the looney left wing temper tantrum

You left out that we know as a fact that Hillary's camp met with the Ukranians, and had DIRECT Ukranian government involvement in trying to get information against Trump and the Russians, we also know that Obama's camp met with several foreign governments during his campaign.
Add that into your equation.
The fact you leave it out speaks volumes about you.

Well, here's your big fucking mistake ....You DO NOT KNOW "as a fact" anything except what Hannity tells you to know......Whereas, we have WRITTEN e mails of Donnie-baby's collusion.....and all you have is .....well, Hannity. LOL
....The STINK of Russian involvement is all over the Trump election

There is a faint whiff of collusion in the air....but there is a an overwhelming stench of Hillary's bad campaign and ignoring the working class that gave Trump the oval office.
You just can't let yourself admit it.

Nobody is saying that the Russians were the only reason Trump won. Comey had a lot to do with it

But once the Mueller report comes out, it will be clear that Russia intentionally helped Trumps campaign and that Trump encouraged it

That is the STINK of Russian involvement in Trumps win

Yes I noticed you still won't admit Hillary's failed campaign narrative and ignoring the entire working class she abhors, is why she lost.

One reason maybe. The working class believed Trump's lies that he would bring back jobs from overseas and resurrect coal mining. Hillary was unwilling to make such outlandish promises
So, take out your little "scale" weighing what is best for the country....
On one side place Clinton's bad campaign....and on the other place Trump's collusion with an adversarial/foreign dictator.......
Let us know what that scale reveals for you.....

You left out that we know as a fact that Hillary's camp met with the Ukranians, and had DIRECT Ukranian government involvement in trying to get information against Trump and the Russians, we also know that Obama's camp met with several foreign governments during his campaign.
Add that into your equation.
The fact you leave it out speaks volumes about you.
Fake news
You left out that we know as a fact that Hillary's camp met with the Ukranians, and had DIRECT Ukranian government involvement in trying to get information against Trump and the Russians, we also know that Obama's camp met with several foreign governments during his campaign.
Add that into your equation.
The fact you leave it out speaks volumes about you.

Well, here's your big fucking mistake ....You DO NOT KNOW "as a fact" anything except what Hannity tells you to know......Whereas, we have WRITTEN e mails of Donnie-baby's collusion.....and all you have is .....well, Hannity. LOL

I don't watch Hannity.....try again.
In fact, Hannity is nothing more than a party tool to get ratings.
One reason maybe. The working class believed Trump's lies that he would bring back jobs from overseas and resurrect coal mining. Hillary was unwilling to make such outlandish promises

Which only proves that Trump is a "better" demagogue than Hillary....and that many within our electorate are dumber than a box of used matches.
One reason maybe. The working class believed Trump's lies that he would bring back jobs from overseas and resurrect coal mining. Hillary was unwilling to make such outlandish promises

And he was supposed to do that in 5 months?
And Hillary never made campaign promises knowingly full of shit?

Please. You can do better.
I don't watch Hannity.....try again.
In fact, Hannity is nothing more than a party tool to get ratings.

then HOW do you "know as a fact" your allegations???

besides, the Ukraine is an ALLY, whereas, Putin is......what???
One reason maybe. The working class believed Trump's lies that he would bring back jobs from overseas and resurrect coal mining. Hillary was unwilling to make such outlandish promises

And he was supposed to do that in 5 months?
And Hillary never made campaign promises knowingly full of shit?

Please. You can do better.

Trump made promises he knew were impossible.
Working Americans, fearing for their jobs, were willing to jump at any promise of future jobs. Even though those promises were based on lies

2020..........Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me
One reason maybe. The working class believed Trump's lies that he would bring back jobs from overseas and resurrect coal mining. Hillary was unwilling to make such outlandish promises

And he was supposed to do that in 5 months?
And Hillary never made campaign promises knowingly full of shit?

Please. You can do better.

Trump made promises he knew were impossible.
Working Americans, fearing for their jobs, were willing to jump at any promise of future jobs. Even though those promises were based on lies

2020..........Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me

There's your problem RW.
I don't like Trump. I can't believe he won, but I know WHY he won. And that reason is overwhelmingly the arrogance, loathing of the working class, elitistism and poor campaigning of Hillary. Period.
And that is the difference between you and I, and the left and the right as a whole.
I will absolutely not hesitate to say what is wrong with any particular conservative candidate, I will not hesitate to say that BOTH parties are corrupt equally, I will not hesitate to say these things.
You and the left will never admit your own short comings.
And that is how the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and Chuck Schumer is your mouthpiece.
Mueller's investigation is to determine if there were any 'crimes' committed.
For all you LIB snowflakes: 'Collusion' is NOT A CRIME!!!!!
Mueller won't find any crime was committed.
Even IF he claimed there was a 'crime' the next step is to let the SC decide.
He'd have to convince them with FACTS in evidence.
Good fucking luck with that you LIB dummies.
Mueller's investigation is to determine if there were any 'crimes' committed.
For all you LIB snowflakes: 'Collusion' is NOT A CRIME!!!!!
Mueller won't find any crime was committed.
Even IF he claimed there was a 'crime' the next step is to let the SC decide.
He'd have to convince them with FACTS in evidence.
Good fucking luck with that you LIB dummies.

So, you have "no worries", correct???

Which then begs the question......What the fuck why are you on this thread???
Go back to sleep, then........LOL
That's it?

The left keeps bringing up Russia and Conservatives don't like it

Who is the Snowflake!

You loons keep bringing it up but still haven't a smidgen of proof.

People are weary of the nonsense and it's time to put it aside

Except for Donald Trump jr's emails. You know, the ones that say Russia supports Trump's election..
What's wrong with the russians saying they preferred Trump to Hillary?
No one on the planet is allowed to have an opinion if it's didn't support the fucking 'Queen Bee'?
The emails in the DNC computers PROVED how fucking corrupt the DNC was/is. What's wrong with bringing the truth to light?
After all that's what the WAPO/NYTs keep telling everyone when they release classified gov. documents isn't it?
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant" right you LIB assholes!
Whoever hacked and exposed the DNC/Hillary endemic corruption did the country a huge favor.
One reason maybe. The working class believed Trump's lies that he would bring back jobs from overseas and resurrect coal mining. Hillary was unwilling to make such outlandish promises

And he was supposed to do that in 5 months?
And Hillary never made campaign promises knowingly full of shit?

Please. You can do better.
The drunken bitch 'promised' to beat Trump and the fucking LIBs gave her 1.2 BILLION!!!!!!!! dollars to help her.
She was the worst presidential candidate in US history.
Joy Reid on MSNBC believes the iceberg broke off b/c it was inconsolable over Hillar's loss to the "orange clown'.
Some dude in Nebraska named 'Buddy Burger' could have beat Hillary.

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