The Media Should Be Ashamed of Themselves:


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
They Leave it up to Foreign Journalists to Speak Truth to Power
by directorblue
Babalú points us to an exceptional editorial by Niles Gardiner of London's Telegraph:

A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency @ A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency ? Telegraph Blogs

Thomas Hobbes wrote that the life of man is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” Today’s White House definitely isn’t poor, lavishly feeding off the wealth of the American taxpayer, and the current presidency certainly isn’t short, with nearly four more years to run. But it is undeniably nasty and brutish, as veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward has found after questioning President Obama’s narrative on the sequester issue.

So, what's news about this?
Not news, but a very difficult story to get out. The righteous Left who will tear to shreds any conservative who speaks anything criticizable on any subject have fervently defended Obama on the Woodward/sequestration thing, and accuse Republicans/conservatives of making a big deal out of nothing.

The mainstream media either ignores it or gives it more cursory and fleeting of mention.

And Obama worshippers don't really care. They will exalt him and turn a blind eye to any imperfections, however glaring, and will refuse to even consider whether criticism is warranted.

Such is the state of American ideology and media these days. With reporters and editors refusing to do their jobs, it is becoming ever more difficult to get to the truth of anything. And I fear that without the very few conservative publications, talk radio, Fox News, and message boards where some real journalism is still being done, those who would lie to and deceive us to further a political or social agenda would have 100% free rein to do so.
So Gardiner is a journalist, but he shows up a lot on Fox, Fox Business & R. Murdoch's other prize tame doxies? & he's speaking truth to power?

He seems able to string words together, right enough. But that's a pretty low bar, even for one of Murdoch's amanuenses, surely?
So Gardiner is a journalist, but he shows up a lot on Fox, Fox Business & R. Murdoch's other prize tame doxies? & he's speaking truth to power?

He seems able to string words together, right enough. But that's a pretty low bar, even for one of Murdoch's amanuenses, surely?

So what in the article do you see as erroneous or untrue?

Conservatives: Scouring the world to find a mindset that agrees with them.

Lemme hear how "patriotic" you folks are again.

Here's a real patriot.

[ame=]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Watch could learn something.

Conservatives: Scouring the world to find a mindset that agrees with them.

Lemme hear how "patriotic" you folks are again.

Here's a real patriot.

Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube

Watch could learn something.

Good for Charlie. He absolutely got that right.

However, I believe the reporter for the Telegraph who wrote the article cited in the OP is an American living in America. The point is that when we cannot depend on our American press to report on what the American people need to know and have a right to know, that it is unfortunate that we have to depend on the foreign press to do so.
Fox, CNN, MSNBC, none of it is news. It is entertainment used to keep those dumb enough to believe it as news quite in their seats. The news outlets provide opinions, not facts and when they decide to throw some facts in there it is done the way they wish. What ever happened to the news having a moral obligation to its viewers? A democracy is only as good as the information its electorate has.
So Gardiner is a journalist, but he shows up a lot on Fox, Fox Business & R. Murdoch's other prize tame doxies? & he's speaking truth to power?

He seems able to string words together, right enough. But that's a pretty low bar, even for one of Murdoch's amanuenses, surely?

So what in the article do you see as erroneous or untrue?

He sees a source he hates. I swear! If Sean Hannity said "Be careful. The gun is loaded." Hoosier would press it to his temple and pull the trigger.
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Conservatives: Scouring the world to find a mindset that agrees with them.

Lemme hear how "patriotic" you folks are again.

Here's a real patriot.

Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube

Watch could learn something.

Good for Charlie. He absolutely got that right.

However, I believe the reporter for the Telegraph who wrote the article cited in the OP is an American living in America. The point is that when we cannot depend on our American press to report on what the American people need to know and have a right to know, that it is unfortunate that we have to depend on the foreign press to do so.

