The Loss Of Government Jobs Is Holding Back The Economy

So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.
Why is the OP a fail? Government (public sector) job losses are government (public sector) job losses. Obama has tried to stimulate the public sector but Congress keeps blocking him.

Obama has tried to stimulate the public sector but Congress keeps blocking him.

He's spent us nearly $6.2 trillion deeper into debt, how much more wasteful spending does he need until he succeeds?

And why stimulate the public sector?
Do something that actually increases GDP.
The Golden Gate Bridge was built in the middle of the Depression, as was the Empire State Building and the Hoover Dam. That put lots of people to work.
Why is the OP a fail? Government (public sector) job losses are government (public sector) job losses. Obama has tried to stimulate the public sector but Congress keeps blocking him.

Obama has tried to stimulate the public sector but Congress keeps blocking him.

He's spent us nearly $6.2 trillion deeper into debt, how much more wasteful spending does he need until he succeeds?

And why stimulate the public sector?
Do something that actually increases GDP.

You can thank Bush's two wars and his tax cuts for most of the increased debt. Bush was the first president to cut taxes during time of war - let alone TWO wars.

The Golden Gate Bridge was built in the middle of the Depression, as was the Empire State Building and the Hoover Dam. That put lots of people to work.

True, but you have way more people in the private sector working and paying taxes, now more people work in government

so where is the tax base to pay for it?
why dont we hire all unemployed people in govt jobs? well because they take money from the govt.....
Why is the OP a fail? Government (public sector) job losses are government (public sector) job losses. Obama has tried to stimulate the public sector but Congress keeps blocking him.

Obama has tried to stimulate the public sector but Congress keeps blocking him.

He's spent us nearly $6.2 trillion deeper into debt, how much more wasteful spending does he need until he succeeds?

And why stimulate the public sector?
Do something that actually increases GDP.

You can thank Bush's two wars and his tax cuts for most of the increased debt. Bush was the first president to cut taxes during time of war - let alone TWO wars.


Sure thing Lakhota, live in that vaccum, so why not raise the tax rate to 100%...think of all the money we'd get!
So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

I have to assume that if those roles were carried out by the private sector that these people would say that they are still no part of the economy, since obviously it makes no economic difference whether the employer is public or private (assuming rate of pay and whatnot were equal)
The rich have totally gamed the system - and average wingnuts seem just fine with that.
The rich have totally gamed the system - and average wingnuts seem just fine with that.

LOL are you serious?
I dont see you hammering GE?
I dont see you hammering the liberal rich

how did they "game" the system exactally?

Went to college, started a business and were sucessful....dam!!!!!!!!
next time they should sit on their asses and collect a govt check!
So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

The problem is, slick....that the people who ACTUALLY DO the producing aren't getting paid diddly squat. That lowers the tax base in a huge way...and THAT'S why we can't "afford" them....but hey....keep voting for the clowns who sent the jobs away and blame the disaffected for their own poverty... meanwhile the Conglomerate pulls a bait and switch on you and you're to damned dumb and stubborn to realize it.

Who do you REALLY think that our tax dollars are subsidizing? The working poor, who....according to right wing propaganda are just too lazy to get a better job, or the businesses that pay those shitty wages that they KNOW aren't sustainable....once again....because they KNOW that we aren't going to let them be hungry and homeless.

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Same when you fill up next time at the gas station. Add all those tax breaks, oil subsidies, farm subsidies ( ethanol), and the cost of keeping those OPEC countries stable....economists have estimated that our true cost of a gallon of gas is about $14....another great deal, huh?

But do go on about how we can't "afford" teachers, cops, firefighters, highway workers etc....

Who did the bailouts.....OBama, so quit peddling that're retarded for being so partisan and not even seeing the forest for the trees
More Americans think Obama, Not Bush, Enacted Bank Bailouts, Poll Shows - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Nearly half of Americans incorrectly think President Obama started the the bank bailout program, otherwise known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a new poll shows.

Just 34 percent of Americans surveyed by the Pew Research Center correctly said that TARP was enacted by the Bush administration. Almost half -- 47 percent -- think Mr. Obama started the bank bailout, according to the survey, conducted July 1-5. There was no partisan divide on the issue.

The TARP program was created in 2008 to stabilize the financial system. The Treasury Department has committed more than $500 billion to more than 800 firms through the program. While Mr. Obama did not enact TARP, his administration has largely been responsible for administering it.
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laktose fails again

Actually, there is a very good point to this. If you look at the Reagan recovery, public sector jobs increased dramatically as did government spending at all levels. We've pretty much done everything the exact opposite of what Reagan did. In the long run it won't matter. The recovery has started slowly but it's going to pick up steam in the near future, regardless of all the blunders.
A middle class person would have to be retarded to vote republican.

Who did the bailouts.....OBama, so quit peddling that're retarded for being so partisan and not even seeing the forest for the trees
More Americans think Obama, Not Bush, Enacted Bank Bailouts, Poll Shows - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Nearly half of Americans incorrectly think President Obama started the the bank bailout program, otherwise known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), a new poll shows.

Just 34 percent of Americans surveyed by the Pew Research Center correctly said that TARP was enacted by the Bush administration. Almost half -- 47 percent -- think Mr. Obama started the bank bailout, according to the survey, conducted July 1-5. There was no partisan divide on the issue.

The TARP program was created in 2008 to stabilize the financial system. The Treasury Department has committed more than $500 billion to more than 800 firms through the program. While Mr. Obama did not enact TARP, his administration has largely been responsible for administering it.

We all know Bush did the first round...but most of it was done by Obama, including the GM bailout and QE, which killed the poor, not the rich!

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