The Madwoman Resumes Shrieking

I wonder. Will the Democrats permit this? Seems a sure road to early failure.

Permit it? They'll promote it.

I don't think so. I think the Party on the whole has slipped into the Soviet dream, well to the (at least expressed) left of Clinton.

So far the Dems don't have anyone that has half a chance. The Clintons will be able to mold Hillary's behavior to fulfill most of their needs...even though it's all BS.

Indeed, they have nothing to offer.
The Democrats don’t even want her. They preferred Obama and Bernie to her.
Dont look now, but the Cat is getting out of the bag, believe it or not the rumor is that Hillary Clinton is planning to run again in 2020..
And not as "Bag lady of the year" but for the Presidency!

And we thought that Maxine Waters was a bad choice?

Bullshit. Fake New. Fake Post.

Thanks for the link to the fake news story!
Imagine HRC being wheeled around on a cart like Hannibal
Then into a wheel chair like Dr. Strangelove.
I wonder. Will the Democrats permit this? Seems a sure road to early failure.

Permit it? They'll promote it.

get waters as her running mate


That would be a good one. Although Biden is number 2 in the polls...and you know how much they like their polls.


slow joe would be a great choice too


maybe get maxine to be press agent

she will probably get the spot anyhow as the true face of the party

Dont look now, but the Cat is getting out of the bag, believe it or not the rumor is that Hillary Clinton is planning to run again in 2020..
And not as "Bag lady of the year" but for the Presidency!

And we thought that Maxine Waters was a bad choice?

Bullshit. Fake New. Fake Post.

It's an opinion piece asking a question, not a news piece stating a fact. She's not running in 2020. Biden might, she won't.

Biden/Harris 2020
Dont look now, but the Cat is getting out of the bag, believe it or not the rumor is that Hillary Clinton is planning to run again in 2020..
And not as "Bag lady of the year" but for the Presidency!

And we thought that Maxine Waters was a bad choice?

Bullshit. Fake New. Fake Post.

It's an opinion piece asking a question, not a news piece stating a fact. She's not running in 2020. Biden might, she won't.

Biden/Harris 2020
Let's hope Harris doesn't have any pubescent girl children.
In case nobody is looking, democrats are leaderless and incoherent. The pitiful party is thrashing around in the darkness and wondering whether it should come out of the socialist closet or try to continue the smoke and mirrors in the age of information. If it wasn't for the total support of the MSM and Hollywood ,the party would have imploded after the last election. It might fall apart anyway.
Actual Democrat Party Voters had no choice in 2016. The decision was made for them, and the woman who could not even win the nomination on her own was rammed down their throats.

A deal made with Barry, blackmail of top Democrats, calling in favors, making threats, buying the DNC....or a combo of all of it....

I just don't think Hillary can pull it off again....and I doubt Democrats are willing to do all of that for her again.
Actual Democrat Party Voters had no choice in 2016. The decision was made for them, and the woman who could not even win the nomination on her own was rammed down their throats.

A deal made with Barry, blackmail of top Democrats, calling in favors, making threats, buying the DNC....or a combo of all of it....

I just don't think Hillary can pull it off again....and I doubt Democrats are willing to do all of that for her again.

good thing she lost too

or all that would have been even more of those practices would have been more rampant in the government

we would have been a full blown third world country in 4 years

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