The Loss Of Government Jobs Is Holding Back The Economy

So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

The problem is, slick....that the people who ACTUALLY DO the producing aren't getting paid diddly squat. That lowers the tax base in a huge way...and THAT'S why we can't "afford" them....but hey....keep voting for the clowns who sent the jobs away and blame the disaffected for their own poverty... meanwhile the Conglomerate pulls a bait and switch on you and you're to damned dumb and stubborn to realize it.

Who do you REALLY think that our tax dollars are subsidizing? The working poor, who....according to right wing propaganda are just too lazy to get a better job, or the businesses that pay those shitty wages that they KNOW aren't sustainable....once again....because they KNOW that we aren't going to let them be hungry and homeless.

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Same when you fill up next time at the gas station. Add all those tax breaks, oil subsidies, farm subsidies ( ethanol), and the cost of keeping those OPEC countries stable....economists have estimated that our true cost of a gallon of gas is about $14....another great deal, huh?

But do go on about how we can't "afford" teachers, cops, firefighters, highway workers etc....

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Exactly! We must put WalMart out of business and destroy all their jobs!

That'll reduce the money spent on food stamps.
I don't see how taking X dollars out of people's pockets in order to pay government workers that money improves the economy.

If you take $10 away from 100 people and give $100 to 10 government workers there is no more money put into the economy than if you let the 100 people keep their 10 bucks.
I thought that this was so obvious, that it hardly required any comment.

Of course a loss in consumption will trickle down.

Where do the funds come from that pay government employees?

They take it from rich people who won't notice it's gone. Whatsamatterwitchoo? Didnt you know it's a consumer economy so if we just give people money they'll spend it and the economy will recover?

Oh yeah. That doesn't work. Never has.
So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

The problem is, slick....that the people who ACTUALLY DO the producing aren't getting paid diddly squat. That lowers the tax base in a huge way...and THAT'S why we can't "afford" them....but hey....keep voting for the clowns who sent the jobs away and blame the disaffected for their own poverty... meanwhile the Conglomerate pulls a bait and switch on you and you're to damned dumb and stubborn to realize it.

Who do you REALLY think that our tax dollars are subsidizing? The working poor, who....according to right wing propaganda are just too lazy to get a better job, or the businesses that pay those shitty wages that they KNOW aren't sustainable....once again....because they KNOW that we aren't going to let them be hungry and homeless.

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Same when you fill up next time at the gas station. Add all those tax breaks, oil subsidies, farm subsidies ( ethanol), and the cost of keeping those OPEC countries stable....economists have estimated that our true cost of a gallon of gas is about $14....another great deal, huh?

But do go on about how we can't "afford" teachers, cops, firefighters, highway workers etc....

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Exactly! We must put WalMart out of business and destroy all their jobs!

That'll reduce the money spent on food stamps.

Putting Walmart out of business will mean:
Number of locations 8,970 property tax revenue gone.
revenues 2012 $446 billion
2.2 million employees at Average $30,000 plus Employer SS/medicare tax at 13% or $8.58 billion in payroll taxes
net profit $15 billion at 20% tax on profit or $3 billion a year in federal taxes and equal amount in state/local taxes.

So yea put them out of business.. 2.2 million unemployed at $300/week for 99 weeks another $65.3 billion coming from unemployment benefits.

Right put them out of business and who pays all the above to make up the difference???
The OP is utter nonsense. Government unemployment is slightly over 3%.

What's holding the economy back is the fact that Obama & The Dems bloated up federal spending to 25% of GDP and crowded out the private sector. Obamacare has been an additional blow to the economy and job growth (other than part time jobs).

After more than 4 years of Obamanomics, we have 2.6 less private sector jobs than we did in 2008.

Obamanomics is an Epic Fail.
The rich have totally gamed the system - and average wingnuts seem just fine with that.
They're all for the rich. I guess they all hope to be rich one day, but the rich won't let them.

lol, so are YOU left wing nuts.. you VOTE for them to be YOUR MASTERS in Congress
seven of the top ten RICHEST congress people are DEMOCRATS

You people are such a JOKE with this they only care about the RICH..

