The Lost Generation


Active Member
Jun 14, 2017
20-20 used to mean perfect vision, but the way things are shaping up 2020 is promising to be the dark ages. The United States became the leader of the free world by default. It evolved into a manufacturing giant, with capacity far beyond need, because Europe was hell bent on destroying itself in the 30's and 40's.

But the generations after that declined into a narcissistic privileged society with equality for all. Our differences became categories for classification, and rectification when perceived as unfair or limiting. Society began to demand instant gratification and elimination of hierarchy. Exceptionalism became a shameful privilege, and success was called greedy and indulgent. (With the exception of Entertainment of course.)

People insisted that the majority change their lifestyle to a level that included those who were denied by nature the physical capability to perform certain functions, insisting they be included, such as women as Navy seals, or handicapped accessibility, or Gay Marriage. Society is expected to accommodate the misfit, instead of teaching or enabling the misfit to perform in society.

So here we are today where a liberal college reporter see's himself as equal to the POTUS and dedicated Military professionals. Every act is judged by motivation instead of intent and effect. Every event is depicted not as evolved, but for evidence of failure. Negativism has replaced hope and change.

The result can only be totalitarianism and constant observation by cyber spies in our computers, smart phones and household appliances.

WHY? What are the misconceptions or delusions that make our social slavery inevitable?

  1. The Glass ceiling. The idea that women are somehow being prevented from being equal to men, by an invisible barrier that no one can define or identify instead of natural limitations.
Throughout history there have been powerful women who as INDIVIDUALS have had the talent and foresight to lead. But past achievements by women are ignored, and lesser qualified candidates should be promoted because of what is between their legs, as opposed to ability.

  1. Racial Bias. So called White privilege prevents a person of color from achieving their potential!
This persists in spite of the fact that a Black President was elected, and then, re elected by a white majority. The successful minority professionals are ignored in favor of Ghetto Dwellers and losers who demand government provide for them, because of past discrimination. Racists come in all colors.

  1. Immigration. America was built by people from around the world, who wanted to live a life free from Royalty and government intrusion.
But Muslim's are different! Oh my God Islamophobia. Not so!I had friends and family members who were Muslims and adapted their belief to the American way of life. They maintained their belief, while modifying its practice to the laws and customs of their adopted country.

There is a movement fostered by Muslim extremists to colonize any western country that will accept them. Social benefits make menial work unnecessary, so they have time to attend schools and be politically active. They want to change the host country to Sharia, and force compliance to their traditions. They live in enclaves where no host country national is allowed to venture. This group is infected with jihadist's wanting to die and take as many non Muslims with them as they can. Europe once fought the Moorish invasions, but now accepts them as a humanitarian gesture.

  1. Illegal Aliens. Different from Immigration because they are primarily poor people who want a better life, and are willing to work for it.
Many of these would be happy to come to America for a limited time to work, and then return to their home country and live off the money earned. But government stupidity in conjunction with labor unions and prejudice make this impossible. Guest workers are slowly being integrated into the seasonal workforce, but it is difficult and many farmers are turning to crops that can be harvested mechanically, such as Almonds, potatoes, and grains. Ironically, America cannot feed itself, where once American Farmers were the envy of the world.

  1. 5. Profiling. Instead of concentrating on the group that is causing the problem; law enforcement must treat everyone the same.
This results in everyone losing freedom. And perpetrators can hide in the crowd. Because there are a few exceptions that don't fit the profile, it is deemed correct that all people be treated the same. That means that all people must be limited in their actions.


In America

So as people take to the streets destroying property to get attention, like petulant children, solutions to problems are abandoned in favor of winning the ideological argument. This can be likened to the crew of a ship at sea blowing holes in the hull, because they don't like the Captain.

This is why I call it the lost generation. If the media and the Left (redundant) have their way, solutions to problems can only come from the left, and the left are only offering arguments and resistance. Progress is lost in the battle for ideological supremacy. It is my way, or no way!

In Europe.

Educated and tolerant Muslims stay home and enjoy the wealth of petroleum they had nothing to do with developing. Perhaps they are happy that their misfits are going to Europe? Like the West shipping their waste to Africa for recycling.
I think the problem is Europe has lost it's identity. German pride has been crushed, British tradition has been lost, French savoir fare has gone. The love of life has been replaced with malaise.

The EU has turned proud peoples into a copy of United States, but with socialist philosophy. Kinda like if Bernie Sanders had won POTUS..
Europe makes the finest cars in the world, the best food, and Science.
China makes it cheaper, but Europe makes it better! Like a Swiss watch!
If individual European countries go back to being themselves, the world will be a better place!

