The media is already soliciting a second round of putting Zimmerman over the coals

Double jeopardy concerns the prohibition of being tried twice for the same alleged crime. A Federal criminal civil rights violation is not the same as a state second degree murder charge, nothing is being ‘sidestepped.’

Zimmerman obviously got a fair trial in a Florida State court, he’ll also receive a fair trial in a Federal court.

And if there’s evidence that a Federal law was violated, certainly you’re not advocating the Obama DOJ not enforce a Federal law.

Theoretically, a man can be tried in state and criminal court for the same crime. Theoretically that is. At least, that's what the public indoctrination system taught me. However, the Constitution prevents double jeopardy. And any further prosecution by the Feds would be unprecedented and reek of a witch hunt syndrome. Of course, nothing surprises me from the current dictatorial regime.

It's not unprecedented. The feds convicted the police who beat up Rodney King back in 1990 after they were acquited by a local jury.

The feds HAVE ALREADY looked for evidence of civil rights being violated and FOUND NONE.
Double jeopardy concerns the prohibition of being tried twice for the same alleged crime. A Federal criminal civil rights violation is not the same as a state second degree murder charge, nothing is being ‘sidestepped.’

Zimmerman obviously got a fair trial in a Florida State court, he’ll also receive a fair trial in a Federal court.

And if there’s evidence that a Federal law was violated, certainly you’re not advocating the Obama DOJ not enforce a Federal law.

Like the Obamacare employer mandate? That is a Federal Law.

The truth is that the Obama administration only views the law through the prism of politics. What is legal or illegal, what is just or unjust...those are secondary issues of (in)convenience.
We all have the possibility of being confronted and killed.

But in Florida..if you are's unlikely your killer would be punished.

What you mean to say is "In Florida...if you are non-black" shouldn't get a fair trial"


What I meant is what I posted.

I take it you wouldn't want me to twist your should not do it to mine.

So you believe he was acquitted, not because of reasonable doubt, but because the victim was black. Not because the prosecution did not prove guilt, but because "well he was a black kid - so who cares"? - this is what the jury talked about for 16 hours...this is your claim.
Looks like CNN gets to sell more advertising space when the riots start.

It is kind of a win-win situation for them.
and they got it:
Obama Files Federal Charges Against George Zimmerman Following Acquittal in Shooting Murder of Trayvon Martin | National Report
Just when we thought the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case was over after Zimmerman’s acquittal, the Obama Administration has taken the steps needed to file federal charges, thus sidestepping the well established double jeopardy, against Zimmerman. Unidentified sources within the Administration have confirmed that Obama, and Justice Eric Holder at the Department of Justice have filed charges against Zimmerman for “violating Trayvon Martin’s civil rights”.
If this keeps going, then it confirms to many that Obama and Holder are possibly running a racist government in this nation, and therefore this nation sadly has racist in charge of it now, and for whom are biased to the extreme all because of the positions they may have or have always taken in which they do hold in their hearts and minds.

Now I can understand if the parents would want to exhaust every option they have legally in concerns of this situation, but the government intervening and wanting blood for blood, therefore causing the furthering of racial tensions (that are uncalled for in the nation) to be fueled un-justifiably by this government in such a case, along with the political implications that are found in it all for which are to be continually stirred up, is just over the top (imho).
I watched 15 minutes of FOX this morning, then 15 minutes of MSNBC.. wow ,what a difference ! The entire 15 minutes of MSNBC was spent whining about how black "kids" with hoodies, can't safely walk down some streets with the fear of being followed, confronted, or possibly killed. What's funny about half of my entire city (and most major cities) a white kid couldn't even step out of a car without the fear of being killed..(without even being followed or confronted first)... but there's no outrage concerning that.

We all have the possibility of being confronted and killed.

But in Florida..if you are's unlikely your killer would be punished.

on the contrary.. Florida is one of the states most likely to use the death penalty for killers in recent history. Thank goodness it's still a place you can get a fair trial, regardless of the media.
Bottom line.. is a black kid walking through the streets of a Florida suburb safer than a white kid walking through the streets of down Chicago, Detroit or DC ?
The media seems to steer the mindless in one direction only
I watched 15 minutes of FOX this morning, then 15 minutes of MSNBC.. wow ,what a difference ! The entire 15 minutes of MSNBC was spent whining about how black "kids" with hoodies, can't safely walk down some streets with the fear of being followed, confronted, or possibly killed. What's funny about half of my entire city (and most major cities) a white kid couldn't even step out of a car without the fear of being killed..(without even being followed or confronted first)... but there's no outrage concerning that.

We all have the possibility of being confronted and killed.

