The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Really? This could also be said:"The Obama's Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with the Republicans

Name just one time where Obama has Negotiated or Compromised on anything?
Seems that he has gotten his way on most everything. If the Republicans did not Negotiate or Compromise explain how Obamacare got passed?

The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008, threw the reckless Republicans out of BOTH houses of the Congress, and the Presidency.

There is NOTHING illegal, unethical, or immoral about laws passed by a majority of one party if that one party holds both houses of the Congress.

Invest in a basic Civics course at your local community college

They had the Majority during Hillary Care too.
The difference was they listened to the majority of the people who did not want it.
This time they passed a health care bill against the majority of the people who did not want it.

By bending the rules and bribing members. Unethical indeed
The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008,

If I remember correctly this thread is about Obama..... Let me remind you that Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009....... So why are you bringing up dates prior to that?
The ObamaCare aka The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and passed in the house on March 21, 2010. It was signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010 and upheld in the supreme court on June 28, 2012.
I believe you have a problem with dates.

The only reason it passed in the Supreme Court was one Justice who changed the mandate to a tax.
The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008,

If I remember correctly this thread is about Obama..... Let me remind you that Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009....... So why are you bringing up dates prior to that?
The ObamaCare aka The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and passed in the house on March 21, 2010. It was signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010 and upheld in the supreme court on June 28, 2012.
I believe you have a problem with dates.

Who passed the PPACA? Democrats elected in 2006 and 2008. It was an utter defeat of tbe GOP. Context tells a fuller story. Learn to put things into context and maybe you will stop falling for (and regurgitating) lies of/through ommision :eusa_shifty:
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The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008,

If I remember correctly this thread is about Obama..... Let me remind you that Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009....... So why are you bringing up dates prior to that?
The ObamaCare aka The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and passed in the house on March 21, 2010. It was signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010 and upheld in the supreme court on June 28, 2012.
I believe you have a problem with dates.

The only reason it passed in the Supreme Court was one Justice who changed the mandate to a tax.

Why do you have such hatred and contempt for tbe American Republic and tbe wonderful Justice System the Framers left us with?

And shame on you even more for ommitting that was a Conservative Chief Justice. Context
The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008,

If I remember correctly this thread is about Obama..... Let me remind you that Barack Obama's inauguration as the 44th President of the United States took place on Tuesday, January 20, 2009....... So why are you bringing up dates prior to that?
The ObamaCare aka The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, was passed in the senate on December 24, 2009, and passed in the house on March 21, 2010. It was signed into law by President Obama on March 23rd, 2010 and upheld in the supreme court on June 28, 2012.
I believe you have a problem with dates.

The only reason it passed in the Supreme Court was one Justice who changed the mandate to a tax.

He didn't "change it" to a tax, he ruled that it was, in effect, a tax. (already)

The SCOTUS doesn't "change" laws.

Why, in partisan world, is it completely ok in people's brains to say things they're not even sure about and haven't scrutinized with fact checking, these days?

Like the ACA had no republican ideas meme.

:cuckoo: my gosh. the audacity.
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The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008, threw the reckless Republicans out of BOTH houses of the Congress, and the Presidency.

There is NOTHING illegal, unethical, or immoral about laws passed by a majority of one party if that one party holds both houses of the Congress.

Invest in a basic Civics course at your local community college

They had the Majority during Hillary Care too.
The difference was they listened to the majority of the people who did not want it.
This time they passed a health care bill against the majority of the people who did not want it.

By bending the rules and bribing members. Unethical indeed

Which rules, specifically.

Now your feet are under the fire asking you to think and research before you just knee-jerk reject things because you're a partisan.

So, come through. Follow-up, show the research you've done....

or else admit to yourself that you don't care much for facts and data, but more-so are just involved in politics because its fun or emotional to ridicule one side over the other like a football game.
The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Now all of a sudden they think the public hasn't noticed and they can get away with playing like they are reasonable and rational?


When has Obama ever compromised on anything?
Calling Obama a Muslim has not worked. Saying he was born in Kenya hasn't worked, and is actually blowing up in Rafael Cruz's face now. .

Cruz hasn't done either of those things, dipstick, so we can safely ignore anything further you have to say. You're obviously just an Obama fluffer who will suck his dick even if he pisses in your mouth.
The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Now all of a sudden they think the public hasn't noticed and they can get away with playing like they are reasonable and rational?


Really? This could also be said:"The Obama's Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with the Republicans

Name just one time where Obama has Negotiated or Compromised on anything?
Seems that he has gotten his way on most everything. If the Republicans did not Negotiate or Compromise explain how Obamacare got passed?

