The Majority gets it...Obama is the worst president of modern times.

The Quinnipiac University survey found 33% of American voters named Obama as the worst while 28% named his predecessor, George W. Bush.
"Over the span of 69 years of American history and 12 presidencies, President Barack Obama finds himself with President George W. Bush at the bottom of the popularity barrel," Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a statement.
Richard Nixon, whose presidency ended in scandal, received only 13% of the vote and Jimmy Carter scored 8%. None of the remaining eight presidents received more than 3%.
Asked about the 2012 presidential race, 45% of respondents said the country would be better off if the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, had won."
well sweetie that means that 67% think he's doing a good job
which also means that 55% feel the are better off
thanks for the good numbers

Ok, let's use your logic, or lack thereof. On the flip side, another part to this poll was, who was the best president in the same time period. Obama got 8% of the vote. So, using your supposed logic, that would mean 92% think Obama is doing a bad job. Don't be mad at me for bringing this up, you're the one who set this precedent.

KNB said:
.......Bush has class......
9/11, Katrina, Iraq, the largest financial crash since 1929....... and torture.

Yeah, classy.

It would be a complete waste of time to debate these points with a hack like you, I will save far more time by negging you, which I am gonna do.
Conservatives embrace this poll as the truth.

In that case, their 35 year meme about President Carter has been bullshit.

If this same poll had George W. Bush as worst president, your view towards this poll would be completely different. Just think, even with the media and Democrats collaborating the hate on Bush, it has failed. People have woken up, and those outside the lunatic fringe no longer buy into the if anything goes wrong, always blame George W. Bush mantra.

I am no fan of George W. Bush, but to his credit he has stayed out of the limelight and hasn't been vocal about this dictator we have now. Once Obama is gone, he will constantly be critical of the next president, especially if a Republican wins. Bush has class, Obama is just trash in every sense of the word.

As for worst presidents ever, Jimmy Carter doesn't even make the top 5 list. Here are the worst presidents ever:

1. Barack Obama
2. Teddy Roosevelt
3. Woodrow Wilson
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt
5. Lyndon B Johnson
6. George W. Bush
7. George H.W. Bush
8. Herbert Hoover read that right, both George W., and George H.W. worse than Carter.

And just think, if Hillary Clinton, Granny Warren, Jeb Bush or Chris Christie become next president, they'll easily be worse than Carter.

Correct, and when Bush was voted the worst several years ago, the looney left said the poll was devastating for him.
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