Cracks me the hell up
So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

If you are printing money,borrowing money or taking more taxes from those who produce and use it to make a job for someone that is just moving money around.:eusa_shhh:

Those who WORK in public sector jobs are providing services and also paying taxes so your characterization of those who produce vs. those who just move money around is inaccurate. As far as just moving money around goes, that is a very powerful force.
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

If you are printing money,borrowing money or taking more taxes from those who produce and use it to make a job for someone that is just moving money around.:eusa_shhh:

Those who WORK in public sector jobs are providing services and also paying taxes so your characterization of those who produce vs. those who just move money around is inaccurate. As far as just moving money around goes, that is a very powerful force.

Nonsense. Moving money from somebody who earns it to some government functionary who consumes it produces NOTHING.

If the multiplier on Government spending truly were positive, the economy would be booming right now. It's not. We have 2.6 Millions FEWER private sector jobs today than we did in 2008.

Obamanomics = Epic Fail
So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

The problem is, slick....that the people who ACTUALLY DO the producing aren't getting paid diddly squat. That lowers the tax base in a huge way...and THAT'S why we can't "afford" them....but hey....keep voting for the clowns who sent the jobs away and blame the disaffected for their own poverty... meanwhile the Conglomerate pulls a bait and switch on you and you're to damned dumb and stubborn to realize it.

Who do you REALLY think that our tax dollars are subsidizing? The working poor, who....according to right wing propaganda are just too lazy to get a better job, or the businesses that pay those shitty wages that they KNOW aren't sustainable....once again....because they KNOW that we aren't going to let them be hungry and homeless.

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Same when you fill up next time at the gas station. Add all those tax breaks, oil subsidies, farm subsidies ( ethanol), and the cost of keeping those OPEC countries stable....economists have estimated that our true cost of a gallon of gas is about $14....another great deal, huh?

But do go on about how we can't "afford" teachers, cops, firefighters, highway workers etc....

I dont go to Walmart, they have crappy products, poor service and low pay employees. WHY do you go there?
So we take taxpayer dollars to create public sector jobs that don't produce anything so people that produce have less money to spend.And this is a good thing?

The problem is, slick....that the people who ACTUALLY DO the producing aren't getting paid diddly squat. That lowers the tax base in a huge way...and THAT'S why we can't "afford" them....but hey....keep voting for the clowns who sent the jobs away and blame the disaffected for their own poverty... meanwhile the Conglomerate pulls a bait and switch on you and you're to damned dumb and stubborn to realize it.

Who do you REALLY think that our tax dollars are subsidizing? The working poor, who....according to right wing propaganda are just too lazy to get a better job, or the businesses that pay those shitty wages that they KNOW aren't sustainable....once again....because they KNOW that we aren't going to let them be hungry and homeless.

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Same when you fill up next time at the gas station. Add all those tax breaks, oil subsidies, farm subsidies ( ethanol), and the cost of keeping those OPEC countries stable....economists have estimated that our true cost of a gallon of gas is about $14....another great deal, huh?

But do go on about how we can't "afford" teachers, cops, firefighters, highway workers etc....

I dont go to Walmart, they have crappy products, poor service and low pay employees. WHY do you go there?

Clearly he enjoys exploiting the poor slobs who work there.
Public sector workers provide services such as teaching our children, protecting our citizens, maintaining our roads, and fighting fires. They pay taxes. With their paychecks they buy goods and services which fuel our economy.

Sure, not everyone can work for the government. We need a private sector. However i grow tired of the mantra that government workers produce nothing.

If you are printing money,borrowing money or taking more taxes from those who produce and use it to make a job for someone that is just moving money around.:eusa_shhh:

Those who WORK in public sector jobs are providing services and also paying taxes so your characterization of those who produce vs. those who just move money around is inaccurate. As far as just moving money around goes, that is a very powerful force.

