The massive tax cut like the one in the Bush years didn’t benefit workers for a very simple reason

Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
You do realize you actually have to have a job in order to pay lower taxes right?
47% already pay no income taxes, so an income tax cut gives them ZERO benefit. A payroll tax cut would benefit ALL workers, which is why the Right never support payroll tax cuts.

So what you are saying is you want to kill Social Security? Ironic
No, I'm saying there is no SS "lock box" so if the Right actually wanted to give a tax cut to ALL workers, they would have cut the payroll tax and not the income tax.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?
Get a job and you can be too loser.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

Minimum wage creates inflation not the other way around.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.
Only an economic ignoramous believes wages are the result of profits. Wages are the result of the supply and demand for labor. Democrat politicans have been flooding this country with low-wage labor from third world countries. Hence the supply is greatly increased and the price has gone way down as a result.

You keep insisting on demonstrating your ignorance of economics. Keep it up. You're only helping Trump.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

That's really strange because here is a chart I made and note the statistic I provided that shows that the "median wage".. has increased 5% a year for the past 26 years.
Source: Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion
You do realize you actually have to have a job in order to pay lower taxes right?
47% already pay no income taxes, so an income tax cut gives them ZERO benefit. A payroll tax cut would benefit ALL workers, which is why the Right never support payroll tax cuts.

So what you are saying is you want to kill Social Security? Ironic
No, I'm saying there is no SS "lock box" so if the Right actually wanted to give a tax cut to ALL workers, they would have cut the payroll tax and not the income tax.

Thus putting Social Security, which is already in danger, in further jeopardy. Then you would be bitching and criticizing them for that instead
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.
Only an economic ignoramous believes wages are the result of profits. Wages are the result of the supply and demand for labor. Democrat politicans have been flooding this country with low-wage labor from third world countries. Hence the supply is greatly increased and the price has gone way down as a result.

You keep insisting on demonstrating your ignorance of economics. Keep it up. You're only helping Trump.
Lol so you think anyone making minimum wage or a wage barely above that is illegal? Illegal immigrants take jobs that pay peanuts.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

That's really strange because here is a chart I made and note the statistic I provided that shows that the "median wage".. has increased 5% a year for the past 26 years.
Source: Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion
View attachment 202090
I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation. The rate of increase doesn’t even come close as catching up.
Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.
Only an economic ignoramous believes wages are the result of profits. Wages are the result of the supply and demand for labor. Democrat politicans have been flooding this country with low-wage labor from third world countries. Hence the supply is greatly increased and the price has gone way down as a result.

You keep insisting on demonstrating your ignorance of economics. Keep it up. You're only helping Trump.
Lol so you think anyone making minimum wage or a wage barely above that is illegal? Illegal immigrants take jobs that pay peanuts.

So now you are advocating against illegal immigrants

Say what billy?
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
So wages should be going up with really low unemployment. Wages are pretty stagnant...
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
So wages should be going up with really low unemployment. Wages are pretty stagnant...

Prove it...
Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

That's really strange because here is a chart I made and note the statistic I provided that shows that the "median wage".. has increased 5% a year for the past 26 years.
Source: Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion
View attachment 202090
I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation. The rate of increase doesn’t even come close as catching up.

I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation.

You lie.
Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
So wages should be going up with really low unemployment. Wages are pretty stagnant...

Prove it...
For the biggest group of American workers, wages aren’t just flat. They’re falling.

For workers in “production and nonsupervisory” positions, the value of the average paycheck has declined in the past year. For those workers, average “real wages” — a measure of pay that takes inflation into account — fell from $22.62 in May 2017 to $22.59 in May 2018, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

That's really strange because here is a chart I made and note the statistic I provided that shows that the "median wage".. has increased 5% a year for the past 26 years.
Source: Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion
View attachment 202090
I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation. The rate of increase doesn’t even come close as catching up.

I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation.

You lie.

You are calling me a liar... yet you have NO proof for what you said.

