The Massive Trumpslide.Proof That Obama Does Not Have A 55% Approval !!

People like Obama. Many people didn't trust Hilary and just didn't like her personality.
People like Obama. Many people didn't trust Hilary and just didn't like her personality.

She won the popular vote by 400K votes. It's only because we have this arcane 18th century abomination that we are now stuck with a reality TV clown.
Too funny. Eight years of your president and it's republicans fault. Get some balls and be honest once in your life. Your failure

No, my life was just fine until Bush came along.

Man, I would LOVE to have my life from 2000 back. No debt, property worth twice what I paid for it, good paying job.

Then two recessions from the retard, and I had an underwater mortgage, huge debt because of medical bills, a 25% reduction in salary, and a busted 401K. It took 8 years to get back to a state of equillibrium. (And working second jobs, econominizing, etc.)

Now you guys put Trump in there, who most economists say WILL cause a recession if he gets his way on things.

But you showed Hillary Clinton for making you feel bad 20 years ago, you did.
I agree, those trade deals killed our economy, and allowing anyone to own a home even without money . Yep, and eight years more of driving more and more jobs out did so much for this country, not. All that .com business dried up as well. All democrats, and again you have no balls to admit it. It's ok, it's what got trump elected. Establishment failures of our middle class.
HIllary got more votes than the Trumpenfuhrer... so, uh, no.

Won't all the dumb white trash who voted for Trump in the Rust Belt be surprised when the jobs don't come back like he promised.
and when they do?

They'll probably vote for Liz Warren and the jobs programs she'll promise.

Liz Warren is eerily similar to purse swinging, forever angry Gladys Ormphby, the character immortalized by Ruth Buzzi.
Very interesting
I agree, those trade deals killed our economy, and allowing anyone to own a home even without money . Yep, and eight years more of driving more and more jobs out did so much for this country, not. All that .com business dried up as well. All democrats, and again you have no balls to admit it. It's ok, it's what got trump elected. Establishment failures of our middle class.

I agree, the failures of both sides over the last few decades got Trump "elected" (not really) because he promised a lot of things that weren't ever going to happen.

But what drove jobs out where the choices of those consumers, not policies.

When Americans decided that if the same car had a Japanese and American name, they'd buy the one with the Japanese name because that had quality. Or when Motorola did the "Herro Moto" commercials to try to fool you into thinking they were a Japanese company.

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