeny tiny piece? Nope and it's been eight months.


There is plenty of proof

Russia DID hack the DNC Servers
Trump DID use that information in his campaign
Trump family members DID meet with the Russians to obtain damaging information on Hillary
Trump DID offer policy concessions favorable to the Russians

It's a big ole nuthin burger. Give it up

Which part is "nothing"?
....The STINK of Russian involvement is all over the Trump election

There is a faint whiff of collusion in the air....but there is a an overwhelming stench of Hillary's bad campaign and ignoring the working class that gave Trump the oval office.
You just can't let yourself admit it.

Nobody is saying that the Russians were the only reason Trump won. Comey had a lot to do with it

But once the Mueller report comes out, it will be clear that Russia intentionally helped Trumps campaign and that Trump encouraged it

That is the STINK of Russian involvement in Trumps win

Yes I noticed you still won't admit Hillary's failed campaign narrative and ignoring the entire working class she abhors, is why she lost.
Any proof yet? A smidgen? A teeny tiny piece? Nope and it's been eight months.


There is plenty of proof

Russia DID hack the DNC Servers
Trump DID use that information in his campaign
Trump family members DID meet with the Russians to obtain damaging information on Hillary
Trump DID offer policy concessions favorable to the Russians

It's a big ole nuthin burger. Give it up

Which part is "nothing"?

People are sick of hearing it, let Mueller do whatever he is supposedly doing and let the chips fall. But this everyday every little morsel shit is tiresome.
That's it?

The left keeps bringing up Russia and Conservatives don't like it

Who is the Snowflake!

You loons keep bringing it up but still haven't a smidgen of proof.

People are weary of the nonsense and it's time to put it aside

Except for Donald Trump jr's emails. You know, the ones that say Russia supports Trump's election..

So? Let's see the DNC servers. Why do you suppose they refuse to turn them over?

Think hard
There is a faint whiff of collusion in the air....but there is a an overwhelming stench of Hillary's bad campaign and ignoring the working class that gave Trump the oval office.
You just can't let yourself admit it.

So, take out your little "scale" weighing what is best for the country....
On one side place Clinton's bad campaign....and on the other place Trump's collusion with an adversarial/foreign dictator.......
Let us know what that scale reveals for you.....
So, take out your little "scale" weighing what is best for the country....
On one side place Clinton's bad campaign....and on the other place Trump's collusion with an adversarial/foreign dictator.......
Let us know what that scale reveals for you.....

You left out that we know as a fact that Hillary's camp met with the Ukranians, and had DIRECT Ukranian government involvement in trying to get information against Trump and the Russians, we also know that Obama's camp met with several foreign governments during his campaign.
Add that into your equation.
The fact you leave it out speaks volumes about you.

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