I on the other hand CHECKED before I wrote a comment: Average Annual Inflation Rate by Decade

Wages "way behind"....
Let's see... 26 year from 2018 would be...hmmm 1990...
Decade 1990 to 1999.... Inflation was 3.08%
Decade 2000 to 2009...hmmm 2.54%...hmmm
decade 2010 to 2015 ...1.8%
See any decade at 5%????
Now nowhere in the past 26 years has inflation been greater than 5% which is what my statement from the Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion stated.
WHERE is YOUR proof?

I just wish you'd put some little energy in validating your comments... save me a lot of time in having to PROVE YOU WRONG!! AGAIN. AND AGAIN!!!

Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. There is no incentive for these corporations to invest in labor when it is just easier to save money on tax cuts. Meanwhile, the deficit explodes and only executives benefit.

Even if corporate profits weren’t at an all time high, there is still a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profit. How, in part, do you maximize profit? By not investing in labor and accepting the economy as is. Right now, higher wage jobs are extremely competitive among workers while lower income jobs fill quite easily.

Lower wage workers are at the mercy of the economy. While it may be easy for republicans to call them lazy, it ignores the complexity of what creates poverty. Low wage workers do not have the time or money to spend on education that would make them qualified for skilled jobs. Of course, let’s pretend ALL workers did this. Who would be left behind to fill those entry level jobs that keep any business afloat?

Thanks for showing everyone that you're an economic ignoramous. Idiocies like the stuff you posted in your OP should make everyone pause before they consider voting for a Democrat.
You just can’t explain how I am wrong.
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
So wages should be going up with really low unemployment. Wages are pretty stagnant...

Prove it!
Here is the proof that average salary has increased 5% a year for the past 26 years!
That's my proof. Median average salary increase for past 26 years has been 5% per year Source: SSA..... Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion
You know I so enjoy taking a few minutes and putting the LINKS to my statements that totally debunk those wild eyed, unsubstantiated comments by people guessing as to
"inflation rates", wages.... etc. Here once again we see that when put to the task of supporting their statements with LINKS... THEY CAN"T!!!
Prove it folks... substantiate!
The first thing you're wrong about is your belief that corporations can pay labor whatever they like. The price of labor is determined by supply and demand.
Um no. Despite record profits, wages are way behind on inflation. It’s been like this for decades.

That's really strange because here is a chart I made and note the statistic I provided that shows that the "median wage".. has increased 5% a year for the past 26 years.
Source: Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion
View attachment 202090
I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation. The rate of increase doesn’t even come close as catching up.

I never said wages hadn’t gone up, doofus. I said they are way behind on inflation.

You lie.

You are calling me a liar... yet you have NO proof for what you said.

I on the other hand CHECKED before I wrote a comment: Average Annual Inflation Rate by Decade

Wages "way behind"....
Let's see... 26 year from 2018 would be...hmmm 1990...
Decade 1990 to 1999.... Inflation was 3.08%
Decade 2000 to 2009...hmmm 2.54%...hmmm
decade 2010 to 2015 ...1.8%
See any decade at 5%????
Now nowhere in the past 26 years has inflation been greater than 5% which is what my statement from the Average wages, median wages, and wage dispersion stated.
WHERE is YOUR proof?

I just wish you'd put some little energy in validating your comments... save me a lot of time in having to PROVE YOU WRONG!! AGAIN. AND AGAIN!!!

View attachment 202106
If the US minimum wage had kept up with the economy, many low-wage earners could earn double what they're making now

If the minimum wage was kept up with inflation, it would be double what it is now.

For most workers, real wages have barely budged for decades | Pew Research Center

“But after adjusting for inflation, today’s average hourly wage has just about the same purchasing power as it did in 1979, following a long slide in the 1980s and early 1990s and bumpy, inconsistent growth since then. In fact, in real terms the average wage peaked more than 40 years ago: The $4.03-an-hour rate recorded in January 1973 has the same purchasing power as $22.41 would today.”

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