The Massive Trumpslide.Proof That Obama Does Not Have A 55% Approval !!

even Rush mentioned today that the 55% approval is a farse!
Yeah, when you oversample Dimocrats by +12% you will get the numbers you want.

Nah, the KKK, Neo-Nazis don't have phones, didn't' get polled. Their excitement over Mr. Trump won it for him. Congrats.

Good Lord.... really? You sound nutz.

It was the hidden Trump vote they talk about. They're gonna be pissed when they realize he is a RINO.
What hidden vote? If the Seahag had just gotten 3 million less than Obama got in 12, she'd be the next potus.
I wonder if they polled a few dogs, and they answered on the phone,,,,,ruff ruff ruff !!!!
even Rush mentioned today that the 55% approval is a farse!
Yeah, when you oversample Dimocrats by +12% you will get the numbers you want.

Nah, the KKK, Neo-Nazis don't have phones, didn't' get polled. Their excitement over Mr. Trump won it for him. Congrats.
I'm not blaming Comey, because Hillary earned everything she got, and I STILL can't believe the dems ran someone who sold access to the SoS office, but Comey's Nov surprise was probably a hell of a sea anchor.

Trump had enthuisam, but didn't even match Hillary's vote, and she got less than Mitt. And as bad as Trump is in terms of the things he's said about people, he may actually be a more a positive-optimist than Hillary.

She should have asked Bernie to be her running mate. His base was excited. Tim Kaine brought reasonableness to a fight where no one wanted it.
even Rush mentioned today that the 55% approval is a farse!
Yeah, when you oversample Dimocrats by +12% you will get the numbers you want.

Nah, the KKK, Neo-Nazis don't have phones, didn't' get polled. Their excitement over Mr. Trump won it for him. Congrats.
I'm not blaming Comey, because Hillary earned everything she got, and I STILL can't believe the dems ran someone who sold access to the SoS office, but Comey's Nov surprise was probably a hell of a sea anchor.

Trump had enthuisam, but didn't even match Hillary's vote, and she got less than Mitt. And as bad as Trump is in terms of the things he's said about people, he may actually be a more a positive-optimist than Hillary.

She should have asked Bernie to be her running mate. His base was excited. Tim Kaine brought reasonableness to a fight where no one wanted it.
She ran a campaign like she had no clue as to how ethically loathsome a lot of people find her to be. And she really had no clue. But yeah, the Bern couldn't have hurt.

I don't subscribe to the claptrap of "everything works our for the best" and find it incredibly offensive when people say "God has a reason for everything," But Trump may end up being much less harmful for America than HIllary, even if Trump is as shitty a potus as his past comments suggest.

And maybe he'll actually act like a civil adult and do some positive stuff.
even Rush mentioned today that the 55% approval is a farse!
Yeah, when you oversample Dimocrats by +12% you will get the numbers you want.

Nah, the KKK, Neo-Nazis don't have phones, didn't' get polled. Their excitement over Mr. Trump won it for him. Congrats.
I'm not blaming Comey, because Hillary earned everything she got, and I STILL can't believe the dems ran someone who sold access to the SoS office, but Comey's Nov surprise was probably a hell of a sea anchor.

Trump had enthuisam, but didn't even match Hillary's vote, and she got less than Mitt. And as bad as Trump is in terms of the things he's said about people, he may actually be a more a positive-optimist than Hillary.

She should have asked Bernie to be her running mate. His base was excited. Tim Kaine brought reasonableness to a fight where no one wanted it.
she should of offered Tim Kaine the position as White House Bus Boy
:2up: And none of us normal people believed that approval number in the first place! and we have had to watch all of these liberal commentators/Democrat Stragetists bringing up that because Obama has a 55/56% per-cent approval, that will help Hillary win the election.:afro:
Yah right, just like ABC claimed that "Hillary is leading 12 Points" !!!! Trump should step down!! the race is OVER !!!'

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I don't know what is funnier, the fact that they expected the country to believe their fake polls or the fact that they managed to fool themselves. The lib media is still in a state of confusion over how wrong they were on all fronts.

This election wasn't just a rejection of Hillary's agenda. It was a huge message that we don't want more of what Obama has had to offer. If more than half actually approved of him, they would have put Hillary over the top.
She ran a campaign like she had no clue as to how ethically loathsome a lot of people find her to be. And she really had no clue. But yeah, the Bern couldn't have hurt.

I don't subscribe to the claptrap of "everything works our for the best" and find it incredibly offensive when people say "God has a reason for everything," But Trump may end up being much less harmful for America than HIllary, even if Trump is as shitty a potus as his past comments suggest.

And maybe he'll actually act like a civil adult and do some positive stuff.

Are we in the Twilight Zone or are the left and right actually finding common ground to agree on?

I'm worried about the future of our country and hoping Trump surrounds himself with good people who know what they are doing. Not crazy about some of the potential choices, but was more afraid of Hillary.

If he can continue to act like he did in his acceptance speech, it will be a good thing.
Yup. This is a complete rejection of 0bama and his disastrous presidency.

Hardly. This is another exercise in the oddity of our electoral system.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to keep from crying any more. None of the rest of us are stupid enough to swallow that.

I'm the one who told you Hillary Clinton was a terrible choice and a terrible candidate.

Irrelevant. You are trying to spin away from the fact that it's a rejection of 0bama and his failed presidency.