One America is enough. One world is too much!

So how can we break this cycle of destruction?

  1. Trump was not my first choice, but he was elected President. Help him in any way you can. Help your country. It is the only one you have! Belittling the government, and obstructing every action only makes the world see USA as no longer worthy of respect.

  2. Form a real opposition party that can modify the current administration short comings, and demand changes that benefit the forgotten minority.

  3. Respect ALL members of our society and accept difference as Human identity.

  4. Submit to Authority, but work within the system to change the system when necessary!

  5. Understand that we can only succeed if America succeeds.

  6. The Trump administration is America for at least 3.5 more years. Accept it and make it as good as it can be.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

  8. We are all Americans! If you defeat those who think differently, you are defeating your own countrymen.

  9. The world is a very dangerous place. People of good will must work together to defeat those who would take by force what was built by those who came before us!

  10. Trump came, and Trump will go. Lets work together to make the transition the best it can be.

Do I expect any of this to change the future? HELL NO. Not without a fight! Will the sun come out tomorrow? Will it have the face of TRUMP?
Social engineering has to be undone before any leftist lunatics understand what is going on and why.
It's hard for the those in love with a dictator Government to see how the past Presidents lead them right into the pits of hell and they don't even know it. Trump is trying to get us out of it . They fear what they don't know and letting go of a Bill Ayres past is scary for those raised under it. So they can only see Trump as everything his is not. Everything Obama was and is , their Bill Ayres training has them pinning it all on Trump making him to be this so called dictator and he's anything but. Who knows maybe we will have to go under that rule just to undo these lunatics and all they've done to society.
Social engineering has to be undone before any leftist lunatics understand what is going on and why.
It's hard for the those in love with a dictator Government to see how the past Presidents lead them right into the pits of hell and they don't even know it. Trump is trying to get us out of it . They fear what they don't know and letting go of a Bill Ayres past is scary for those raised under it. So they can only see Trump as everything his is not. Everything Obama was and is , their Bill Ayres training has them pinning it all on Trump making him to be this so called dictator and he's anything but. Who knows maybe we will have to go under that rule just to undo these lunatics and all they've done to society.

Yes. This is the Bill Ayres generation. The radicals from the 70's are now University Professors, their children are school teachers, their Politics is all "Don't trust anyone over 30." The Democratic Party has been destroyed by these radicals.
Little do these zombies realize it , but by the time they are done making all the wrongs right and all the rights wrong there is one last thing saved on the list there is a reason the loons have gone crazy allowing all this tranny bs, gay bs, i'm no gender bs, as the list gets bigger the next move legalizing child molesters.

Why or how because it will be filtered in with " It's their right" , they were born that way. It is already being put before the public as " they aren't bad people". The social engineering to accept it is already being pumped out into the mmm , the internet ect.

A few years ago Cali. already tried it, it failed lol.
20-20 used to mean perfect vision, but the way things are shaping up 2020 is promising to be the dark ages. The United States became the leader of the free world by default. It evolved into a manufacturing giant, with capacity far beyond need, because Europe was hell bent on destroying itself in the 30's and 40's.

But the generations after that declined into a narcissistic privileged society with equality for all. Our differences became categories for classification, and rectification when perceived as unfair or limiting. Society began to demand instant gratification and elimination of hierarchy. Exceptionalism became a shameful privilege, and success was called greedy and indulgent. (With the exception of Entertainment of course.)

People insisted that the majority change their lifestyle to a level that included those who were denied by nature the physical capability to perform certain functions, insisting they be included, such as women as Navy seals, or handicapped accessibility, or Gay Marriage. Society is expected to accommodate the misfit, instead of teaching or enabling the misfit to perform in society.

So here we are today where a liberal college reporter see's himself as equal to the POTUS and dedicated Military professionals. Every act is judged by motivation instead of intent and effect. Every event is depicted not as evolved, but for evidence of failure. Negativism has replaced hope and change.

The result can only be totalitarianism and constant observation by cyber spies in our computers, smart phones and household appliances.

WHY? What are the misconceptions or delusions that make our social slavery inevitable?

  1. The Glass ceiling. The idea that women are somehow being prevented from being equal to men, by an invisible barrier that no one can define or identify instead of natural limitations.
Throughout history there have been powerful women who as INDIVIDUALS have had the talent and foresight to lead. But past achievements by women are ignored, and lesser qualified candidates should be promoted because of what is between their legs, as opposed to ability.

  1. Racial Bias. So called White privilege prevents a person of color from achieving their potential!
This persists in spite of the fact that a Black President was elected, and then, re elected by a white majority. The successful minority professionals are ignored in favor of Ghetto Dwellers and losers who demand government provide for them, because of past discrimination. Racists come in all colors.

