The Media Intifata


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Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
At the height of Israel's response to Gaza rockets fired into that nation, several posters claimed, and continue to claim, that the NYTimes is pro-Israel.

Those of us who can read know what an absurd claim this is.

But, Forbes investigative journalist, Richard Behar, shatters the myth, as follows.

1. "...[during] war in Gaza, where journalists working for American news outlets have, he says, “become part of the Hamas war machine.”

2.’s high time to dig through the carnage that many of my colleagues from major U.S. media outlets are leaving behind—especially the New York Times.

3. On August 11th, the normally Israel-averse Foreign Press Association in Israel conceded what those closely following the war coverage already knew: That Hamas has been intimidating foreign reporters. ... it condemned the terrorist group for “the blatant, incessant, forceful and unorthodox methods employed by the Hamas authorities and their representatives against visiting international journalists in Gaza over the past month.

4. ....what is surprising is that New York Times’ Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren undermined her own newspaper—quickly denouncing the FPA’s statement.....In an email to the FPA, she said that the FPA’s statement could be “dangerous” to the “credibility” of the foreign press who are covering the conflict.

5. Since late July, I’ve conducted an in-depth look at the credibility of the media coverage, plus interviews with military experts and some journalists covering the war. Among other things, I’ve discovered that the Times’ most important reporter in Gaza for the past few years has used the late Yasser Arafat as his profile photo on Facebook, and, in a second photo, praised the former Palestinian leader. .... this Times reporter’s parallel pieces for Qatar’s Al Jazeera since the war began can only be pleasing to the terrorists.

6. ...the Times, ... is, without question, the most important media outlet in the world, in terms of setting the table each day for other outlets. It is also widely regarded as the most authoritative media outlet in the world for international coverage. much of the Western coverage has been predictably skewed against Israel—through those time-honored journalism tools of sloppy and lazy reporting, superficiality, nuance, omission, lack of historical knowledge, or flat-out agenda-driven lies and bias.

7. “We’re not just talking bad journalism,” says Weiss. “We’re talking about journalism that functions as a tool of a terrorist organization, Hamas: breathlessly pushing its narrative, whether cowed by its threats, sympathetic to its cause, or simply ignorant.”

8. ...few of them are doing their jobs right—that is, moving beyond the surface imagery and the heavy-handed (and wrong) “David and Goliath” agenda being advanced by the fascistic, death-worshipping terrorist group Hamas.

9. This epidemic of journalistic malpractice is contributing to the pain and loss of life that Palestinians in Gaza are suffering—as it helps to empower Hamas, which has been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., the EU, Canada, Japan, Egypt and Jordan. (This designation is too often not-fit-to-print by the New York Times and other media outlets.) In turn, this no doubt helps spread oil on the rising and frightening anti-Semitism ....

10 .Hamas’s rarely-mentioned 1988 charter is a throwback to 1930s Nazi anti-Semitism, pure and simple, with a genocidal intent that is unambiguous.....the battle that Hamas is fighting is not a new one at all, but a continuation of Hitler’s unfinished business from World War II..... that is but one of many problems with the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and not even the worst."
The Media Intifada Bad Math Ugly Truths About New York Times In Israel-Hamas War - Forbes
10 .Hamas’s rarely-mentioned 1988 charter is a throwback to 1930s Nazi anti-Semitism, pure and simple, with a genocidal intent that is unambiguous.....the battle that Hamas is fighting is not a new one at all, but a continuation of Hitler’s unfinished business from World War II..... that is but one of many problems with the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and not even the worst."

How hard would it be for the arab majority to expel/exterminate the jewish minority that inhabited Palestine from the arabization of the region to the end of WWI (even being under turkish occupation)?

The arab population of Palestine must be the most incompetent "nazis" in all of human history...
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10 .Hamas’s rarely-mentioned 1988 charter is a throwback to 1930s Nazi anti-Semitism, pure and simple, with a genocidal intent that is unambiguous.....the battle that Hamas is fighting is not a new one at all, but a continuation of Hitler’s unfinished business from World War II..... that is but one of many problems with the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and not even the worst."

How hard would it be for the arab majority to expel/exterminate the jewish minority that inhabited Palestine from the arabization of the region to the end of WWI (even being under turkish occupation)?

