The manipulated GOP voter: "get your government hands off my medicare"

Further Gunboy? Tell us of the 3/5ths Compromise, and how it relates to the 14th and IMIIGRATION debate going on NOW?

The 3/5 compromise is PROOF the constitution was not a perfect document and EXACTLY the reason the founders allowed for amendments. It was designed to be changed with the times. Do you believe all Americans have the right to keep and bear NUCLEAR arms?

The world changes - so does reality.
Further Gunboy? Tell us of the 3/5ths Compromise, and how it relates to the 14th and IMIIGRATION debate going on NOW?

The 3/5 compromise is PROOF the constitution was not a perfect document and EXACTLY the reason the founders allowed for amendments. It was designed to be changed with the times. Do you believe all Americans have the right to keep and bear NUCLEAR arms?

The world changes - so does reality.


Care to try again?
I tend to shy from reading Op Eds and rely on reality. Since simplistic name calling is your way, I will accommadate you pencil dick. Even the people that voted for him understand.

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Worries Local Voters

OK. So you agree with me the post was filled with lies, that the GOP is not interested in dismantling Medicare. btw, who passed the biggest expansion in Medicare in history? Hint,it wasn't Obama.
Oh, and stating that you shy away from op-ed's and then linking the HuffPoo is more than a little ironic.

Ready to fall on your sword and admit you are an ignorant poseur?

In this country we speak English, not Frenchy prejoratives. The word you seek is "poser". If you read the article, even those that voted for him several times feel this is a dismantling of the system, unless of course you are an absolute moron.

You out yourself with every post.
For starters, poseur is perfectly good English.
Concise Oxford English Dictionary © 2008 Oxford University Press:
poseur /pəʊˈzəː/
▶noun (fem. poseuse /pəʊˈzəːz/) a person who behaves affectedly in order to impress others.
– origin Fr., from poser ‘to place’.
The OED is the standard reference on the English language.

Second, the article only dealt with how people "feel". Feeling something is not a fact.
If you argue this way in court you must have your ass handed to you in every case.

But I doubt you do. Because I think the only court you ever appear in front of is the drunk driving court.
Then EINSTEIN? Where in the Constitution does it give the Government to take over business? Healthcare? Make States take funding, and then leave them in the blind when funds run out?

Tell US about the Ninth and Tenth Amendments?

The constitution does NOT give the govt. the "RIGHT" (which is the term I think you meant to include in your incomplete sentence) to take over a business. I have yet to see the government do that outside of when the IRS took over the Mustang Ranch From Joe Conforte. That is as close as they havbe come. Short term loans are hardly "taking over" a business, but still improper in my mind.

Guaranteeing the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", while in the Declaration (a document I personally consider the equal of the Constitution) seems to infer rights that you seem to disagree with.

Your comment about forcing States to take funding is curious. May you provide an example?

Wow, you reveal yourself as a nincompoop with every post.
Let's start with the idea that the government does not have rights. It has powers. People have rights. Yeah, you've got a JD in constitutional law. From WalMart.

Second, you don't think government has taken over businesses? May I introduce you to Sewell Avery?

Sewell Avery thrown out « Iconic Photos
The constitution does NOT give the govt. the "RIGHT" (which is the term I think you meant to include in your incomplete sentence) to take over a business. I have yet to see the government do that outside of when the IRS took over the Mustang Ranch From Joe Conforte. That is as close as they havbe come. Short term loans are hardly "taking over" a business, but still improper in my mind.

Guaranteeing the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", while in the Declaration (a document I personally consider the equal of the Constitution) seems to infer rights that you seem to disagree with.

Your comment about forcing States to take funding is curious. May you provide an example?

Wow, you reveal yourself as a nincompoop with every post.
Let's start with the idea that the government does not have rights. It has powers. People have rights. Yeah, you've got a JD in constitutional law. From WalMart.

Second, you don't think government has taken over businesses? May I introduce you to Sewell Avery?

Sewell Avery thrown out « Iconic Photos

*Exactly* This IDIOT is EXPOSED.
OK. So you agree with me the post was filled with lies, that the GOP is not interested in dismantling Medicare. btw, who passed the biggest expansion in Medicare in history? Hint,it wasn't Obama.
Oh, and stating that you shy away from op-ed's and then linking the HuffPoo is more than a little ironic.

Ready to fall on your sword and admit you are an ignorant poseur?

In this country we speak English, not Frenchy prejoratives. The word you seek is "poser". If you read the article, even those that voted for him several times feel this is a dismantling of the system, unless of course you are an absolute moron.

You out yourself with every post.
For starters, poseur is perfectly good English.
Concise Oxford English Dictionary © 2008 Oxford University Press:
poseur /pəʊˈzəː/
▶noun (fem. poseuse /pəʊˈzəːz/) a person who behaves affectedly in order to impress others.
– origin Fr., from poser ‘to place’.
The OED is the standard reference on the English language.

