CDZ The media, the nursing home, the Republican black doctor, and hydroxychloroquine


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Shame on the vile evil media and their consorts.

April 18, 2020
Remember that Texas nursing home experiment with hydroxychloroquine?
By Andrea Widburg

Last week, American Thinker published “NPR proves true AG Barr’s claim the media is on a ‘jihad’ against hydroxychloroquine.” Subsequent events have proven how wrong NPR was when it used a Houston doctor's reliance on hydroxychloroquine as a vehicle to attack the drug.
If you don't want to read the post linked above, here's a quick summary: Laura Ingraham interviewed Attorney General Bill Barr. In addition to calling the Russia hoax “one of the greatest travesties in American history”, Barr touched on COVID-19.
One thing Barr found bizarre was how the media ignored informing Americans in favor of discrediting President Trump. Barr specifically noted the media’s response to Trump’s hope that hydroxychloroquine might stop the Wuhan virus’s malignancy. Hydroxychloroquine has been approved for decades as a treatment for malaria, lupus, and arthritis. The media, though, isn't giving Americans objective information about the drug. Instead, Barr said (accurately), “the media’s been on a jihad to discredit the drug.”

Immediately after Barr’s interview, NPR’s Vanessa Romo wrote about Robin Armstrong, a Houston doctor, who was treating nursing home patients with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. Romo implied that, because the doctor is a Republican (even scarier for Democrats, he’s a black Republican) and used his political connections to get hydroxychloroquine, that meant he was a veritable Dr. Mengele, the Nazi who experimented on prisoners in Auschwitz. Her article, entitled, COVID-19 Patients Given Unproven Drug In Texas Nursing Home In 'Disconcerting' Move, painted the treatment in dire terms:

The rest of it is here:

Shame on the vile evil media and their consorts.

April 18, 2020
Remember that Texas nursing home experiment with hydroxychloroquine?
By Andrea Widburg

Last week, American Thinker published “NPR proves true AG Barr’s claim the media is on a ‘jihad’ against hydroxychloroquine.” Subsequent events have proven how wrong NPR was when it used a Houston doctor's reliance on hydroxychloroquine as a vehicle to attack the drug.
If you don't want to read the post linked above, here's a quick summary: Laura Ingraham interviewed Attorney General Bill Barr. In addition to calling the Russia hoax “one of the greatest travesties in American history”, Barr touched on COVID-19.
One thing Barr found bizarre was how the media ignored informing Americans in favor of discrediting President Trump. Barr specifically noted the media’s response to Trump’s hope that hydroxychloroquine might stop the Wuhan virus’s malignancy. Hydroxychloroquine has been approved for decades as a treatment for malaria, lupus, and arthritis. The media, though, isn't giving Americans objective information about the drug. Instead, Barr said (accurately), “the media’s been on a jihad to discredit the drug.”

Immediately after Barr’s interview, NPR’s Vanessa Romo wrote about Robin Armstrong, a Houston doctor, who was treating nursing home patients with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. Romo implied that, because the doctor is a Republican (even scarier for Democrats, he’s a black Republican) and used his political connections to get hydroxychloroquine, that meant he was a veritable Dr. Mengele, the Nazi who experimented on prisoners in Auschwitz. Her article, entitled, COVID-19 Patients Given Unproven Drug In Texas Nursing Home In 'Disconcerting' Move, painted the treatment in dire terms:

The rest of it is here:

I dont recall there being any deaths at that home. IN fact he cleaned up the whole mess rather quickly. That has got to sting democrats... that the therapy WORKED has got to be killing them...
I'm curious. Out of the 700,000 or so reported confirmations, how many actually became sick?
Shame on the vile evil media and their consorts.

April 18, 2020
Remember that Texas nursing home experiment with hydroxychloroquine?
By Andrea Widburg

Last week, American Thinker published “NPR proves true AG Barr’s claim the media is on a ‘jihad’ against hydroxychloroquine.” Subsequent events have proven how wrong NPR was when it used a Houston doctor's reliance on hydroxychloroquine as a vehicle to attack the drug.
If you don't want to read the post linked above, here's a quick summary: Laura Ingraham interviewed Attorney General Bill Barr. In addition to calling the Russia hoax “one of the greatest travesties in American history”, Barr touched on COVID-19.
One thing Barr found bizarre was how the media ignored informing Americans in favor of discrediting President Trump. Barr specifically noted the media’s response to Trump’s hope that hydroxychloroquine might stop the Wuhan virus’s malignancy. Hydroxychloroquine has been approved for decades as a treatment for malaria, lupus, and arthritis. The media, though, isn't giving Americans objective information about the drug. Instead, Barr said (accurately), “the media’s been on a jihad to discredit the drug.”

