The Media is obsessed with North Korea

He is 41. His father ws 70, grandfather 82 and they died from heart attacks. This fat little weasel loves his Scotch, caviar and all the foods that trigger heart attacks. Hopefully he'll check out at 52.
hopefully much earlier than that.
Kim Yo Jong (his sister) is waiting in the wings.
hopefully, she will end up being more tame than her brother. i think North Korea wants attention and food from the United States and I believe Nostradamus also said that in the Addendum.
the news, these days, is very negative.

I would submit that news has always been bad, going back to the days of travelling bards and Roman newsreaders in The Forum.

For the simple reason that bad news sells better than good.

I would further suggest that if anyone is giving you a steady diet of good news, they are attempting to convince you, or themselves, that things are as bad as they truly are.

But, the cure to too much bad news, or good, is easy ... stop listening. There is nothing to be gained by listening to gloom about things you can't change in place you won't go.

There is so much more in life than listening for the latest propaganda.
I would submit that news has always been bad, going back to the days of travelling bards and Roman newsreaders in The Forum.

For the simple reason that bad news sells better than good.

I would further suggest that if anyone is giving you a steady diet of good news, they are attempting to convince you, or themselves, that things are as bad as they truly are.

But, the cure to too much bad news, or good, is easy ... stop listening. There is nothing to be gained by listening to gloom about things you can't change in place you won't go.

There is so much more in life than listening for the latest propaganda.
I would submit that news has always been bad, going back to the days of travelling bards and Roman newsreaders in The Forum.

For the simple reason that bad news sells better than good.

I would further suggest that if anyone is giving you a steady diet of good news, they are attempting to convince you, or themselves, that things are as bad as they truly are.

But, the cure to too much bad news, or good, is easy ... stop listening. There is nothing to be gained by listening to gloom about things you can't change in place you won't go.

There is so much more in life than listening for the latest propaganda.
The American Media is obsessed with North Korea. They talk about North Korea almost everyday these days.
Hmmm....I haven't seen any of that. I am not saying you aren't eight and / or its not happening. I just haven't noticed it.

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