  1. Immigration. America was built by people from around the world, who wanted to live a life free from Royalty and government intrusion.
But Muslim's are different! Oh my God Islamophobia. Not so!I had friends and family members who were Muslims and adapted their belief to the American way of life. They maintained their belief, while modifying its practice to the laws and customs of their adopted country.

There is a movement fostered by Muslim extremists to colonize any western country that will accept them. Social benefits make menial work unnecessary, so they have time to attend schools and be politically active. They want to change the host country to Sharia, and force compliance to their traditions. They live in enclaves where no host country national is allowed to venture. This group is infected with jihadist's wanting to die and take as many non Muslims with them as they can. Europe once fought the Moorish invasions, but now accepts them as a humanitarian gesture.

  1. Illegal Aliens. Different from Immigration because they are primarily poor people who want a better life, and are willing to work for it.
Many of these would be happy to come to America for a limited time to work, and then return to their home country and live off the money earned. But government stupidity in conjunction with labor unions and prejudice make this impossible. Guest workers are slowly being integrated into the seasonal workforce, but it is difficult and many farmers are turning to crops that can be harvested mechanically, such as Almonds, potatoes, and grains. Ironically, America cannot feed itself, where once American Farmers were the envy of the world.

  1. 5. Profiling. Instead of concentrating on the group that is causing the problem; law enforcement must treat everyone the same.
This results in everyone losing freedom. And perpetrators can hide in the crowd. Because there are a few exceptions that don't fit the profile, it is deemed correct that all people be treated the same. That means that all people must be limited in their actions.


In America

So as people take to the streets destroying property to get attention, like petulant children, solutions to problems are abandoned in favor of winning the ideological argument. This can be likened to the crew of a ship at sea blowing holes in the hull, because they don't like the Captain.

This is why I call it the lost generation. If the media and the Left (redundant) have their way, solutions to problems can only come from the left, and the left are only offering arguments and resistance. Progress is lost in the battle for ideological supremacy. It is my way, or no way!

In Europe.

Educated and tolerant Muslims stay home and enjoy the wealth of petroleum they had nothing to do with developing. Perhaps they are happy that their misfits are going to Europe? Like the West shipping their waste to Africa for recycling.
I think the problem is Europe has lost it's identity. German pride has been crushed, British tradition has been lost, French savoir fare has gone. The love of life has been replaced with malaise.

The EU has turned proud peoples into a copy of United States, but with socialist philosophy. Kinda like if Bernie Sanders had won POTUS..
Europe makes the finest cars in the world, the best food, and Science.
China makes it cheaper, but Europe makes it better! Like a Swiss watch!
If individual European countries go back to being themselves, the world will be a better place!

One America is enough. One world is too much!

So how can we break this cycle of destruction?

  1. Trump was not my first choice, but he was elected President. Help him in any way you can. Help your country. It is the only one you have! Belittling the government, and obstructing every action only makes the world see USA as no longer worthy of respect.

  2. Form a real opposition party that can modify the current administration short comings, and demand changes that benefit the forgotten minority.

  3. Respect ALL members of our society and accept difference as Human identity.

  4. Submit to Authority, but work within the system to change the system when necessary!

  5. Understand that we can only succeed if America succeeds.

  6. The Trump administration is America for at least 3.5 more years. Accept it and make it as good as it can be.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

  8. We are all Americans! If you defeat those who think differently, you are defeating your own countrymen.

  9. The world is a very dangerous place. People of good will must work together to defeat those who would take by force what was built by those who came before us!

  10. Trump came, and Trump will go. Lets work together to make the transition the best it can be.

Do I expect any of this to change the future? HELL NO. Not without a fight! Will the sun come out tomorrow? Will it have the face of TRUMP?

I got lost reading this.
20-20 used to mean perfect vision, but the way things are shaping up 2020 is promising to be the dark ages. The United States became the leader of the free world by default. It evolved into a manufacturing giant, with capacity far beyond need, because Europe was hell bent on destroying itself in the 30's and 40's.

But the generations after that declined into a narcissistic privileged society with equality for all. Our differences became categories for classification, and rectification when perceived as unfair or limiting. Society began to demand instant gratification and elimination of hierarchy. Exceptionalism became a shameful privilege, and success was called greedy and indulgent. (With the exception of Entertainment of course.)

People insisted that the majority change their lifestyle to a level that included those who were denied by nature the physical capability to perform certain functions, insisting they be included, such as women as Navy seals, or handicapped accessibility, or Gay Marriage. Society is expected to accommodate the misfit, instead of teaching or enabling the misfit to perform in society.

