The Magnificent Seven (2016 film remake)


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

This is the best western I've seen since maybe Tombstone. About 30 minutes in, I thought the film was about an 8/10. About 1 hour in, I thought I'd give the film a 9/10. When the final battle kicks off around the 1 1/2 hour mark, the film earned a 10/10 from me mainly for action (but also acting and cinematography).

The cinematography, acting, and chemistry between the characters are all top notch. I never felt bored in this movie even during some of the slow parts. Those slow parts make you care about the characters. By the time the final battle arrives, you're invested in what happens to these characters.

Also, the trailer is misleading in terms of the music used. The actual film has a score, and it's a pretty good one too.

This may not be as good of a film as say, Unforgiven, but I'd easily put it up there with Tombstone. The final battle scene comes close to matching the intensity of the opening scene in Saving Private Ryan.

This is easily Fuqua's best movie since Training Day. I can't think of a single instance of bad acting in the movie.

I never saw the original Magnificent Seven, but I do want to watch it. I have seen Seven Samurai, and i own the Criterion Collection version on blu-ray.
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I thought the movie was good, but not great. I am tired of Hollywood putting out movies with extreme violence.
Dooooood. That is not the Magnificent Seven. It is not. :blowup:

It can be the Okie Dokie Seven or, maybe, the Kind of Good Seven. Even the Meh Seven would work here. It's a whole different ballgame.

I almost didn't recognize Vincent D'Onofrio.

But, since the movie was in name only and was way more dramatic, then there were points in it that needed better dialogue and better developed characters. Fantastic cast.

I didn't recognize Vincent D’Onofrio at first.
I thought the movie was good, but not great. I am tired of Hollywood putting out movies with extreme violence.
Would you prefer a western about farming?

But I agree, I wasn't impressed. Last great western I saw was 310 to Yuma.
Before that is was The Unforgiven

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