The Mao tse-tung you never heard about


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
and............certainly never heard about by some senior obama officials....or if they had certainly did not care.

Second Obama Administration Official Praises Chairman Mao

In October 1950 Mao launched a nationwide 'campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries.and devoted much energy to do this.

Mao issued order after order berating provincial cadres for being too soft, and urged more massive arrests, and massive killings.

Some 3 million perished in this one operation...either by execution, mob violence, or suicide.

Mao claimed tht the total number executed was 700,000, but this did not include those beaten or tortured to death. Not even to mention the suicides.

Mao wanted the killings performed with maximum impact, and that meant having them carried out in public.

A young half-Chinese woman from the U.K. witnessed one rally in the center of Peking, when some 200 people were paraded and then shot in the head so that their brains splattered out onto bystanders. Even those who managed to evade the rallies could not always avoid seeing horrific things, like trucks carrying corpses through the streets dripping blood.

Mao intended most of the population--children and adults alike--to witness violence and killing. His aim was to scare and brutalize the entire population, in a way that went much further than either Stalin or Hitler, who largely kept their foulest crimes out of sight.

from..........."MAO...The Unknown Story" Jon Halliday and Jung Chang.


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