So here we are today where a liberal college reporter see's himself as equal to the POTUS and dedicated Military professionals. Every act is judged by motivation instead of intent and effect. Every event is depicted not as evolved, but for evidence of failure. Negativism has replaced hope and change.

The result can only be totalitarianism and constant observation by cyber spies in our computers, smart phones and household appliances.

WHY? What are the misconceptions or delusions that make our social slavery inevitable?

  1. The Glass ceiling. The idea that women are somehow being prevented from being equal to men, by an invisible barrier that no one can define or identify instead of natural limitations.
Throughout history there have been powerful women who as INDIVIDUALS have had the talent and foresight to lead. But past achievements by women are ignored, and lesser qualified candidates should be promoted because of what is between their legs, as opposed to ability.

  1. Racial Bias. So called White privilege prevents a person of color from achieving their potential!
This persists in spite of the fact that a Black President was elected, and then, re elected by a white majority. The successful minority professionals are ignored in favor of Ghetto Dwellers and losers who demand government provide for them, because of past discrimination. Racists come in all colors.

  1. Immigration. America was built by people from around the world, who wanted to live a life free from Royalty and government intrusion.
But Muslim's are different! Oh my God Islamophobia. Not so!I had friends and family members who were Muslims and adapted their belief to the American way of life. They maintained their belief, while modifying its practice to the laws and customs of their adopted country.

There is a movement fostered by Muslim extremists to colonize any western country that will accept them. Social benefits make menial work unnecessary, so they have time to attend schools and be politically active. They want to change the host country to Sharia, and force compliance to their traditions. They live in enclaves where no host country national is allowed to venture. This group is infected with jihadist's wanting to die and take as many non Muslims with them as they can. Europe once fought the Moorish invasions, but now accepts them as a humanitarian gesture.

  1. Illegal Aliens. Different from Immigration because they are primarily poor people who want a better life, and are willing to work for it.
Many of these would be happy to come to America for a limited time to work, and then return to their home country and live off the money earned. But government stupidity in conjunction with labor unions and prejudice make this impossible. Guest workers are slowly being integrated into the seasonal workforce, but it is difficult and many farmers are turning to crops that can be harvested mechanically, such as Almonds, potatoes, and grains. Ironically, America cannot feed itself, where once American Farmers were the envy of the world.

  1. 5. Profiling. Instead of concentrating on the group that is causing the problem; law enforcement must treat everyone the same.
This results in everyone losing freedom. And perpetrators can hide in the crowd. Because there are a few exceptions that don't fit the profile, it is deemed correct that all people be treated the same. That means that all people must be limited in their actions.


In America

So as people take to the streets destroying property to get attention, like petulant children, solutions to problems are abandoned in favor of winning the ideological argument. This can be likened to the crew of a ship at sea blowing holes in the hull, because they don't like the Captain.

This is why I call it the lost generation. If the media and the Left (redundant) have their way, solutions to problems can only come from the left, and the left are only offering arguments and resistance. Progress is lost in the battle for ideological supremacy. It is my way, or no way!

In Europe.

Educated and tolerant Muslims stay home and enjoy the wealth of petroleum they had nothing to do with developing. Perhaps they are happy that their misfits are going to Europe? Like the West shipping their waste to Africa for recycling.
I think the problem is Europe has lost it's identity. German pride has been crushed, British tradition has been lost, French savoir fare has gone. The love of life has been replaced with malaise.

The EU has turned proud peoples into a copy of United States, but with socialist philosophy. Kinda like if Bernie Sanders had won POTUS..
Europe makes the finest cars in the world, the best food, and Science.
China makes it cheaper, but Europe makes it better! Like a Swiss watch!
If individual European countries go back to being themselves, the world will be a better place!

One America is enough. One world is too much!

So how can we break this cycle of destruction?

  1. Trump was not my first choice, but he was elected President. Help him in any way you can. Help your country. It is the only one you have! Belittling the government, and obstructing every action only makes the world see USA as no longer worthy of respect.

  2. Form a real opposition party that can modify the current administration short comings, and demand changes that benefit the forgotten minority.

  3. Respect ALL members of our society and accept difference as Human identity.

  4. Submit to Authority, but work within the system to change the system when necessary!

  5. Understand that we can only succeed if America succeeds.

  6. The Trump administration is America for at least 3.5 more years. Accept it and make it as good as it can be.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

  8. We are all Americans! If you defeat those who think differently, you are defeating your own countrymen.

  9. The world is a very dangerous place. People of good will must work together to defeat those who would take by force what was built by those who came before us!

