The Manafort Indictment: Not Much There, and a Boon for Trump

Like Laura Ingraham put it so clearly on the nothing-burger Manafort indictment :

If they had something on Trump, that would be the indictment today.

That sums it all up! :up:
Yes because all major investigations always start at the top and work down.
What failure?
Did you bitch when 50% of Obama's team either bailed or sold weapons to Mexican Gangs.
I didn't peep a word because our reps are mostly scumbags.
You didn’t just say that. What Trump failures?
Pick a week. Any week.
Yeah how did that fake Obama scandal work out for you?
Trump supporters are the dumbest people on the earth and biggest liars. You should be proud you fit right in.
we can actually feel your pain
I’m laughing my ass off over you imbeciles who thought Hillary would be one of the first indictments.
3 of Trump’s finest are in custody for CRIMES AGAINST AMERICA and HRC is at a book signing.
trump is the reason hillary is at a book signing
Mueller is the reason your whiny little bitch is sweating bullets..
isn't the b-word "verboten" in your crowd?
Thread summary:

It was a very, very bad day for the Trumptards, the worst day ever, worse than they could have imagined. They found out one Trump admin member had already spilled his guts about Trump's collusion, and has probably been wearing a wire for 3 months while conversing with Trump admin officials, and that Manafort will also have to spill his guts soon as well, if he doesn't want to spend life in prison.

Hence, they're all now in either in full meltdown mode, or full denial mode.

Mueller has spent his life putting away corrupt mob bosses. He knows how the game works. You don't just indict the mob boss. You build an ironclad case against someone at the bottom, and you make them sing. That allows you to build an ironclad case against the next thug in the chain, so you can make that thug sing. That builds the ironclad case against the next thug up the line, and you do that all the way to the top.
First you said this is a fake investigation and nothing will come of it.
Then you said Mueller will step down.
Then you said Trump will fire him. Then you said there wont be any indictments..
Etc etc

Cocky bunch of mfers for ALWAYS being wrong..
Most if not all of these crimes that Mueller has uncovered happened while Mueller was director of the FBI. Who was president, who was attorney general while this stuff happened? Anyone?

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013.

“From President Trump’s perspective, the indictment is a boon from which he can claim that the special counsel has no actionable collusion case. It appears to reaffirm former FBI director James Comey’s multiple assurances that Trump is not a suspect. And, to the extent it looks like an attempt to play prosecutorial hardball with Manafort, the president can continue to portray himself as the victim of a witch hunt.”

The Manafort Indictment: Not Much There, and a Boon for Trump

View attachment 157497
It's a money laundering case, as far as Manafort goes. And Trump has plenty to worry about if Mueller takes that angle.

Plenty to worry about.

That's why Trump spazzed out this weekend. He knows he's fucked if Meuller starts looking at his finances and his family's finances.
The real story is about the DNC and Hillary paying millions for a fake dossier to influence the election. I recently heard Obama also paid ~1million.

I’m confident their BS will eventually come back to bite them in the ass. The level of corruption within the Democratic Party has reached an all time high. It’ll all eventually be exposed and they’ll pay a hefty price.

Donations to their party are now the lowest they’ve ever been.
As the Trump Administration indictments pile up you’ll keep pacifying yourself with “ the real story is.”
I hope that keeps you warm at night..
I can understand you libs needing a glimmer of hope while watching your party being exposed for what they really are.
Most if not all of these crimes that Mueller has uncovered happened while Mueller was director of the FBI. Who was president, who was attorney general while this stuff happened? Anyone

So, you're actually claiming every crime anywhere in the USA that occurred during the Obama admin was Obama's fault.

That's taking Obama Derangement Syndrome to new heights of stupid.
For the 1000th time idiots like you still think this is the end of the investigation when in fact there’s a lot more to come.
Plus you’re grasping at straws thinking just because these indictments were administered for the reasons given that collusion charges aren’t coming down the road.