Voter fraud in Minnesota

You're correct for once. That's how AL Franken got elected.
The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Now all of a sudden they think the public hasn't noticed and they can get away with playing like they are reasonable and rational?


Really? This could also be said:"The Obama's Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with the Republicans

Name just one time where Obama has Negotiated or Compromised on anything?
Seems that he has gotten his way on most everything. If the Republicans did not Negotiate or Compromise explain how Obamacare got passed?

The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008, threw the reckless Republicans out of BOTH houses of the Congress, and the Presidency.

There is NOTHING illegal, unethical, or immoral about laws passed by a majority of one party if that one party holds both houses of the Congress.

Invest in a basic Civics course at your local community college

It's not an example of compromise, moron.
Cruz has indeed had his filibuster blow up in his face.

bripat, when he is using the fluffer comments, reveals his own personal concerns.

The GOP as long as it kowtows to the reactionaries on the far right will fail.
Cruz has indeed had his filibuster blow up in his face.

bripat, when he is using the fluffer comments, reveals his own personal concerns.

The GOP as long as it kowtows to the reactionaries on the far right will fail.

bripat is always seething with bile when he posts. lol what a maroon.
I'd say the healthcare law itself was a gigantic concession from Obama to R's.

It was mostly Republican ideas. And they pretended like it was Armageddon.

That's what all the Obama fluffers say. However, Republicsn are best able to determine what they wanted in the healthcare bill. Obama and the Dims aren't qualified to say what Republicsns want.

Then there was the continuation of the tax cuts, which he was against but still passed. .

That's only because the Obama knew the voters wasnted those tax cuts. It had nothing to do with any 'compromise' with Republicans.

The sequestration was something designed to give Rep's deep cuts if the two parties couldn't compromise on things. Democrats don't like cutting things, yet the sequestration happened. .

Obama never intended sequestration to go into effect. He thought it would be so unapalatable to Republicans that they would give him whatever boondoffle spending increases he wanted. He simply miscalculated.

Yea, Obama the non compromiser. Obama who sat down on live TV for 6 and 1/2 hours with anti Obamacare Republicans and answered all of their inquiries, all by his lonesome at a table.

'Compromise' doesn't consist of attacking Republicans.
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lol @ this guy.

he's great.

eventually, though, binky will be found.
Cruz has indeed had his filibuster blow up in his face.

bripat, when he is using the fluffer comments, reveals his own personal concerns.

The GOP as long as it kowtows to the reactionaries on the far right will fail.

bripat is always seething with bile when he posts. lol what a maroon.

When you find yourself agreeing with Fakey, you should start questioning your basic premises.
Cruz has indeed had his filibuster blow up in his face.

bripat, when he is using the fluffer comments, reveals his own personal concerns.

The GOP as long as it kowtows to the reactionaries on the far right will fail.

DO you think anyone hasn't noticed that you delight in the belief that Republicans are failing?
The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Now all of a sudden they think the public hasn't noticed and they can get away with playing like they are reasonable and rational?


They have mainly succeeded for those past five years, including being perceived as reasonable and rational -

the Rs now seem to have inadvertently lifted the cloak themselves exposing their radical and incendiary beliefs the country has no other choice than to witness and be appalled by such shameful behavior .... :eusa_hand: . the time for judgement is at hand.

The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Now all of a sudden they think the public hasn't noticed and they can get away with playing like they are reasonable and rational?


Really? This could also be said:"The Obama's Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with the Republicans

Name just one time where Obama has Negotiated or Compromised on anything?
Seems that he has gotten his way on most everything. If the Republicans did not Negotiate or Compromise explain how Obamacare got passed?

The PPACA/Obamacre got passed because the PEOPLE of America in 2006 and 2008, threw the reckless Republicans out of BOTH houses of the Congress, and the Presidency.

There is NOTHING illegal, unethical, or immoral about laws passed by a majority of one party if that one party holds both houses of the Congress.

Invest in a basic Civics course at your local community college

Yup and in 2010 After the Dems passed the ACA all on their own they lost the House and Seats in the Senate. America was not amused.

We'll just have to wait and see what they think of the ACA come the next elections after folks get a real good look at the POS that the Dems have foisted on America.
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The Main Focus for Five Years has been to Not Negotiate or Compromise with Obama

Now all of a sudden they think the public hasn't noticed and they can get away with playing like they are reasonable and rational?


When has Obama ever compromised on anything?

Even a simpleton as simple as you should be able to simply accomplish this with a simple search engine query:

Official: Obama proposes cuts to Social Security in budget compromise | Mobile

Obama Proposes Compromise On Birth Control Health Coverage « CBS New York

Obama administration proposes contraception compromise - Los Angeles Times

Republicans rip Obama proposal to trade tax cut for more stimulus | Fox News


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