  10. Trump came, and Trump will go. Lets work together to make the transition the best it can be.

Do I expect any of this to change the future? HELL NO. Not without a fight! Will the sun come out tomorrow? Will it have the face of TRUMP?
and yet you ran from this country
Little do these zombies realize it , but by the time they are done making all the wrongs right and all the rights wrong there is one last thing saved on the list there is a reason the loons have gone crazy allowing all this tranny bs, gay bs, i'm no gender bs, as the list gets bigger the next move legalizing child molesters.

Why or how because it will be filtered in with " It's their right" , they were born that way. It is already being put before the public as " they aren't bad people". The social engineering to accept it is already being pumped out into the mmm , the internet ect.

A few years ago Cali. already tried it, it failed lol.
Most states have already legalized child Molestation, and participate and promote it. They call it GAY ADOPTION. They give two Gay men a little boy or two to play with. Women get little girls. Why is it that Gay men always adopt Boys, and gay women girls?
20-20 used to mean perfect vision, but the way things are shaping up 2020 is promising to be the dark ages. The United States became the leader of the free world by default. It evolved into a manufacturing giant, with capacity far beyond need, because Europe was hell bent on destroying itself in the 30's and 40's.

But the generations after that declined into a narcissistic privileged society with equality for all. Our differences became categories for classification, and rectification when perceived as unfair or limiting. Society began to demand instant gratification and elimination of hierarchy. Exceptionalism became a shameful privilege, and success was called greedy and indulgent. (With the exception of Entertainment of course.)

People insisted that the majority change their lifestyle to a level that included those who were denied by nature the physical capability to perform certain functions, insisting they be included, such as women as Navy seals, or handicapped accessibility, or Gay Marriage. Society is expected to accommodate the misfit, instead of teaching or enabling the misfit to perform in society.

So here we are today where a liberal college reporter see's himself as equal to the POTUS and dedicated Military professionals. Every act is judged by motivation instead of intent and effect. Every event is depicted not as evolved, but for evidence of failure. Negativism has replaced hope and change.

The result can only be totalitarianism and constant observation by cyber spies in our computers, smart phones and household appliances.

WHY? What are the misconceptions or delusions that make our social slavery inevitable?

  1. The Glass ceiling. The idea that women are somehow being prevented from being equal to men, by an invisible barrier that no one can define or identify instead of natural limitations.
Throughout history there have been powerful women who as INDIVIDUALS have had the talent and foresight to lead. But past achievements by women are ignored, and lesser qualified candidates should be promoted because of what is between their legs, as opposed to ability.

  1. Racial Bias. So called White privilege prevents a person of color from achieving their potential!
This persists in spite of the fact that a Black President was elected, and then, re elected by a white majority. The successful minority professionals are ignored in favor of Ghetto Dwellers and losers who demand government provide for them, because of past discrimination. Racists come in all colors.

  1. Immigration. America was built by people from around the world, who wanted to live a life free from Royalty and government intrusion.
But Muslim's are different! Oh my God Islamophobia. Not so!I had friends and family members who were Muslims and adapted their belief to the American way of life. They maintained their belief, while modifying its practice to the laws and customs of their adopted country.

There is a movement fostered by Muslim extremists to colonize any western country that will accept them. Social benefits make menial work unnecessary, so they have time to attend schools and be politically active. They want to change the host country to Sharia, and force compliance to their traditions. They live in enclaves where no host country national is allowed to venture. This group is infected with jihadist's wanting to die and take as many non Muslims with them as they can. Europe once fought the Moorish invasions, but now accepts them as a humanitarian gesture.

  1. Illegal Aliens. Different from Immigration because they are primarily poor people who want a better life, and are willing to work for it.
Many of these would be happy to come to America for a limited time to work, and then return to their home country and live off the money earned. But government stupidity in conjunction with labor unions and prejudice make this impossible. Guest workers are slowly being integrated into the seasonal workforce, but it is difficult and many farmers are turning to crops that can be harvested mechanically, such as Almonds, potatoes, and grains. Ironically, America cannot feed itself, where once American Farmers were the envy of the world.

  1. 5. Profiling. Instead of concentrating on the group that is causing the problem; law enforcement must treat everyone the same.
This results in everyone losing freedom. And perpetrators can hide in the crowd. Because there are a few exceptions that don't fit the profile, it is deemed correct that all people be treated the same. That means that all people must be limited in their actions.


In America

So as people take to the streets destroying property to get attention, like petulant children, solutions to problems are abandoned in favor of winning the ideological argument. This can be likened to the crew of a ship at sea blowing holes in the hull, because they don't like the Captain.