The arab population of Palestine must be the most incompetent "nazis" in all of human history...

What an astounding ignorance of history....
Government school grad?

"....there is a picture of the grand mufti of Palestine, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, reviewing an honor guard of the Muslim division of the Waffen SS that fought the Serbs and antifascist partisans. The display includes a cable to Hajj Amin from Heinrich Himmler, dated November 2, 1943: “The National Socialist Party has inscribed on its flag ‘the extermination of world Jewry.’ Our party sympathizes with the fight of the Arabs, especially the Arabs of Palestine, against the foreign Jew.” There is also a quote from a broadcast the mufti gave over Berlin radio on March 1, 1944: “Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This is the command of God, history and religion.”
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern City Journal 21 October 2010
Originally posted by PoliticalChic
What an astounding ignorance of history....
Government school grad?

OK, so you admit your inability to explain why, despite being nazi-like anti-semites at heart, the arab people of Palestine never showed any interest in expelling / exterminating palestinian Jews for 1400 years (or even european Jews) up until the beginning of the zionist movement.

You're dismissed...

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11. "Here is a sampling of what theTimes, and the media in general, feel is not fit to print:

***Proof of the use by Hamas of civilians as human shields has finally been ably thexposed by reporters for media outlets in Finland, France, India, Italy, Japan, Russia, and others—but not by news organizations with greater resources at hand such as BBC, CNN, the New York Times,... Sadly, the Associated Press has failed dismally.

***In late 2012, during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza, I examined the Facebook page of Fares Akram—the most important Gaza-based reporter for theNew York Times. His profile photo was not of himself, but of PLO leader Arafat. A second photo, still in his album, waxes poetically about Arafat in the context of “heights by great men.” But Arafat, among manythings as the longtime leader of the Palestinians (the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre comes to mind), opted for the Second Intifada in 2000, rather than accept a generous peace offer from Israel.

Before he died, he said on TV that dead Palestinian children are good for the cause. In 2009, following an Israeli air strike that tragically killed his father and a cousin, Akram wrote that “I am finding it hard to distinguish between what the Israelis call terrorists and the Israeli pilots and tank crews who are invading Gaza.” Akram, a Palestinian resident of Gaza, has also published more than a dozen dispatches for Al Jazeera, parallel to his Times reporting, since the war began last month.

***Abeer Ayyoub, another Palestinian resident of Gaza and formerTimes reporter there (until 2013), was boycotting all products made in Israel before and after herTimes gig. Her Facebook posts and stories for other publications in 2014 are hostile to Israel."
The Media Intifada Bad Math Ugly Truths About New York Times In Israel-Hamas War - Forbes

NYTimes .......hardly a friend to Israel.
Originally posted by PoliticalChic
What an astounding ignorance of history....
Government school grad?

OK, so you admit your inability to explain why, despite being nazi-like anti-semites at heart, the arab people of Palestine never showed any interest in expelling / exterminating palestinian Jews for 1400 years (or even european Jews) up until the beggining of the zionist movement.

You're dismissed...


You missed the point: I put you in your place- last seat in the dumb row.
Originally posted by PoliticalChic
What an astounding ignorance of history....
Government school grad?

OK, so you admit your inability to explain why, despite being nazi-like anti-semites at heart, the arab people of Palestine never showed any interest in expelling / exterminating palestinian Jews for 1400 years (or even european Jews) up until the beginning of the zionist movement.

You're dismissed...

Actually they did and always have just at different levels, thing is they failed time and again, but they wasn't here for 1400 years so.. dismissed, next!
12. "Here is [another] sampling of what the Times, and the media in general, feel is not fit to print:

***The arithmetic of civilian casualties in Gaza is one of the principal media crimes in this war. It became obvious weeks ago that major Western journalists routinely swallowed the huge civilian-casualty figures dished out to them by Gaza’s Ministry of Health, a bureaucratic arm of a terrorist group that was shown to have lied about such figures in past wars.
In some cases, reporters cite numbers instead from the United Nations, which gets its numbers from—surprise—the Hamas ministry, a dubious source of information, akin to relying on the Reich Health Office for German civilian-casualty statistics during World War II.On many occasions, major American news outlets haven’t bothered to even attribute the numbers to either the ministry or the UN—simply reporting as fact that “most,” or “the majority” or the “vast majority” of casualties in Gaza are civilians."

