CDZ The Medical Marijuana Hoax

on question 1 yes 2 no 3 no 4 no 5 no 6 no 7 no....there can you grasp that?...if not let me know....and your next set sounds good only i would change 5 and 7 to felonies...especially 5...

So you agree with me that anything other than personal possession should be illegal, and that selling pot or making it available to minors should be felonies?
im assuming you can read....then read what i said...
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.
you're right about one thing, pot does make people nicer. :420:
Did you know that dope makes people more likely to be on welfare? Dope makes people into lefties.
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.
you're right about one thing, pot does make people nicer. :420:
Did you know that dope makes people more likely to be on welfare? Dope makes people into lefties.
can you prove that?.....or is this just metro talk?....
What, are you high? Dope increases the chances of becoming dependent upon welfare, isn't welfare a lefty thing? Dope creates sexual problems for males, aren't lefty men feminized? Long term dope use can lead to 7 or 8 IQ points drop, aren't lefties a little less intelligent? What about being more likely to be unemployed, isn't this a lefty thing? Do I need to ask about antisocial behavior, or lower satisfaction out of life? C'mon, dope makes people into lefties.
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.
you're right about one thing, pot does make people nicer. :420:
Did you know that dope makes people more likely to be on welfare? Dope makes people into lefties.
can you prove that?.....or is this just metro talk?....
More dopes equal more lefty votes
What, are you high? Dope increases the chances of becoming dependent upon welfare, isn't welfare a lefty thing? Dope creates sexual problems for males, aren't lefty men feminized? Long term dope use can lead to 7 or 8 IQ points drop, aren't lefties a little less intelligent? What about being more likely to be unemployed, isn't this a lefty thing? Do I need to ask about antisocial behavior, or lower satisfaction out of life? C'mon, dope makes people into lefties.
must be metro talk....i dont see anything proving this....ESPECIALLY turning righties into lefties after just one hit.....come on metro lets see you prove this shit....
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.

Got news for you the righties also want it legalized.
It's medicinal properties are of course over-rated, and many people don't like it, it makes them nervous and paranoid; it doesn't affect everybody the same way, and some are certain to be allergic to it. It isn't any 'wonder drug' like the stoners want everybody to believe. It does help some chemo patients with appetite and nausea. The hyper strong strains grown today are certainly going to be harmful to casual users, and more highly addictive as well, than the hippie era pot was, and we know it's long use is harmful and makes people stupid. A study of posters here on this board would certainly confirm that. It causes cancer just as cigarette smoking does, two of my friends who smoked the crap since high school came down with throat cancer, both non-cigarette smokers with no family history of cancer, so take it in liquid or food form if you feel compelled to try it.

Oral sex can also give you throat cancer. It's not addictive smoked it for 30 years quit 15 years ago and just now considering taking it up again and yes it does help with paid and other hard drug addiction's.
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.

Got news for you the righties also want it legalized.
Exactly! Dope turns righties into lefties. Thanks for validating my point
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.

Got news for you the righties also want it legalized.
Exactly! Dope turns righties into lefties. Thanks for validating my point

Seems like lefties have a higher degree and education than righties.
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.
you're right about one thing, pot does make people nicer. :420:
Did you know that dope makes people more likely to be on welfare? Dope makes people into lefties.
I thought it was right wing, social policies on a national basis, that did that; like drug testing.
What, are you high? Dope increases the chances of becoming dependent upon welfare, isn't welfare a lefty thing? Dope creates sexual problems for males, aren't lefty men feminized? Long term dope use can lead to 7 or 8 IQ points drop, aren't lefties a little less intelligent? What about being more likely to be unemployed, isn't this a lefty thing? Do I need to ask about antisocial behavior, or lower satisfaction out of life? C'mon, dope makes people into lefties.
The right wing likes to resort to fallacy while proclaiming they are for the "gospel Truth" of any given argument.
The left wants dope legalized and available, since it turns righties into lefties within 30 seconds of inhaling it, and the effects last as long as the righty is under the influance of it. The more people we have who are hooked on dope, the more dopes there are to vote lefty. It's the same thing as importing unregistered Democrats from other countries in order to change voting demographics.
you're right about one thing, pot does make people nicer. :420:
Did you know that dope makes people more likely to be on welfare? Dope makes people into lefties.
can you prove that?.....or is this just metro talk?....
More dopes equal more lefty votes
More socialism on a national basis equal more righty votes.

Duh? I don't think many people - even those who support the notion of 'medical marijuana' - are blind to the real reason people want it legalized. So what?

It is another example of phony "science" used to promote social/political causes.

Which is the 'phony science' in your view? The argument that weed should be illegal? Or the argument that it should be legal?
Which is the 'phony science' in your view? The argument that weed should be illegal? Or the argument that it should be legal?

The argument that it has widespread medical benefits.

I agree and disagree on some points.

Pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. Both are terribly addictive.

Both get you high and as a function both can kill some mental and physical pain.

Far as using pot for pain relief.....we have a problem with many pain pills in this country. I'm not going to tell someone with a ruptured disc not to pop some Vicodin though and heck, now that I'm a bit older and know almost as many Vicodin gals as stoner chicks I'm not sure I wouldn't rather them smoke pot to kill pain.

I'll give you that pot is a fun, hip pain killer though......perhaps we need an unaffiliated doctor to check up on prescribing doctors? Perhaps each doctor can only give a patient soo many refills?

Neither alcohol nor marijuana are physically addictive.


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