This is why I call it the lost generation. If the media and the Left (redundant) have their way, solutions to problems can only come from the left, and the left are only offering arguments and resistance. Progress is lost in the battle for ideological supremacy. It is my way, or no way!

In Europe.

Educated and tolerant Muslims stay home and enjoy the wealth of petroleum they had nothing to do with developing. Perhaps they are happy that their misfits are going to Europe? Like the West shipping their waste to Africa for recycling.
I think the problem is Europe has lost it's identity. German pride has been crushed, British tradition has been lost, French savoir fare has gone. The love of life has been replaced with malaise.

The EU has turned proud peoples into a copy of United States, but with socialist philosophy. Kinda like if Bernie Sanders had won POTUS..
Europe makes the finest cars in the world, the best food, and Science.
China makes it cheaper, but Europe makes it better! Like a Swiss watch!
If individual European countries go back to being themselves, the world will be a better place!

One America is enough. One world is too much!

So how can we break this cycle of destruction?

  1. Trump was not my first choice, but he was elected President. Help him in any way you can. Help your country. It is the only one you have! Belittling the government, and obstructing every action only makes the world see USA as no longer worthy of respect.

  2. Form a real opposition party that can modify the current administration short comings, and demand changes that benefit the forgotten minority.

  3. Respect ALL members of our society and accept difference as Human identity.

  4. Submit to Authority, but work within the system to change the system when necessary!

  5. Understand that we can only succeed if America succeeds.

  6. The Trump administration is America for at least 3.5 more years. Accept it and make it as good as it can be.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

  8. We are all Americans! If you defeat those who think differently, you are defeating your own countrymen.

  9. The world is a very dangerous place. People of good will must work together to defeat those who would take by force what was built by those who came before us!

  10. Trump came, and Trump will go. Lets work together to make the transition the best it can be.

Do I expect any of this to change the future? HELL NO. Not without a fight! Will the sun come out tomorrow? Will it have the face of TRUMP?

I got lost reading this.
It is not easy to summarize convoluted social events. I tried to offer some food for thought.
20-20 used to mean perfect vision, but the way things are shaping up 2020 is promising to be the dark ages. The United States became the leader of the free world by default. It evolved into a manufacturing giant, with capacity far beyond need, because Europe was hell bent on destroying itself in the 30's and 40's.

But the generations after that declined into a narcissistic privileged society with equality for all. Our differences became categories for classification, and rectification when perceived as unfair or limiting. Society began to demand instant gratification and elimination of hierarchy. Exceptionalism became a shameful privilege, and success was called greedy and indulgent. (With the exception of Entertainment of course.)

People insisted that the majority change their lifestyle to a level that included those who were denied by nature the physical capability to perform certain functions, insisting they be included, such as women as Navy seals, or handicapped accessibility, or Gay Marriage. Society is expected to accommodate the misfit, instead of teaching or enabling the misfit to perform in society.

So here we are today where a liberal college reporter see's himself as equal to the POTUS and dedicated Military professionals. Every act is judged by motivation instead of intent and effect. Every event is depicted not as evolved, but for evidence of failure. Negativism has replaced hope and change.

The result can only be totalitarianism and constant observation by cyber spies in our computers, smart phones and household appliances.

WHY? What are the misconceptions or delusions that make our social slavery inevitable?

  1. The Glass ceiling. The idea that women are somehow being prevented from being equal to men, by an invisible barrier that no one can define or identify instead of natural limitations.
Throughout history there have been powerful women who as INDIVIDUALS have had the talent and foresight to lead. But past achievements by women are ignored, and lesser qualified candidates should be promoted because of what is between their legs, as opposed to ability.

  1. Racial Bias. So called White privilege prevents a person of color from achieving their potential!
This persists in spite of the fact that a Black President was elected, and then, re elected by a white majority. The successful minority professionals are ignored in favor of Ghetto Dwellers and losers who demand government provide for them, because of past discrimination. Racists come in all colors.

  1. Immigration. America was built by people from around the world, who wanted to live a life free from Royalty and government intrusion.
But Muslim's are different! Oh my God Islamophobia. Not so!I had friends and family members who were Muslims and adapted their belief to the American way of life. They maintained their belief, while modifying its practice to the laws and customs of their adopted country.

There is a movement fostered by Muslim extremists to colonize any western country that will accept them. Social benefits make menial work unnecessary, so they have time to attend schools and be politically active. They want to change the host country to Sharia, and force compliance to their traditions. They live in enclaves where no host country national is allowed to venture. This group is infected with jihadist's wanting to die and take as many non Muslims with them as they can. Europe once fought the Moorish invasions, but now accepts them as a humanitarian gesture.