At the very least, readers or viewers should be told by those reporters (or their editors/producers) to take the figures with some salt. Meanwhile, Israel’s best research institute on the subject, the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, is to this day all but ignored by Western media. And yet they are the only independent outfit that takes the time to match the names of the dead with known terrorists. Their results thus far (with 450 deaths analyzed) show that approximately half are civilians. Based on prior wars with Hamas, it’s highly likely that, in the final analysis, the majority of the dead will have been terrorist operatives.

Bottom-line: With the exception of the Washington Post, audiences in America might need to turn to other countries to follow the war, as well as any future wars between Israel and Hamas."
The Media Intifada Bad Math Ugly Truths About New York Times In Israel-Hamas War - Forbes

Starting with the NYTimes, the main stream media will never tell the truth when it comes to Israel.
I find that the other side has become quite silent in threads where their Israel bash is proven wrong.

See what I've done ;)
10 .Hamas’s rarely-mentioned 1988 charter is a throwback to 1930s Nazi anti-Semitism, pure and simple, with a genocidal intent that is unambiguous.....the battle that Hamas is fighting is not a new one at all, but a continuation of Hitler’s unfinished business from World War II..... that is but one of many problems with the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and not even the worst."

How hard would it be for the arab majority to expel/exterminate the jewish minority that inhabited Palestine from the arabization of the region to the end of WWI (even being under turkish occupation)?

The arab population of Palestine must be the most incompetent "nazis" in all of human history...

What an astounding ignorance of history....
Government school grad?

"....there is a picture of the grand mufti of Palestine, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, reviewing an honor guard of the Muslim division of the Waffen SS that fought the Serbs and antifascist partisans. The display includes a cable to Hajj Amin from Heinrich Himmler, dated November 2, 1943: “The National Socialist Party has inscribed on its flag ‘the extermination of world Jewry.’ Our party sympathizes with the fight of the Arabs, especially the Arabs of Palestine, against the foreign Jew.” There is also a quote from a broadcast the mufti gave over Berlin radio on March 1, 1944: “Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This is the command of God, history and religion.”
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern City Journal 21 October 2010

Oh dear. I suppose it's a truism if Zionist Hasbarists repeat a lie often enough, people eventualy believe it. Just like the famous Arab radio broadcasts made the Palestinians leave myth that was comprehensively debunked when no one was able to produce transcripts or recordings of any such broadcast ever being made or the famous Ahmadinejad, "Wipe isreal off the face of the planet" speech which has been proved to have been "mistranslated" by MEMRI or whoever.

Fortunately in this case the above is disprovable. During WW2 the BBC closely monitored German radio and surprise, surprise a transcript of the broadcast made on March 1st 1944 exists in BBC archives. Firstly there is no evidence that al-Husseini ever said the above; he was never identified as the speaker. What the actual transcript says is as follows:

(reception very poor)
Appeal by Arabs by "A distinguished Arab Personality" (18mins)
"...No power was strong enough to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine. During the last war, Britain, despite her strength, failed in this undertaking. Every Arab would rise against this menace. "Moslems! Arabs! Live with honour or die, rise and stand firm against your enemies; sacrifice yourselves to overcome the ever-increasing Jewish menace. Inflict heavy damages on his war effort and kill as many as you can of your enemies - Jews and Anglo-Saxons - and Allah is with you!"


Looks like Yad Vashem made it no, I mean "mistranslated" it.
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Centre is ignored by the media because it's part and parcel of the IDF Hasbara machine. Even Mossad and Shin Bet criticise MAITIC as the, "connection between military intelligence with a propaganda body is detrimental to "objective" and "ideologically unbiased" analysis". It's even goverment funded by the Zionist regime. Please, talk about this to your heart's content. I'm done with this thread.
I think this needs more discussion. . . .

Intelligent discussion, anyway.