Immediately after Barr’s interview, NPR’s Vanessa Romo wrote about Robin Armstrong, a Houston doctor, who was treating nursing home patients with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. Romo implied that, because the doctor is a Republican (even scarier for Democrats, he’s a black Republican) and used his political connections to get hydroxychloroquine, that meant he was a veritable Dr. Mengele, the Nazi who experimented on prisoners in Auschwitz. Her article, entitled, COVID-19 Patients Given Unproven Drug In Texas Nursing Home In 'Disconcerting' Move, painted the treatment in dire terms:

The rest of it is here:

Do you know how wrong your are? Really?

The democrat party needs the economy in the U.S. burned to the ground......this Dr.....if that is what you call hurting that effort. Also, the democrat party believes in abortion, killing the youngest among us for financial benefit..............and know...dying with save money for end of life care.....

How does this Doctor saving those old people achieve any of that?
Shame on the vile evil media and their consorts.

April 18, 2020
Remember that Texas nursing home experiment with hydroxychloroquine?
By Andrea Widburg

Last week, American Thinker published “NPR proves true AG Barr’s claim the media is on a ‘jihad’ against hydroxychloroquine.” Subsequent events have proven how wrong NPR was when it used a Houston doctor's reliance on hydroxychloroquine as a vehicle to attack the drug.
If you don't want to read the post linked above, here's a quick summary: Laura Ingraham interviewed Attorney General Bill Barr. In addition to calling the Russia hoax “one of the greatest travesties in American history”, Barr touched on COVID-19.
One thing Barr found bizarre was how the media ignored informing Americans in favor of discrediting President Trump. Barr specifically noted the media’s response to Trump’s hope that hydroxychloroquine might stop the Wuhan virus’s malignancy. Hydroxychloroquine has been approved for decades as a treatment for malaria, lupus, and arthritis. The media, though, isn't giving Americans objective information about the drug. Instead, Barr said (accurately), “the media’s been on a jihad to discredit the drug.”

Immediately after Barr’s interview, NPR’s Vanessa Romo wrote about Robin Armstrong, a Houston doctor, who was treating nursing home patients with hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc. Romo implied that, because the doctor is a Republican (even scarier for Democrats, he’s a black Republican) and used his political connections to get hydroxychloroquine, that meant he was a veritable Dr. Mengele, the Nazi who experimented on prisoners in Auschwitz. Her article, entitled, COVID-19 Patients Given Unproven Drug In Texas Nursing Home In 'Disconcerting' Move, painted the treatment in dire terms:

The rest of it is here:

Do you know how wrong your are? Really?

The democrat party needs the economy in the U.S. burned to the ground......this Dr.....if that is what you call hurting that effort. Also, the democrat party believes in abortion, killing the youngest among us for financial benefit..............and know...dying with save money for end of life care.....

How does this Doctor saving those old people achieve any of that?
I thought it showed how the democrats are trying to spin this treatment as ineffective, thereby keeping people from taking it, and thereby continuing to let people die and help the lockdown destroy the economy.
This thread hasn't aged well. But then, that's the usual fate of conspiracy theory threads.

A malaria drug widely touted by President Donald Trump for treating the new coronavirus showed no benefit in a large analysis of its use in U.S. veterans hospitals. There were more deaths among those given hydroxychloroquine versus standard care, researchers reported.

Naturally, such hard data will just cause the conspiracy theorists to dig in deeper. In their minds, being debunked proves to them that evil forces have set out to attack them, which proves the righteousness of their cause.
hydroxychloroquine study observing COVID-19 patients has found no evidence that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, touted as a possible treatment for COVID-19, made a difference to the chance that patients would need a ventilator. The results also suggested that patients treated with hydroxychloroquine had a higher rate of death than those who weren’t treated with the drug.

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