Second, the article only dealt with how people "feel". Feeling something is not a fact.
If you argue this way in court you must have your ass handed to you in every case.

But I doubt you do. Because I think the only court you ever appear in front of is the drunk driving court.

Or a midemeanor court for being violent while armed with hangnails...
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Further Gunboy? Tell us of the 3/5ths Compromise, and how it relates to the 14th and IMIIGRATION debate going on NOW?

The 3/5 compromise is PROOF the constitution was not a perfect document and EXACTLY the reason the founders allowed for amendments. It was designed to be changed with the times. Do you believe all Americans have the right to keep and bear NUCLEAR arms?

The world changes - so does reality.


Care to try again?

How horribly embarrassing!

See how you do and report back!

The U. S. Constitution (3)
The 3/5 compromise is PROOF the constitution was not a perfect document and EXACTLY the reason the founders allowed for amendments. It was designed to be changed with the times. Do you believe all Americans have the right to keep and bear NUCLEAR arms?

The world changes - so does reality.


Care to try again?

How horribly embarrassing!

See how you do and report back!

The U. S. Constitution (3)

So you respond with a fucking TEST?

Are you Serial Gracie?

Dude? Dudette? DATA FLAW... or whatever the fuck you are?

Get a LIFE.

YOU are exposed. *FRAUD* Constitutional Expert *MY ASS*...
Wow, you reveal yourself as a nincompoop with every post.
Let's start with the idea that the government does not have rights. It has powers. People have rights. Yeah, you've got a JD in constitutional law. From WalMart.

Second, you don't think government has taken over businesses? May I introduce you to Sewell Avery?

Sewell Avery thrown out « Iconic Photos

*Exactly* This IDIOT is EXPOSED.

I don't suppose the fact I actually MET and knew the President of Monkey Ward's would make any difference to you children.

You seem set on a path that has no definitive end.
Dude? Dudette? DATA FLAW... or whatever the fuck you are?

Get a LIFE.

YOU are exposed. *FRAUD* Constitutional Expert *MY ASS*...

So you failed?

Much as I expected.

Where is your successful contestatation of any thing I have said?
Dude? Dudette? DATA FLAW... or whatever the fuck you are?

Get a LIFE.

YOU are exposed. *FRAUD* Constitutional Expert *MY ASS*...

I apologize for your embarassment. Maybe we should fund education better than we currently do.
I would answer simply: PRICE, TEA, CHINA...for $1,000 ALEX...

Or simplified ------------- "I'm in over my head Alex, and all I can do is punt"

YOU haven't answered. From herin? *YOU* are ignored.(And NO, I don't put anyone on IGNORE, I just IGNORE thier posts...welcome to the CLUB Constitutional EXPERT) Your posts mean squat...

Have a nice life on these boards...if you last that long...POSUER.

Just for curiosities sake, how young are you? Did you actually WITNESS vietnam? Korea? How about WWII?
Point out the lie or take the sword with the samurai!

You clowns amaze me with your ignorance.

did you read the links, asshole? Of course none of them say the GOP is planning on dismantling Medicare. Because the GOP is not planning on dismantling Medicare.
I see we have another posturing lawyer on the lib side here. Let me guess, you were in school with Jillian.

I tend to shy from reading Op Eds and rely on reality. Since simplistic name calling is your way, I will accommadate you pencil dick. Even the people that voted for him understand.

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Worries Local Voters
That Huffpo article in your link misrepresents Ryan's proposal for Medicare. His proposal would save Medicare by restructuring it for folks under 55; and above 55 it would remain unaffected.

It's sad, all the left can do is lie about reasonable and necessary changes to convince their minions; demagoguery pure and simple to hold onto their power to defend
a system even they understand is unsustainable.

And it's really the Dems who will dismantle Medicare,, by rolling it into Obamacare, a system which will determine who and at what age a "beneficiary" qualifies for costly medical care.

I'm covered by Medicare (it's not free BTW, and neither is the supplemental & Part-D insurance) and I'm not worried about the effects of Ryan's plan on me, but I am concerned about Obamacare's determination of what and when I get life sustaining or quality of life treatments, like eventual knee replacement surgery so I can keep on working and contributing to all these things as a taxpayer.

You should read somethin besides Huffpo
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*Exactly* This IDIOT is EXPOSED.

I don't suppose the fact I actually MET and knew the President of Monkey Ward's would make any difference to you children.

You seem set on a path that has no definitive end.

If you met him then certainly you would known the company history.
So the fact that you did not know the company history tells me you did not meet him. You might have met a clerk from MW. Maybe a bill collector.
Your credibility is shot here. Next move is to iggy.

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