The Master of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels quotes.

while the democrats still have their black slaves apparently
Maybe if you pulled your head out of Uranus and actually see what President Trump achieved in 4 years(with the whole establishment against him) instead of listening to the Lame Stream Media(enemy of the people) more people were happy until China and Joe Biteme campaign released upon the US the kung flu.
Everything he did he did for himself. He damn sure didn’t do anything for my Native brothers and sisters.
Idiots like you actually believe the lie from the Marxists/Democrats that they the Democrats stopped being the racists like the KKK. BLM/ANTIFA today burn minority businesses and murder blacks, more than the KKK ever dreamed of. Nothing has changed with the Demofacists party, except people like you are way more stupid...
Are you responding to me or wrongwinger?
Everything he did he did for himself. He damn sure didn’t do anything for my Native brothers and sisters.
Why is it that billions of dollars go to the "Native brothers and sisters", yet they remain pieces of shit who just cant seem to make something of themselves, while they get TAX FREE status that other Native born Americans just cant.

Only the Casinos seem to be able to steal billions of dollars from gamblers, and then pay minimum wages to those who work there. Maybe the Native (Redskin) Americans need to stop bitching how fucked up their lives are and move off the "reservations", made by the Democrats to keep you in line.

Why is it that billions of dollars go to the "Native brothers and sisters", yet they remain pieces of shit who just cant seem to make something of themselves, while they get TAX FREE status that other Native born Americans just cant.

Only the Casinos seem to be able to steal billions of dollars from gamblers, and then pay minimum wages to those who work there. Maybe the Native (Redskin) Americans need to stop bitching how fucked up their lives are and move off the "reservations", made by the Democrats to keep you in line.

Bye, ignorant fuck.
Everything he did he did for himself. He damn sure didn’t do anything for my Native brothers and sisters.
Kind of racist to only try to help one ethnic group. That's what Democrats do. They only do it so they can manipulate you into doing something wrong.
Besides being against the law it's morally corrupt.
So what did trump do to benefit Natives? We all know he did shit that benefits whites.

If that’s true, they failed.
It is against the law to patronize one ethnic group over another.
Trump did a lot to help everyone.
It's not his job just to help Native-Americans but all Americans.
Anyone who thinks they deserve special rights and privileges because of their race is by definition a racist.
Natives are Americans, dumbass. If he didn’t help Natives, he didn’t help all Americans.
I was born in America. That makes me just as much a native as you are.

Did you enjoy $2 gas.
Did you enjoy lower income taxes?
Did you enjoy the same opportunities that everyone else enjoyed?
Did you enjoy the rollback of massive over regulations that caused the cost of living to rise?

All economies are local....but Trump did more for Native-Americans than you realize.
You are an idiot. You are not a Native American.


  1. a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not:


    1. relating to or characteristic of the United States or its inhabitants:
      "a leading American industrial company"

I was born in America. That makes me just as much a native as you are.

Did you enjoy $2 gas.
Did you enjoy lower income taxes?
Did you enjoy the same opportunities that everyone else enjoyed?
Did you enjoy the rollback of massive over regulations that caused the cost of living to rise?

All economies are local....but Trump did more for Native-Americans than you realize.
So if you by definition are not a Native American, the all the Redskin Native Americans arent either, because science says that they migrated across the Bering Strait when it was able to be crossed.

Hellbilly is a product of the public education system so can only be a victim, thus never able to make something of themselves.

You are an idiot. You are not a Native American.
What makes you think your people were the first here?
Everyone who is here came from somewhere else.
Most of the Natives who live in North America immigrated from Central and South America thousands of years ago.
Where did they come from?
Ask yourself why there are no Pyramids in North America like there are in Mexico and further South.
The answer is everyone who lives here came from somewhere else.



  1. a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not:


    1. relating to or characteristic of the United States or its inhabitants:
      "a leading American industrial company"

Nice try, Xebeche.
Stay ignorant. I’m done with you. Been down this road too many times.

Ever here of cognitive dissonance?

It doesn't matter what facts are shoved in your face, you're incapable of changing.
Your bigotry and your prejudice makes you unable to accept the truth.

I have a ton of Native-American relatives.
I've met motherf**kers just like you in my life.
I've met whites, blacks, and red skinned bigots.
They're all the same.
Ignorant and uneducated, yet they think they know everything.

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