The manipulated GOP voter: "get your government hands off my medicare"

I vote Republican generally because when I do, I am voting for the least stupid of the stupid politicians. The largest collection of stupid politicians are all Democrats. However, the rest are all closing in fast.
The Army stops being an army, as the constitution understands it, the moment it stops operating in the manner in which the constitution understood it to operate. You're want to invoke the constitution, but yet you want to completely disregard it all at the same time? Your comments and views lack any relevance with that kind of inherently contradictory nature.

The constitution called for NO standing Army. Just a navy to protect our shores. The Army was to be raised in time of war and no funding beyond a two year window. That means that aside from the Navy No military personnel can CONSTITUTIONALLY sign a contract longer than two years.

BTW -- I have a J.D. in constitutional law.

So DOES Obama...BUT HE violates it EVERY CHANCE HE GETS.

You are no 'EXPERT'.

Actually, on this topic, I am.

And I have thirty years of experience of practice in the field on the President.
Point out the lie or take the sword with the samurai!

You clowns amaze me with your ignorance.

did you read the links, asshole? Of course none of them say the GOP is planning on dismantling Medicare. Because the GOP is not planning on dismantling Medicare.
I see we have another posturing lawyer on the lib side here. Let me guess, you were in school with Jillian.

I tend to shy from reading Op Eds and rely on reality. Since simplistic name calling is your way, I will accommadate you pencil dick. Even the people that voted for him understand.

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Worries Local Voters

OK. So you agree with me the post was filled with lies, that the GOP is not interested in dismantling Medicare. btw, who passed the biggest expansion in Medicare in history? Hint,it wasn't Obama.
Oh, and stating that you shy away from op-ed's and then linking the HuffPoo is more than a little ironic.

Ready to fall on your sword and admit you are an ignorant poseur?
The constitution called for NO standing Army. Just a navy to protect our shores. The Army was to be raised in time of war and no funding beyond a two year window. That means that aside from the Navy No military personnel can CONSTITUTIONALLY sign a contract longer than two years.

BTW -- I have a J.D. in constitutional law.

So DOES Obama...BUT HE violates it EVERY CHANCE HE GETS.

You are no 'EXPERT'.

Actually, on this topic, I am.

And I have thirty years of experience of practice in the field on the President.

*SO FAR* You performance has been LESS than stellar...
I want medicare??????? Really?????????

I want it all gone! Social Security, welfare, all of this crap. If is isn't in the Constitutionm, the federal government shouldn't be involved in it.


I guess you're ready to dissolve the Air Force, eh?

Um, Defending the Nation is one of the FEW THINGS in the constitution. IDIOT! Have you ever read it? Things like SS, Medicare Etc. They are not in there. Providing for the Defense of the nation is. Therefore the Air force is, and you are a fucking idiot for comparing the 2.
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Those people fucking paid in. Stop trying to steal shit from people, you fucking cowards.

CG, you are delusional.

No one "paid in." There isn't any "lock box!"

The money was spent! That's the scam of it!

But just because they were ripped off doesn't mean we need to KEEP ripping everyone off.

Like all pyramid schemes, sooner or later it has to stop, before it brings everyone down.

Well, I'm just curious,, if no one "paid in" how was there any money to spend?
I want medicare??????? Really?????????

I want it all gone! Social Security, welfare, all of this crap. If is isn't in the Constitutionm, the federal government shouldn't be involved in it.


I guess you're ready to dissolve the Air Force, eh?

See article 1, Section 8...

Primary purpose of Gubmint is to defend liberty.
So DOES Obama...BUT HE violates it EVERY CHANCE HE GETS.

You are no 'EXPERT'.

Actually, on this topic, I am.

And I have thirty years of experience of practice in the field on the President.

*SO FAR* You performance has been LESS than stellar...

Attempt to refute a single one of my statements you fool.

Making childish quips is is just that ---- no more.
Um, Defending the Nation is one of the FEW THINGS in the constitution. IDIOT! Have you ever read it? Things like SS, Medicare Etc. They are not in there. Providing for the Defense of the nation is. Therefore the Air force is, and you are a fucking idiot for comparing the 2.