At the heart of all these charges of a pro-Israel bias lies a type of turnspeak where it isn't really a pro-Israel bias, but the lack of blatantly ant Zionist and antisemitic content that is being attacked. It works much like all the typical claims these vile antisemites make in regards to "you just can't say ANYTHING about Israel blah blah blah" in that the attempt here is to shift the discussion in such a way as to categorize any who do not follow this cult-like devotion to all things Pally as the unbalanced ones. The truth of the matter, obviously, is that when people devote themselves to demonizing anything and everything about Jews, they aren't saying just anything about Israel, but EVERYTHING about Jews and Israel and in such unrelenting fashion as to display beyond a shadow of a doubt where their hatred lies..

In the case of the media, it is actually quite easy to follow the money here. Arab oil money is extremely influential, especially in Europe which is more dependent on oil than we are, and all one has to do is look towards, say, The Guardian to see the effectiveness of this influence. The hatred for Israel just rolls off the pages, and I can't even count the number of uneducated Brits I have encountered who were anything but parrots in regards to the dogmatic anti-Zionism and antisemitic points of view represented. Much of this is filtered through the distinctly Arab brand of mealy-mouthed double talk, where the attempt is to support something while trying to create the impression they aren't.

Most people are too stupid to ever comprehend the fallacy of the appeal to authority or the appeal to popularity, but this new antisemitism is indicative of both. Arabs and Muslims outnumber Jews by such an enormous margin that Jewish and Israeli voices are drowned out. Add in the authority vested in propaganda rags like the Guardian, and it becomes nigh on impossible to get through to the useful idiots how they have been played.
10 .Hamas’s rarely-mentioned 1988 charter is a throwback to 1930s Nazi anti-Semitism, pure and simple, with a genocidal intent that is unambiguous.....the battle that Hamas is fighting is not a new one at all, but a continuation of Hitler’s unfinished business from World War II..... that is but one of many problems with the coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and not even the worst."

How hard would it be for the arab majority to expel/exterminate the jewish minority that inhabited Palestine from the arabization of the region to the end of WWI (even being under turkish occupation)?

The arab population of Palestine must be the most incompetent "nazis" in all of human history...

What an astounding ignorance of history....
Government school grad?

"....there is a picture of the grand mufti of Palestine, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, reviewing an honor guard of the Muslim division of the Waffen SS that fought the Serbs and antifascist partisans. The display includes a cable to Hajj Amin from Heinrich Himmler, dated November 2, 1943: “The National Socialist Party has inscribed on its flag ‘the extermination of world Jewry.’ Our party sympathizes with the fight of the Arabs, especially the Arabs of Palestine, against the foreign Jew.” There is also a quote from a broadcast the mufti gave over Berlin radio on March 1, 1944: “Arabs, rise as one man and fight for your sacred rights. Kill the Jews wherever you find them. This is the command of God, history and religion.”
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern City Journal 21 October 2010

Oh dear. I suppose it's a truism if Zionist Hasbarists repeat a lie often enough, people eventualy believe it. Just like the famous Arab radio broadcasts made the Palestinians leave myth that was comprehensively debunked when no one was able to produce transcripts or recordings of any such broadcast ever being made or the famous Ahmadinejad, "Wipe isreal off the face of the planet" speech which has been proved to have been "mistranslated" by MEMRI or whoever.

Fortunately in this case the above is disprovable. During WW2 the BBC closely monitored German radio and surprise, surprise a transcript of the broadcast made on March 1st 1944 exists in BBC archives. Firstly there is no evidence that al-Husseini ever said the above; he was never identified as the speaker. What the actual transcript says is as follows:

(reception very poor)
Appeal by Arabs by "A distinguished Arab Personality" (18mins)
"...No power was strong enough to establish a Jewish National Home in Palestine. During the last war, Britain, despite her strength, failed in this undertaking. Every Arab would rise against this menace. "Moslems! Arabs! Live with honour or die, rise and stand firm against your enemies; sacrifice yourselves to overcome the ever-increasing Jewish menace. Inflict heavy damages on his war effort and kill as many as you can of your enemies - Jews and Anglo-Saxons - and Allah is with you!"

View attachment 32851

Looks like Yad Vashem made it no, I mean "mistranslated" it.
Actually its Appeal TO Arabs, not BY Arabs, the small details :)

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