No matter if there are collusion charges or not, if there are many indictments, the whiny little bitch’s presidency is over. The taint will stink to high heaven.
Bannon’s prophecy of T only having a 30% chance of finishing his term looms large.
View attachment 157499
Obviously you need the tissues and crying towel for not only today but for the weeks and months to come with the upcoming indictments..
The only time I have needed a tissue today was for tears of laughter over the hysterics of you and others like you. You keep doing what you have been doing and I will keep sitting back have a good laugh.
Like Laura Ingraham put it so clearly on the nothing-burger Manafort indictment :

If they had something on Trump, that would be the indictment today.

That sums it all up! :up:
Yes because all major investigations always start at the top and work down.

You are our greatest foil, seriously, unless Franco is here; the Duper Stupor, lol. These were all from BEFORE Mantefort worked for Trump, long before.

You have the same thing today you had yesterday, and the day before that, the week before that, all the way back to the day Trump announced........NOTHING!

We, on the other hand; have a trail to the Clintons, the DNC, and it looks like Obama's people kicked in over 900,000 bucks.

I will take our case over yours, and the chickens are coming home to roost. You got an indictment on things happening BEFORE he met Trump. We got the whole enchilada on your folks, lol.

Keep up the good front, cause you are guessing, but we have proof!
From my desk I see the beginning of the fall for rump. I just hope he hits very hard and dies.
Thread summary:

It was a very, very bad day for the Trumptards, the worst day ever, worse than they could have imagined. They found out one Trump admin member had already spilled his guts about Trump's collusion, and has probably been wearing a wire for 3 months while conversing with Trump admin officials, and that Manafort will also have to spill his guts soon as well, if he doesn't want to spend life in prison.

Hence, they're all now in either in full meltdown mode, or full denial mode.

Mueller has spent his life putting away corrupt mob bosses. He knows how the game works. You don't just indict the mob boss. You build an ironclad case against someone at the bottom, and you make them sing. That allows you to build an ironclad case against the next thug in the chain, so you can make that thug sing. That builds the ironclad case against the next thug up the line, and you do that all the way to the top.
Someone actually gave this astute, dead on assessment a “ funny “ rating.
I swear you people are bat shit crazy.
Thread summary:

It was a very, very bad day for the Trumptards, the worst day ever, worse than they could have imagined. They found out one Trump admin member had already spilled his guts about Trump's collusion, and has probably been wearing a wire for 3 months while conversing with Trump admin officials, and that Manafort will also have to spill his guts soon as well, if he doesn't want to spend life in prison.

Hence, they're all now in either in full meltdown mode, or full denial mode.

Mueller has spent his life putting away corrupt mob bosses. He knows how the game works. You don't just indict the mob boss. You build an ironclad case against someone at the bottom, and you make them sing. That allows you to build an ironclad case against the next thug in the chain, so you can make that thug sing. That builds the ironclad case against the next thug up the line, and you do that all the way to the top.
Someone actually gave this astute, dead on assessment a “ funny “ rating.
I swear you people are bat shit crazy.
I once had a psych patient tell me I was crazy. lol
“From President Trump’s perspective, the indictment is a boon from which he can claim that the special counsel has no actionable collusion case. It appears to reaffirm former FBI director James Comey’s multiple assurances that Trump is not a suspect. And, to the extent it looks like an attempt to play prosecutorial hardball with Manafort, the president can continue to portray himself as the victim of a witch hunt.”

The Manafort Indictment: Not Much There, and a Boon for Trump

View attachment 157497
It's a money laundering case, as far as Manafort goes. And Trump has plenty to worry about if Mueller takes that angle.

Plenty to worry about.

That's why Trump spazzed out this weekend. He knows he's fucked if Meuller starts looking at his finances and his family's finances.
Sorry, you are delusional. There is no path to Trump.
First you said this is a fake investigation and nothing will come of it.
Then you said Mueller will step down.
Then you said Trump will fire him. Then you said there wont be any indictments..
Etc etc

Cocky bunch of mfers for ALWAYS being wrong..
Place a bet. Trump is not criminally implicated with official charges by next March and you never use your handle again. He is implicated, I do the same.

How deep does your fantasy run?

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