The Master of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels quotes.

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Ever here of cognitive dissonance?

It doesn't matter what facts are shoved in your face, you're incapable of changing.
Your bigotry and your prejudice makes you unable to accept the truth.

I have a ton of Native-American relatives.
I've met motherf**kers just like you in my life.
I've met whites, blacks, and red skinned bigots.
They're all the same.
Ignorant and uneducated, yet they think they know everything.
I said I’m done with you. Do you not understand your own language??
Leave me the fuck alone.
Political propaganda is only successful when the entire media has become willing (or even unwilling) accomplices in the agenda. Isn't that what we have in the U.S. these days?
That's the line the Trumpsters are selling. They're jealous because media companies tend to lean left. They tell themselves that this is due to widespread collusion with the state. They tell themselves that to justify getting revenge on these companies with state policy. In other words, they don't really mind the state bullying the media, they just want to be the ones doing the bullying.
That's because you're a bigot.
According to your Declaration of Independence I’m a:
I don’t respect you. No reason to show any.
I dont respect free loaders who have to take money from those that earn it so the the lazy fucks can then smoke their pipes full of weed and still bitch and moan how they just cant seem to make it, even though billions of dollars are spent for the "Redman" and they still live tax free, while those who have 2nd gen or more Native white people, get punished with very high taxes, all in the name of "fairness". Want to be respected then be like the rest of those who make America Great, not pieces of shit, who want to destroy this nation.....
I dont respect free loaders who have to take money from those that earn it so the the lazy fucks can then smoke their pipes full of weed and still bitch and moan how they just cant seem to make it, even though billions of dollars are spent for the "Redman" and they still live tax free, while those who have 2nd gen or more Native white people, get punished with very high taxes, all in the name of "fairness". Want to be respected then be like the rest of those who make America Great, not pieces of shit, who want to destroy this nation.....
The Clovis culture.
It seemed that 1 tribe would prey upon the other, taking the spoils of that victory and putting the women and children into slavery for the winning tribes. Thus they were never able to move forward towards a more civilized state of existence. But then when Andrew Jackson (D) declared war on the Indians by passing the Manifest Destiny, the trail of tears soon happened. Why is it that Democrats always fuck over other people?
It seemed that 1 tribe would prey upon the other, taking the spoils of that victory and putting the women and children into slavery for the winning tribes. Thus they were never able to move forward towards a more civilized state of existence. But then when Andrew Jackson (D) declared war on the Indians by passing the Manifest Destiny, the trail of tears soon happened. Why is it that Democrats always fuck over other people?
Ask a Democrat.
They do? When i am wrong, i man up and try to correct the issue by apologizing, but you never hear from the Marxists who are wrong everytime, an apology, but will then lie to divert the issue away....
Let’s see. Trump was blamed for everything that went wrong during his time as president. Since Biden became president he gets blamed for everything.

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