The Majority of Americans Approve Mueller’s Investigation

The article at the link below explores the approval vs disapproval ratings for the Mueller investigation into Trump’s collusion with the Russians. The numbers are broken down by party affiliation and prove the majority of Americans fully support Mueller and his team. And the Americans who approve of the Mueller team far exceeds the number who do not.

Trump’s own actions, consistent lies, and reneging on campaign promises have strongly indicated to the majority of the U.S. public, the growing likelihood that allegations concerning the treasonous acts committed by him, his campaign team, his family members, and other assorted cronies are true.

The percentage of Americans approving Mueller's probe will increase rapidly as the number of indictments grows along with the speed at which they are issued.

Moreover, the numerous attempts by congressional Republicans to discredit, obstruct, and interfere with Mueller and his team of investigators increases the credibility of the investigation and proves it must proceed to an absolute conclusion.

Media fed imbeciles parroting the daily media feeding.
Yes, and the majority (cue laugh track) of Americans wanted Hillary for president according to media.

Yet Trump sits in the chair, dismantling eight years of shit. Darn that outdated Constitution anyway! :lmao:

The scandal that Mueller is investigating makes a good case for letting the People decide who gets to be president.

If you want pure democracy and rule by the mob, go to a country that permits it. It won't be permitted here.
One of the many similarities between the Democrats and the Nazis is their 95% control of what the citizens read, see and hear in the Press and Entertainment.
They can even get people to believe that a tax cut i bad.
The Russian Collusion Delusion is 100% pure left wing hate and propaganda.

I would only add the similarities between the Democrats, the Nazis and the Radical Islamists. They all seek to achieve similar ends, if through slightly different means, but at least the Nazis and Islamists are open and honest about what they are doing.
Where the hell do you guys get this stuff? Limbaugh? Jones? It's so sad you are so very brainwashed by sick propaganda.

Plain observation of life, Esmeraldon! You are confusing us with Democrats which get ALL of their talking points from some central source!

NAZIS: Killed everyone who was not part of their race and ideology to purify the planet of miscreants.

Radical Islamists (ISIS, et. al.): Kills everyone who is not part of or pays homage to their ideology, to purify the planet of miscreants.

Democratic Party / Leftists: Tries to vilify and vanquish everyone via politics and media who disagrees with and is not part of their ideology and agenda in order to purify the planet of miscreants!

The only difference between the three is the METHODS each uses, not the ends.

While the first invaded you overtly, the second and third invades you covertly, the last using lies and misdirection to destroy their enemies by accusing them of the very things they are doing!

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