Yes, I've read it, and the constitution clearly specifies that the Congress can raise and maintain armies and a navy. If general "defense" were meant by the constitution to allow any branch of service the Congress wanted, then there would be no need to specifically mention armies and a navy. The fact that the constitution further provides distinct allowances regarding the Congress' treatment of armies and a navy further underlines the fact that the intent in the constitution is strictly limited regarding what "defense" may mean.

If one is to adopt a hyper restrictive interpretation of the constitution that would deem SS and medicare, et al, unconstitutional, then a necessary consequence is that the same hyper restrictive view must also follow regarding the powers the constitution gives Congress regarding defense. Thus, you fucking idiot, your own arguments are what would deem the Air Force illegal. Not mine.
did you read the links, asshole? Of course none of them say the GOP is planning on dismantling Medicare. Because the GOP is not planning on dismantling Medicare.
I see we have another posturing lawyer on the lib side here. Let me guess, you were in school with Jillian.

I tend to shy from reading Op Eds and rely on reality. Since simplistic name calling is your way, I will accommadate you pencil dick. Even the people that voted for him understand.

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Worries Local Voters

OK. So you agree with me the post was filled with lies, that the GOP is not interested in dismantling Medicare. btw, who passed the biggest expansion in Medicare in history? Hint,it wasn't Obama.
Oh, and stating that you shy away from op-ed's and then linking the HuffPoo is more than a little ironic.

Ready to fall on your sword and admit you are an ignorant poseur?

In this country we speak English, not Frenchy prejoratives. The word you seek is "poser". If you read the article, even those that voted for him several times feel this is a dismantling of the system, unless of course you are an absolute moron.
*SO FAR* You performance has been LESS than stellar...

Attempt to refute a single one of my statements you fool.

Making childish quips is is just that ---- no more.

You dont have a Jd in Constitutional law. That much is clear from your posts.

Then refute me.
Your insipid opinions are worthless -- Challenge my knowledge of the U.S. constitution -- Or that of the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Montana or Wyoming.

I am 42 - 5 in federal courts and about 200 - 20 (approx.) in state courts.

If you actually have something other than a lowbrow opinion formulated in a drunken stupor, please state where my statements are erroneous. I am sure the SCOTUS would like your argument over mine since I am 2-0 with them.

I await the display of constitutional accumen you have so far withheld.
I tend to shy from reading Op Eds and rely on reality. Since simplistic name calling is your way, I will accommadate you pencil dick. Even the people that voted for him understand.

Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan Worries Local Voters

OK. So you agree with me the post was filled with lies, that the GOP is not interested in dismantling Medicare. btw, who passed the biggest expansion in Medicare in history? Hint,it wasn't Obama.
Oh, and stating that you shy away from op-ed's and then linking the HuffPoo is more than a little ironic.

Ready to fall on your sword and admit you are an ignorant poseur?

In this country we speak English, not Frenchy prejoratives. The word you seek is "poser". If you read the article, even those that voted for him several times feel this is a dismantling of the system, unless of course you are an absolute moron.

I didn't see any French 'prejoratives' idiot...and the word is "Pejoratives"
Attempt to refute a single one of my statements you fool.

Making childish quips is is just that ---- no more.

You dont have a Jd in Constitutional law. That much is clear from your posts.[/quote

Then refute me.
Your insipid opinions are worthless -- Challenge my knowledge of the U.S. constitution -- Or that of the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Montana or Wyoming.

I am 42 - 5 in federal courts and about 200 - 20 (approx.) in state courts.

If you actually have something other than a lowbrow opinion formulated in a drunken stupor, please state where my statements are erroneous. I am sure the SCOTUS would like your argument over mine since I am 2-0 with them.

I await the display of constitutional accumen you have so far withheld.

So FAR you so-called "knowledge" is lacking...
I love my sister, but if the state is broke the state is broke.

You can cry all you want about promises made BUT THE MONEY IS GONE!

Well, since that's a valid argument, I'll use it to get out of my car payment.

Go right ahead. Quit making your car payment. Please. Go show them.

The OP is an asshole, of course. For starters no one ever said "keep the government's hands off my medicare."
Secondly, the GOP is trying to save Medicare. The Dems want to destroy it and replace with a single payer system (socialized medicine) for everyone. Anyone who can't see that has not been paying attention.

Gee. Your entire post is a lie. What a shocker.

Point out the lie or take the sword with the samurai!