  1. Illegal Aliens. Different from Immigration because they are primarily poor people who want a better life, and are willing to work for it.
Many of these would be happy to come to America for a limited time to work, and then return to their home country and live off the money earned. But government stupidity in conjunction with labor unions and prejudice make this impossible. Guest workers are slowly being integrated into the seasonal workforce, but it is difficult and many farmers are turning to crops that can be harvested mechanically, such as Almonds, potatoes, and grains. Ironically, America cannot feed itself, where once American Farmers were the envy of the world.

  1. 5. Profiling. Instead of concentrating on the group that is causing the problem; law enforcement must treat everyone the same.
This results in everyone losing freedom. And perpetrators can hide in the crowd. Because there are a few exceptions that don't fit the profile, it is deemed correct that all people be treated the same. That means that all people must be limited in their actions.


In America

So as people take to the streets destroying property to get attention, like petulant children, solutions to problems are abandoned in favor of winning the ideological argument. This can be likened to the crew of a ship at sea blowing holes in the hull, because they don't like the Captain.

This is why I call it the lost generation. If the media and the Left (redundant) have their way, solutions to problems can only come from the left, and the left are only offering arguments and resistance. Progress is lost in the battle for ideological supremacy. It is my way, or no way!

In Europe.

Educated and tolerant Muslims stay home and enjoy the wealth of petroleum they had nothing to do with developing. Perhaps they are happy that their misfits are going to Europe? Like the West shipping their waste to Africa for recycling.
I think the problem is Europe has lost it's identity. German pride has been crushed, British tradition has been lost, French savoir fare has gone. The love of life has been replaced with malaise.

The EU has turned proud peoples into a copy of United States, but with socialist philosophy. Kinda like if Bernie Sanders had won POTUS..
Europe makes the finest cars in the world, the best food, and Science.
China makes it cheaper, but Europe makes it better! Like a Swiss watch!
If individual European countries go back to being themselves, the world will be a better place!

One America is enough. One world is too much!

So how can we break this cycle of destruction?

  1. Trump was not my first choice, but he was elected President. Help him in any way you can. Help your country. It is the only one you have! Belittling the government, and obstructing every action only makes the world see USA as no longer worthy of respect.

  2. Form a real opposition party that can modify the current administration short comings, and demand changes that benefit the forgotten minority.

  3. Respect ALL members of our society and accept difference as Human identity.

  4. Submit to Authority, but work within the system to change the system when necessary!

  5. Understand that we can only succeed if America succeeds.

  6. The Trump administration is America for at least 3.5 more years. Accept it and make it as good as it can be.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

  8. We are all Americans! If you defeat those who think differently, you are defeating your own countrymen.

  9. The world is a very dangerous place. People of good will must work together to defeat those who would take by force what was built by those who came before us!

  10. Trump came, and Trump will go. Lets work together to make the transition the best it can be.

Do I expect any of this to change the future? HELL NO. Not without a fight! Will the sun come out tomorrow? Will it have the face of TRUMP?
and yet you ran from this country
I guess you didn't read #7.
20-20 used to mean perfect vision, but the way things are shaping up 2020 is promising to be the dark ages. The United States became the leader of the free world by default. It evolved into a manufacturing giant, with capacity far beyond need, because Europe was hell bent on destroying itself in the 30's and 40's.

But the generations after that declined into a narcissistic privileged society with equality for all. Our differences became categories for classification, and rectification when perceived as unfair or limiting. Society began to demand instant gratification and elimination of hierarchy. Exceptionalism became a shameful privilege, and success was called greedy and indulgent. (With the exception of Entertainment of course.)

People insisted that the majority change their lifestyle to a level that included those who were denied by nature the physical capability to perform certain functions, insisting they be included, such as women as Navy seals, or handicapped accessibility, or Gay Marriage. Society is expected to accommodate the misfit, instead of teaching or enabling the misfit to perform in society.

So here we are today where a liberal college reporter see's himself as equal to the POTUS and dedicated Military professionals. Every act is judged by motivation instead of intent and effect. Every event is depicted not as evolved, but for evidence of failure. Negativism has replaced hope and change.

The result can only be totalitarianism and constant observation by cyber spies in our computers, smart phones and household appliances.

WHY? What are the misconceptions or delusions that make our social slavery inevitable?

  1. The Glass ceiling. The idea that women are somehow being prevented from being equal to men, by an invisible barrier that no one can define or identify instead of natural limitations.
Throughout history there have been powerful women who as INDIVIDUALS have had the talent and foresight to lead. But past achievements by women are ignored, and lesser qualified candidates should be promoted because of what is between their legs, as opposed to ability.