They are paying tax dollars with our tax dollars. I dont get why you left insist they produce anything, they dont produce anything to be sold to China or Canada and bring new money in.
The problem is, slick....that the people who ACTUALLY DO the producing aren't getting paid diddly squat. That lowers the tax base in a huge way...and THAT'S why we can't "afford" them....but hey....keep voting for the clowns who sent the jobs away and blame the disaffected for their own poverty... meanwhile the Conglomerate pulls a bait and switch on you and you're to damned dumb and stubborn to realize it.

Who do you REALLY think that our tax dollars are subsidizing? The working poor, who....according to right wing propaganda are just too lazy to get a better job, or the businesses that pay those shitty wages that they KNOW aren't sustainable....once again....because they KNOW that we aren't going to let them be hungry and homeless.

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Same when you fill up next time at the gas station. Add all those tax breaks, oil subsidies, farm subsidies ( ethanol), and the cost of keeping those OPEC countries stable....economists have estimated that our true cost of a gallon of gas is about $14....another great deal, huh?

But do go on about how we can't "afford" teachers, cops, firefighters, highway workers etc....

So...the next time your at Walmart, when you pay your bill....mentally add the cost of food stamps, Medicaid, and subsidized housing to your bill and remember what a great deal your getting.

Exactly! We must put WalMart out of business and destroy all their jobs!

That'll reduce the money spent on food stamps.

Putting Walmart out of business will mean:
Number of locations 8,970 property tax revenue gone.
revenues 2012 $446 billion
2.2 million employees at Average $30,000 plus Employer SS/medicare tax at 13% or $8.58 billion in payroll taxes
net profit $15 billion at 20% tax on profit or $3 billion a year in federal taxes and equal amount in state/local taxes.

So yea put them out of business.. 2.2 million unemployed at $300/week for 99 weeks another $65.3 billion coming from unemployment benefits.

Right put them out of business and who pays all the above to make up the difference???

The liberals who don't understand math or economics will figure something out.
If you are printing money,borrowing money or taking more taxes from those who produce and use it to make a job for someone that is just moving money around.:eusa_shhh:

Those who WORK in public sector jobs are providing services and also paying taxes so your characterization of those who produce vs. those who just move money around is inaccurate. As far as just moving money around goes, that is a very powerful force.

They are paying tax dollars with our tax dollars. I dont get why you left insist they produce anything, they dont produce anything to be sold to China or Canada and bring new money in.
I don't get how they insist that they pay taxes too.
Reagan added government jobs during his recession. He also kept funding open to the states, since Washington can borrow at low interest rates. By contrast, Obama was forced to cut government jobs and cut-off the states, forcing them to layoff cops, teachers and fire fighters. Reagan understood that if you cut jobs, you are removing consumers from the economy - which would result in more job loss. Reagan was also a huge Keynesian when it came to the expansion of credit to consumers. Look at household debt starting in the 80s and it will blow your mind. Bush lost two major sectors on his watch - housing and finance. Can you imagine what would have happened to the Republican Party if Obama fixed it? They had to cut off anything that would have helped the economy, including tools that were made available to Reagan.
Reagan added government jobs during his recession. He also kept funding open to the states, since Washington can borrow at low interest rates. By contrast, Obama was forced to cut government jobs and cut-off the states, forcing them to layoff cops, teachers and fire fighters. Reagan understood that if you cut jobs, you are removing consumers from the economy - which would result in more job loss. Reagan was also a huge Keynesian when it came to the expansion of credit to consumers. Look at household debt starting in the 80s and it will blow your mind. Bush lost two major sectors on his watch - housing and finance. Can you imagine what would have happened to the Republican Party if Obama fixed it? They had to cut off anything that would have helped the economy, including tools that were made available to Reagan.

Obama did not cut a single job. There are more federal workers today than ever before.
Reagan also lowered tax rates and simplified the tax code. He also had little expansion in the CFR.

Is that simple enough for you?

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