But in Florida..if you are's unlikely your killer would be punished.

on the contrary.. Florida is one of the states most likely to use the death penalty for killers in recent history. Thank goodness it's still a place you can get a fair trial, regardless of the media.
A true story, where as I built and ran a produce stand on my property once, and I had a black guy that would walk down the street in the middle of the street, with his pants hanging low, a hoodie on, tattoo's, and constantly rapping (singing) out loud for all to hear. He would curse in the singing and/or rapping for all to hear in the most disrespectful way, as if he was taunting people in a dare to say anything about it or what he was doing when he passed by. Now there is a trailer park not far from my place, and this is where he was walking from when walking by, and my patience was good about it all, and I didn't bother him or call the law on him in which I might should have in hindsight now. It was strange how this was happening as if it was the devil himself creating situations for people as a test in life.

Then I had a young black kid (16 years old) make friends with me, and me and him was up town getting gas in my truck one day, when some of his thug appearing former school buddies in which he once hung with, saw him in the truck with me, and he acted nervous about it, so I asked him what was the deal ? He wouldn't say. The next thing I know, a car rushes by in my neighborhood, and it drives up to his home where he was staying, but he was still visiting me at the time. He then went home to find out what happened, and I could hear his mom screaming at him, so here he comes back over to my house, and so I asked him what happened ? He said that the guy's whom saw him with me were part of a gang, and they didn't like that he was with a white guy in a truck like that, so they kicked down his door and threatened his family because of it all. His mom didn't know what had happened, and she was wanting to kick him out because of the trouble he had brought to her that day. Right now I have a black family living behind me (who are very good people and are my friends also), well they moved to where I live, because they said the neighborhood in which they were living in was to rough for them, so they moved out here by us (white folk) to be safer is what they said. In the old neighborhood their car was stolen right after they had purchased it, and that was the straw that broke the camels back for them they said, and so they moved. I love all people, and it's just sad what goes on ya know. You can't make this stuff up, as it is reality on the ground for many people these days, especially since the gang explosion in so many communities now, along with their infiltration into the public school systems in which is even worse.
and they got it:
Obama Files Federal Charges Against George Zimmerman Following Acquittal in Shooting Murder of Trayvon Martin | National Report
Just when we thought the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case was over after Zimmerman’s acquittal, the Obama Administration has taken the steps needed to file federal charges, thus sidestepping the well established double jeopardy, against Zimmerman. Unidentified sources within the Administration have confirmed that Obama, and Justice Eric Holder at the Department of Justice have filed charges against Zimmerman for “violating Trayvon Martin’s civil rights”.

Double jeopardy concerns the prohibition of being tried twice for the same alleged crime. A Federal criminal civil rights violation is not the same as a state second degree murder charge, nothing is being ‘sidestepped.’

Zimmerman obviously got a fair trial in a Florida State court, he’ll also receive a fair trial in a Federal court.

And if there’s evidence that a Federal law was violated, certainly you’re not advocating the Obama DOJ not enforce a Federal law.

He was found not guilty of murder or manslaughter. Exactly how does someone protecting themselves commit a civil rights violation?

They don't. The feds will lose this case, but I'll bet they keep it going until after the elections.
I think it's the CIVIL trial he'd got to worry about .

they're going to OJ the Zman.

I think the family should file a civil suit against Zimmerman. Had it not been for Zimmerman's poor judgment that night, Trayvon would be alive. As far as Trayvon's civil rights: doesn't every innocent, unarmed citizen have the right to walk to the market of an evening, minding his/her own business? The right to do so without being seen as suspicious, without being followed and having the police called on you? Some how or another, Zimmerman should pay and the message should be sent out that carrying a concealed weapon carries a huge responsibility that not all people are sensible enough to comply with.

Zimmerman was found not guilty; he was not found innocent.
I watched 15 minutes of FOX this morning, then 15 minutes of MSNBC.. wow ,what a difference ! The entire 15 minutes of MSNBC was spent whining about how black "kids" with hoodies, can't safely walk down some streets with the fear of being followed, confronted, or possibly killed. What's funny about half of my entire city (and most major cities) a white kid couldn't even step out of a car without the fear of being killed..(without even being followed or confronted first)... but there's no outrage concerning that.

We all have the possibility of being confronted and killed.

But in Florida..if you are's unlikely your killer would be punished.

What you mean to say is "In Florida...if you are non-black" shouldn't get a fair trial"

No, in Florida, it means there won’t be grounds for a trial at all – ‘fair’ or otherwise.
I'm on the side of all who believe Obama should be impeached with intention to remove him. It couldn't work but it will slow him down and call attention to what he is.

You’re obviously unaware that this makes no sense whatsoever.
No. I'm aware there is no legal reason to impeach him. But I am so thoroughly disgusted with this man's bullshit I spoke foolishly out of anger.
Bottom line.. is a black kid walking through the streets of a Florida suburb safer than a white kid walking through the streets of down Chicago, Detroit or DC ?
The media seems to steer the mindless in one direction only

Yup. Conservatives need to seek out more and more alternative media.

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