  1. Racial Bias. So called White privilege prevents a person of color from achieving their potential!
This persists in spite of the fact that a Black President was elected, and then, re elected by a white majority. The successful minority professionals are ignored in favor of Ghetto Dwellers and losers who demand government provide for them, because of past discrimination. Racists come in all colors.

  1. Immigration. America was built by people from around the world, who wanted to live a life free from Royalty and government intrusion.
But Muslim's are different! Oh my God Islamophobia. Not so!I had friends and family members who were Muslims and adapted their belief to the American way of life. They maintained their belief, while modifying its practice to the laws and customs of their adopted country.

There is a movement fostered by Muslim extremists to colonize any western country that will accept them. Social benefits make menial work unnecessary, so they have time to attend schools and be politically active. They want to change the host country to Sharia, and force compliance to their traditions. They live in enclaves where no host country national is allowed to venture. This group is infected with jihadist's wanting to die and take as many non Muslims with them as they can. Europe once fought the Moorish invasions, but now accepts them as a humanitarian gesture.

  1. Illegal Aliens. Different from Immigration because they are primarily poor people who want a better life, and are willing to work for it.
Many of these would be happy to come to America for a limited time to work, and then return to their home country and live off the money earned. But government stupidity in conjunction with labor unions and prejudice make this impossible. Guest workers are slowly being integrated into the seasonal workforce, but it is difficult and many farmers are turning to crops that can be harvested mechanically, such as Almonds, potatoes, and grains. Ironically, America cannot feed itself, where once American Farmers were the envy of the world.

  1. 5. Profiling. Instead of concentrating on the group that is causing the problem; law enforcement must treat everyone the same.
This results in everyone losing freedom. And perpetrators can hide in the crowd. Because there are a few exceptions that don't fit the profile, it is deemed correct that all people be treated the same. That means that all people must be limited in their actions.


In America

So as people take to the streets destroying property to get attention, like petulant children, solutions to problems are abandoned in favor of winning the ideological argument. This can be likened to the crew of a ship at sea blowing holes in the hull, because they don't like the Captain.

This is why I call it the lost generation. If the media and the Left (redundant) have their way, solutions to problems can only come from the left, and the left are only offering arguments and resistance. Progress is lost in the battle for ideological supremacy. It is my way, or no way!

In Europe.

Educated and tolerant Muslims stay home and enjoy the wealth of petroleum they had nothing to do with developing. Perhaps they are happy that their misfits are going to Europe? Like the West shipping their waste to Africa for recycling.
I think the problem is Europe has lost it's identity. German pride has been crushed, British tradition has been lost, French savoir fare has gone. The love of life has been replaced with malaise.

The EU has turned proud peoples into a copy of United States, but with socialist philosophy. Kinda like if Bernie Sanders had won POTUS..
Europe makes the finest cars in the world, the best food, and Science.
China makes it cheaper, but Europe makes it better! Like a Swiss watch!
If individual European countries go back to being themselves, the world will be a better place!

One America is enough. One world is too much!

So how can we break this cycle of destruction?

  1. Trump was not my first choice, but he was elected President. Help him in any way you can. Help your country. It is the only one you have! Belittling the government, and obstructing every action only makes the world see USA as no longer worthy of respect.

  2. Form a real opposition party that can modify the current administration short comings, and demand changes that benefit the forgotten minority.

  3. Respect ALL members of our society and accept difference as Human identity.

  4. Submit to Authority, but work within the system to change the system when necessary!

  5. Understand that we can only succeed if America succeeds.

  6. The Trump administration is America for at least 3.5 more years. Accept it and make it as good as it can be.

  7. Accept the things you cannot change, change the things you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference.

  8. We are all Americans! If you defeat those who think differently, you are defeating your own countrymen.

  9. The world is a very dangerous place. People of good will must work together to defeat those who would take by force what was built by those who came before us!

  10. Trump came, and Trump will go. Lets work together to make the transition the best it can be.

Do I expect any of this to change the future? HELL NO. Not without a fight! Will the sun come out tomorrow? Will it have the face of TRUMP?
and yet you ran from this country
I HEARD ABOUT COWS WHO STAY IN THE BARN, EVEN WHEN IT WAS ON FIRE. NOW I KNOW A MAN NAMED GUNO WHO IS SO AFRAID OF LIFE HE WILL DIE IN PLACE RATHER THAN FIND A BETTER LIFE. I guess some men let them selves be milked for all they have and are too afraid to leave the master.

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