Nile Gardiner is not an American, he's British. And he's not a "reporter", he's a conservative commentator.
So Gardiner is a journalist, but he shows up a lot on Fox, Fox Business & R. Murdoch's other prize tame doxies? & he's speaking truth to power?

He seems able to string words together, right enough. But that's a pretty low bar, even for one of Murdoch's amanuenses, surely?

So what in the article do you see as erroneous or untrue?

It's an Op-ed, not a "news article".

It's not about "facts", it's about "opinions" - specifically, Nile Gardiner's opinion. Why should I care about it?
So Gardiner is a journalist, but he shows up a lot on Fox, Fox Business & R. Murdoch's other prize tame doxies? & he's speaking truth to power?

He seems able to string words together, right enough. But that's a pretty low bar, even for one of Murdoch's amanuenses, surely?

So what in the article do you see as erroneous or untrue?

(My bold)

It's a blog entry - & so it's his opinion. He may have lived & worked in WADC too long - he's gotten the "inside the Beltway" fever. Woodward says he's been threatened by the WH, but then maybe not. The White House feeds on the taxes of the nation - yup, that's the deal.

So far it sounds like a tempest in a teapot to me. Certainly not rising to Prexy Nixon's enemies list, intervening in the Democratic primaries, subverting FBI, CIA, Dept. of Justice, IRS & any other levers he could grasp. The worst that Woodward would suffer from this WH would be a lack of access to the 5 o'clock follies. I don't count that as a great loss, but then I don't live inside the Beltway, either.
So Gardiner is a journalist, but he shows up a lot on Fox, Fox Business & R. Murdoch's other prize tame doxies? & he's speaking truth to power?

He seems able to string words together, right enough. But that's a pretty low bar, even for one of Murdoch's amanuenses, surely?

So what in the article do you see as erroneous or untrue?

He sees a source he hates. I swear! If Sean Hannity said "Be careful. The gun is loaded." Hoosier would press it to his temple and pull the trigger.

(My bold)

Put it to Hannity's temple? (Which I assume would be his stomach, from the looks of it.) Nah, head wounds & stomach wounds bleed profusely. & depending on the make & model, you might get some blowback @ the weapon.

Nope, I'd aim it @ Hannity's right foot - from a few feet away - don't wanna get splattered. (Blood's a mess to clean up. Then I might pull the trigger.)

But actually I don't have anything against Hannity. I don't listen to/watch him, nor do I know Gardiner's work. If they show up on Fox & Murdoch's other proxies, I assume that they will tend to agree with him.

Murdoch seems to be for unbridled competition for market share by his comms empire - low taxes on business, no restraints on commercial power. Since I disagree with that, I'm not interested in what Murdoch has to say either.
The media should be ashamed. They should be ashamed that they run more opinion pieces than news pieces.
Those in the media have no shame.

What do you base this on?

I'm a journalist - I'd love to hear exactly why you think I have no shame.

In my experience, journalists are honest, hard-working and dedicated professionals who get seriously underpaid! Really!

I would also say that most of my collagues do not have a political agenda. They write news, and are as happy to report on left or right, it doesn't matter as much as you might think. It's no different from a school teacher dealing with a classroom of kids - a good teacher will grade work on its merits, not on the name of the kid who wrote it.
If the media ever stops playing pocket pool with Hussein he will be laughed out of town.
They Leave it up to Foreign Journalists to Speak Truth to Power
by directorblue
Babalú points us to an exceptional editorial by Niles Gardiner of London's Telegraph:

A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency @ A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency ? Telegraph Blogs

Thomas Hobbes wrote that the life of man is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” Today’s White House definitely isn’t poor, lavishly feeding off the wealth of the American taxpayer, and the current presidency certainly isn’t short, with nearly four more years to run. But it is undeniably nasty and brutish, as veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward has found after questioning President Obama’s narrative on the sequester issue.

So, what's news about this?

LOL!!! Anyone remember what the right was saying when they wrote nasty articles about Bush? What hypocrites. You're being as selective in cherry-picking your facts as anyone!!!

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