The main TWO reasons for voting for Clinton....

the gop could have the greatest person ever born running and you'd still vote Vagina (D), b/c you lack free though and will

Well, THAT is a stupid conclusion that befits your overall stupidity. For example, had Kasich won the GOP nomination I'd probably vote for him....and, by the way, you don't have to believe me since I really don't give a crap about your opinion..
If the Democrats are neoliberals and have demonstrated they are all about the elite and the money........does it matter? There does not appear to be anything to gain as a society from the Democrats.
^ that

Plus a Repub appointed Roberts who upheld Obamacare so the SCOTUS reason is bogus
Never liked Hillary all that much and probably never will,,,,,,BUT, there are 2 main reasons to vote for her (and most of us already know these):

1. She most certainly is NOT Trumpusconi, and

2. We need a sane Supreme Court now that the "wicked witch is dead"

(oh, and there is for me a third...Even as a kid, I never liked those circus clowns anyway.)
She's a loopy kunt
The main two reasons for supporting Clinton:

1) Being blind
2) Being stupid
The main TWO reasons for voting for Clinton...

Increased taxes on the Middle Class
and men able to use the ladies room with your wife. daughter and mother
Never liked Hillary all that much and probably never will,,,,,,BUT, there are 2 main reasons to vote for her (and most of us already know these):

1. She most certainly is NOT Trumpusconi, and

2. We need a sane Supreme Court now that the "wicked witch is dead"

(oh, and there is for me a third...Even as a kid, I never liked those circus clowns anyway.)
So I am checking with google to see if Ruth Bader Ginsberg has died.


Wrong wicked witch.

Hey, if you don't give a shit about the 2nd Amendment then Hillary is your dream angel.

The only vagina I have is your mom's. Of course, I have to wait in line to get in to see her when I'm in town.
This is a great crack up line along with the litany of "hey your sister is good but your mom's better!"

Frat boyz are trained in this kind of sarcastic humor.

You can graduate from the frat house until you master it.

3. We don't need to cut and gut infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Probably more important then 1.

Repeat after me, and perhaps you will learn:

Infrastructure is not a function of the federal government.

Science is not a function of the federal government.

R&D is not a function of the federal government.

Education is not a function of the federal government.
Does the Manhattan Project ring any bells for you ??
If the Democrats are neoliberals and have demonstrated they are all about the elite and the money

Admit it, you got that bolded part above from one of your orifices. (or maybe from Sean Hannity?)

One minute dems hate the rich and seek to destroy them...on the other they are rich and seek to help them and them only.

Repubs can't make up their minds and all sides are bad to them.
If the Democrats are neoliberals and have demonstrated they are all about the elite and the money

Admit it, you got that bolded part above from one of your orifices. (or maybe from Sean Hannity?)

They have demonstrated they are all about the elite and the money. There is no hiding that.
Hey look Everyone someone who understands the entire system is corrupt.

As opposed to your constant never ending defense of it. Got it.
I can only tell you from a manufacturing middle class POV the Democrats aren't to blame as much as

1. Republicans
2. People who don't vote.

It's their fault not ours.

You people rewarded the GOP by not showing up in 2010 & 2014.

Republicans don't win midterms because people vote for them. They win because people don't show up to midterms.
Never liked Hillary all that much and probably never will,,,,,,BUT, there are 2 main reasons to vote for her (and most of us already know these):

1. She most certainly is NOT Trumpusconi, and

2. We need a sane Supreme Court now that the "wicked witch is dead"

(oh, and there is for me a third...Even as a kid, I never liked those circus clowns anyway.)

Scalia was the most sane in the court. You're just delusional like the rest of the O and hill followers.
The main two reasons for supporting Clinton:

1) Being blind
2) Being stupid
The two main reasons for voting for Trump:

1 - you did not go to college;

2 - you have a death wish about nuclear war.
The main reason you post stupidity like that is
Most of infrastructure funding outside of toll roads is made possible by somekind of tax and is collected by the government.

A large percentage of our energy infrastructure is the same.

Anyone that doesn't understand this should probably shut the computer off and go get a life.

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