You clowns amaze me with your ignorance.

did you read the links, asshole? Of course none of them say the GOP is planning on dismantling Medicare. Because the GOP is not planning on dismantling Medicare.
I see we have another posturing lawyer on the lib side here. Let me guess, you were in school with Jillian.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? A couple of the links go back 15 years. Medicare has been in the crosshairs of the GOP ever since it was started.

GOP Moving To Dismantle Medicare | Political Correction

GOP’s budget plan targets Medicare; Democrats smell blood - The Center for Public Integrity

GOP budget chief calls for $6.2 trillion spending cut - CNN

Press Release :: CBO Confirms: GOP Budget Dismantles Medicare, Dramatically Increases Costs for Seniors

Would Paul Ryan's budget abolish Medicare? - Yahoo! News

Republicans finally unveil dismantling of Medicare - Phoenix Independent |

Defenders of Medicare Warn of GOP Cuts - Los Angeles Times

TIBU2.COM: GOP Bait and Switch on Medicare

G.O.P.'s Plan to Cut Medicare Faces a Veto, Clinton Promises -

Attempt to refute a single one of my statements you fool.

Making childish quips is is just that ---- no more.

You dont have a Jd in Constitutional law. That much is clear from your posts.[/quote

Then refute me.
Your insipid opinions are worthless -- Challenge my knowledge of the U.S. constitution -- Or that of the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Montana or Wyoming.

I am 42 - 5 in federal courts and about 200 - 20 (approx.) in state courts.

If you actually have something other than a lowbrow opinion formulated in a drunken stupor, please state where my statements are erroneous. I am sure the SCOTUS would like your argument over mine since I am 2-0 with them.

I await the display of constitutional accumen you have so far withheld.
Then EINSTEIN? Where in the Constitution does it give the Government to take over business? Healthcare? Make States take funding, and then leave them in the blind when funds run out?

Tell US about the Ninth and Tenth Amendments?
Further Gunboy? Tell us of the 3/5ths Compromise, and how it relates to the 14th and IMIIGRATION debate going on NOW?
If Congress wants cut back why don't they do their jobs cheaper. Leave us Senior Citizens alone. Government shut down., give me a break. Stop paying congress people. Their useless anyway. Why spend millions of dollars getting elected to those jobs, to make a small amout, NO WAY, they line their pockets & take from the old & poor who are jobless, losing their homes. They live in mansions compared to us on fixed incomes. Seniors have a right to get what we paid in all our lives for. Leave social security alone & use your savings to live off of instead on ours. I would love to run this country just for a short time. Congress members are useless & we pay them to take from us. We could feed alot of people with what we waste on overseas jurks that hate us anyway. Take a paycut congressmen & woman..This country is heading like all the others with protest & demands if it keeps going. We live in a wonderful country but too much is being taken from the normal people by the stinking rich Congress & President. GOD BE WITH YOU ALL & HOPE SOMEDAY YOU HAVE TO LIVE POOR LIKE US TRYING TO MAKE ENDS MEET.

Stop electing republicans..or stop complaining. The choice is simple.
You dont have a Jd in Constitutional law. That much is clear from your posts.[/quote

Then refute me.
Your insipid opinions are worthless -- Challenge my knowledge of the U.S. constitution -- Or that of the States of Washington, Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho, Montana or Wyoming.

I am 42 - 5 in federal courts and about 200 - 20 (approx.) in state courts.

If you actually have something other than a lowbrow opinion formulated in a drunken stupor, please state where my statements are erroneous. I am sure the SCOTUS would like your argument over mine since I am 2-0 with them.

I await the display of constitutional accumen you have so far withheld.
Then EINSTEIN? Where in the Constitution does it give the Government to take over business? Healthcare? Make States take funding, and then leave them in the blind when funds run out?

Tell US about the Ninth and Tenth Amendments?

The constitution does NOT give the govt. the "RIGHT" (which is the term I think you meant to include in your incomplete sentence) to take over a business. I have yet to see the government do that outside of when the IRS took over the Mustang Ranch From Joe Conforte. That is as close as they havbe come. Short term loans are hardly "taking over" a business, but still improper in my mind.

Guaranteeing the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", while in the Declaration (a document I personally consider the equal of the Constitution) seems to infer rights that you seem to disagree with.

Your comment about forcing States to take funding is curious. May you provide an example?

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