Trump got elected because he got to the left of Hillary Clinton on trade, labor, jobs, unions.

He did what people like you claim no Republican should or could do,

he moved to the left to win the presidency.
:2up: And none of us normal people believed that approval number in the first place! and we have had to watch all of these liberal commentators/Democrat Stragetists bringing up that because Obama has a 55/56% per-cent approval, that will help Hillary win the election.:afro:
Yah right, just like ABC claimed that "Hillary is leading 12 Points" !!!! Trump should step down!! the race is OVER !!!'

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

I don't know what is funnier, the fact that they expected the country to believe their fake polls or the fact that they managed to fool themselves. The lib media is still in a state of confusion over how wrong they were on all fronts.

This election wasn't just a rejection of Hillary's agenda. It was a huge message that we don't want more of what Obama has had to offer. If more than half actually approved of him, they would have put Hillary over the top.
all night last night. I was laughing my ass off. all three cable channels , fox, cnn and msnbc. funny, they still don't get it.
Trump got elected because he got to the left of Hillary Clinton on trade, labor, jobs, unions.

He did what people like you claim no Republican should or could do,

he moved to the left to win the presidency.

Historically, Trump has been a Dem and I would think people know that. I didn't vote for Trump, I voted against Hillary and I suspect that was the case with many.

Trump sounded more moderate on other things. And he sounded more conservative on national security. Hard to put him in any party given that his views seem to be all over the board. And he's not establishment. Both parties rejected him. While he was technically the Repub nominee, the GOP wasn't supportive overall. He appears to be an outsider, which is what both sides have claimed to want for years. Whether he is or isn't remains to be seen.

Dems generally try to sound moderate during elections. Hillary didn't. At times, she claimed to be moderate and then turned around and promised her supporters she was progressive, aka liberal. I don't know what she is other than someone who has her own agenda and really doesn't care about people. She's been in bed with the 1% and her speeches to Wall Street revealed a rather radical goal, namely no borders and a one world government. It would have been all about money for the 1% and total control by government. That is why I feared a Hillary presidency.

I knew what Hillary would do and it scared me. I knew from her private speeches that she tells people what they want to hear and then does the opposite in secret. With Trump, it's unknown territory. I saw it as a choice between definitely going off the cliff or turning on an untraveled trail and hoping for the best.
HIllary got more votes than the Trumpenfuhrer... so, uh, no.

Won't all the dumb white trash who voted for Trump in the Rust Belt be surprised when the jobs don't come back like he promised.
And Hillary got less than Mitt. This was a shit choice.

But I hope Trump is a good potus and America does well.

Since you are being rational, I agree. These were awful choices. I think a lot of people voted for Trump because they were frustrated at BOTH parties for getting nothing done.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Trump will put together a team of good people and get the country moving again.

However, I'm planning as though he's going to totally fuck it up and we will have 20% unemployment in 2 years. Which means I'm paying down all my debt and building up my side business (which would actually benefit from an increase in unemployment.)
HIllary got more votes than the Trumpenfuhrer... so, uh, no.

Won't all the dumb white trash who voted for Trump in the Rust Belt be surprised when the jobs don't come back like he promised.
And Hillary got less than Mitt. This was a shit choice.

But I hope Trump is a good potus and America does well.

Since you are being rational, I agree. These were awful choices. I think a lot of people voted for Trump because they were frustrated at BOTH parties for getting nothing done.

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Trump will put together a team of good people and get the country moving again.

However, I'm planning as though he's going to totally fuck it up and we will have 20% unemployment in 2 years. Which means I'm paying down all my debt and building up my side business (which would actually benefit from an increase in unemployment.)
You should have been doing that all along
You should have been doing that all along

Kind of hard when Republicans keep fucking up the economy. I'm finally at a place now where I CAN do that. I'm just hoping Trump doesn't fuck it up too quickly.
You should have been doing that all along

Kind of hard when Republicans keep fucking up the economy. I'm finally at a place now where I CAN do that. I'm just hoping Trump doesn't fuck it up too quickly.
Too funny. Eight years of your president and it's republicans fault. Get some balls and be honest once in your life. Your failure
Too funny. Eight years of your president and it's republicans fault. Get some balls and be honest once in your life. Your failure

No, my life was just fine until Bush came along.

Man, I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back. No debt, property worth twice what I paid for it, good paying job.

Then two recessions from the retard, and I had an underwater mortgage, huge debt because of medical bills, a 25% reduction in salary, and a busted 401K. It took 8 years to get back to a state of equillibrium. (And working second jobs, econominizing, etc.)

Now you guys put Trump in there, who most economists say WILL cause a recession if he gets his way on things.

But you showed Hillary Clinton for making you feel bad 20 years ago, you did.
HIllary got more votes than the Trumpenfuhrer... so, uh, no.

Won't all the dumb white trash who voted for Trump in the Rust Belt be surprised when the jobs don't come back like he promised.
and when they do?

They'll probably vote for Liz Warren and the jobs programs she'll promise.

Liz Warren is eerily similar to purse swinging, forever angry Gladys Ormphby, the character immortalized by Ruth Buzzi.
Liz Warren is eerily similar to purse swinging, forever angry Gladys Ormphby, the character immortalized by Ruth Buzzi.

You got to be pretty old to remember that character... ;)

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