The Master of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels quotes.

Let’s see. Trump was blamed for everything that went wrong during his time as president. Since Biden became president he gets blamed for everything.
Wrong again. Joe Biteme fucked up the border and blames President Trump for Biteme's failures.
Joe Biteme fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawl, blamed President Trump for Biteme's foreign policies.
Joe Biteme inherited a recovering economy and fucked it up royally, then blames President Trump for BIteme's economic disaster.

Wrong again. Joe Biteme fucked up the border and blames President Trump for Biteme's failures.
Joe Biteme fucked up the Afghanistan withdrawl, blamed President Trump for Biteme's foreign policies.
Joe Biteme inherited a recovering economy and fucked it up royally, then blames President Trump for BIteme's economic disaster.

You misunderstood. Let me try again. Democrats blame trump. Republicans blame Biden.
You misunderstood. Let me try again. Democrats blame trump. Republicans blame Biden.
Biden who has so fucked up everything that was left him, of course he should admit that he is an incompetent fool. It was, "We must undo everything Trump" and because of it, he has turned this country into a savage 3rd world nation. I warned before Biteme was elected that if he won, there would be more violence, yet no one believed me. Now we have to deal with Biteme's failures....
Biden who has so fucked up everything that was left him, of course he should admit that he is an incompetent fool. It was, "We must undo everything Trump" and because of it, he has turned this country into a savage 3rd world nation. I warned before Biteme was elected that if he won, there would be more violence, yet no one believed me. Now we have to deal with Biteme's failures....
I believe you have the “Republicans blame Biden” thing down pretty good.
On to the “Democrats blame trump” thing.
I believe you have the “Republicans blame Biden” thing down pretty good.
On to the “Democrats blame trump” thing.
What was the gas price when Joe Biteme stole the election?

When Joe Biteme stole the election Afghanistan was going to have an orderly withdrawal, with civilians first then the military. Biteme went against his own military advisors and 13 young military soldiers lost their lives.

When Joe Biteme stole the 2020 election the inflation rate was in the 2's

Arent you glad that you are culpable for the crap that Joe Biteme has done to the US?
What was the gas price when Joe Biteme stole the election?

When Joe Biteme stole the election Afghanistan was going to have an orderly withdrawal, with civilians first then the military. Biteme went against his own military advisors and 13 young military soldiers lost their lives.

When Joe Biteme stole the 2020 election the inflation rate was in the 2's

Arent you glad that you are culpable for the crap that Joe Biteme has done to the US?
I don’t vote.
Explain the logic in that.
You vote, that means you actually put skin in the game, whether it is for Republicans, Democrats, or Independents. When you dont vote, you dont even try to make the country the way you want it. You let others do the work, and you just sit and ride the wave.
The Democrat party has mastered the ideas of Joseph Goebbels. When you look at what Good Ole Joe says, it is full of the ideas of another Joe....Say it enough the lie becomes the truth. At least to the Marxist it does.

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Republicans lie about the presidential election of 2020. They say Trump won. Trump suffered a well deserved defeat.
The way I want it is the way it was in 1491. When a candidate runs on that platform I will most certainly vote.

Your first amendment says otherwise.
That was a very filthy time, where everyone smelled like shit. I guess you like smelling like shit?
That was a very filthy time, where everyone smelled like shit. I guess you like smelling like shit?
Gotta say I’ve never heard that one before. So my choices are living in a country where half the country hates the other half, where children are murdered in schools every week, where racism is at an all time high OR smelling bad. Seems like a no brainer.
Gotta say I’ve never heard that one before. So my choices are living in a country where half the country hates the other half, where children are murdered in schools every week, where racism is at an all time high OR smelling bad. Seems like a no brainer.
And why is it that 1/2 the country hates the other 1/2 and (are you sure children are murdered in schools every week, or are you exaggerating that?) blacks are murdering blacks every week in the inner cities, because of the Progressive policies of class warfare, sex warfare, skin color warfare, and the war on religion? When you have one side stirring up all those hatreds towards other people, then the only solution is either to vote the Marxists out or you eliminate them.

I wouldn't worry about LibTards getting violent.
I know quite a few and I can kick their asses without working up much of a sweat.
The real problem is not vomiting when I see their wives' black teeth and mustaches.

The same can be said for conservatives. I know several that I could take without any huge effort.

I also know plenty of liberals who enjoy shooting and spend time at the range. It all depends on the person.
And why is it that 1/2 the country hates the other 1/2 and (are you sure children are murdered in schools every week, or are you exaggerating that?) blacks are murdering blacks every week in the inner cities, because of the Progressive policies of class warfare, sex warfare, skin color warfare, and the war on religion? When you have one side stirring up all those hatreds towards other people, then the only solution is either to vote the Marxists out or you eliminate them.

All that you just mentioned is happening now, in the country your ancestors created. We had none of that before the white man came. Over 500 years and you people still can’t get your head out of your ass. I’ll have no part of it.
All that you just mentioned is happening now, in the country your ancestors created. We had none of that before the white man came. Over 500 years and you people still can’t get your head out of your ass. I’ll have no part of it.
My ancestors came from Scotland back in the 1920s , nice try. But since then, the idea of the United States, the melting pot of the world was not to divide people by class, color, sex or religion but to bring them all as United States citizens. But those damn Marxists who want to RULE over you, they must keep US divided because without US united against them, they continue to RULE over you. Just look at what they have done most recently, making everyones life much harder with high energy prices, high taxes, bullshit regulations, but since they dont do mean tweets, i guess you are okay with that. Want to go back to 500 years ago and live like a savage, go to the forest of Venezuela or Peru, i bet you would be back in 1 week, after you stank of body odor and shit....
Want to go back to 500 years ago and live like a savage, go to the forest of Venezuela or Peru, i bet you would be back in 1 week, after you stank of body odor and shit....
We paid for this land in blood. We survived your attempted genocide. We are still here and not going anywhere.

We paid for this land in blood. We survived your attempted genocide. We are still here and not going anywhere.

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Why is it with billions of dollars spent on Native American programs and no taxes paid by the red race, cant you guys make something of yourselves? Is it that victimhood is all you guys ever live with? Move on, become a citizen like the rest of US, join US against the tyranny that is showing its ugly face against all of US.

Marxism, Violence, and Tyrann | Social Philosophy and Policy | Cambridge Core
The central argument against Marxism is an empirical one: the universally tyrannical nature of all hitherto existing Marxist regimes. Defenders of Marxism must continually defend themselves against the charge that Marxism, when it comes to power, increases the sum total of human misery by increasing political oppression.

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