The Mess That Is Coming


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Okay, lets say either Trump, Cruz or Carson wins the election. There are truly THREE main things that need to be dealt with.

1, Immigration, both legal AND illegal.
2, The economy, face it, it IS a raging mess.
3, The criminals.

Folks we have a sh8t load of criminals IN government from all those "private" servers used by OUR employees to ILLEGAL gun sales to drug cartels. And BEFORE you democrats start yelling "Bush sold guns TOO!" Well my liberal minded idiots HIS guns were JUNK. And I hold nothing against him for cheating a drug cartel. As a matter of fact I think that is pretty damn smart.

But Holder sold WORKING firearms and that has led to the death of MANY in Mexico and some here. I would think a nation choosing to be accountable on the world stage would try/convict/imprison such a person.

Now this "private" server crap on OUR time is a bunch of crap. WE pay for COMPUTERS and PROGRAMS and SECURITY for OUR employees and they damn sure better start using OUR computers when working on OUR time for US.

Anybody on government time needs to be by law and practice on government servers. That Ashley Madison crap needs to be looked at as well. Military email is NOT for that kind of crap and the military needs to get on that. Not saying fire them but let them know military email is NOT for cheating or scamming period.
That reflects poorly on us as a country to allow that.

This foundation crap needs to be looked into and changed as well. Their books should be as open as any charity or even more so. They ARE showing themselves to be the nest eggs of graft and corruption and making them VERY open to the public could go a long way in cleaning of standing government.

American citizens need to take stronger positions on their Bill of Rights as well.
I am NOT a U.N. citizen nor do I wish to live in a U.N. controlled country. MY country HAS a charter HAS laws HAS rights that are MINE and NOT open to be ceded to ANY other nation or governmental body.

What am I an American citizen accountable for? MY fellow citizens and it STOPS there IF that is MY choice. If you are starving in your country because of YOUR government I suggest you overthrow that government. If and I say IF I support you I will send you a gun and ammo but YOU do the lifting.

I have NO interest in bribing another country to like me. Don't like me fine. Start walking. Want to kill MY citizens? I AM going to introduce you to my pal Jesus. HE will sort out the issues. That's HIS job and HE said so.

Black lives matter? NO, idiot AMERICAN lives matter. Get on board or get lost.
Thugery is NOT politics it's NOT protest and it's NOT justice. It's criminal and that's ALL it is.

Yes folks we ARE being left a mess, a HUGE mess and I hope I truly hope as more and more Americans see what damage that crap has been done they learn to be harder and harsher EMPLOYERS because that IS what we are EMPLOYERS. WE need to act like it.

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There is a house cleaning that needs to go so deep, I'm afraid it can't be accomplished.
We may be American's and we may demand it, but depending on who takes over, their will to eradicate it down past its core, and how to do it without bringing an absolute stop to government, is another. I seriously see it as being accomplished only through the dissolution of the public union within, and with that the removal of all those employees. And of course, all those in positions of authority, as well. I don't see that happening, unfortunately.
There is a house cleaning that needs to go so deep, I'm afraid it can't be accomplished.
Yeah it can and you know why? Because we ARE Americans and WE CAN DO.
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We may be American's and we may demand it, but depending on who takes over, their will to eradicate it down past its core, and how to do it without bringing an absolute stop to government, is another. I seriously see it as being accomplished only through the dissolution of the public union within, and with that the removal of all those employees. And of course, all those in positions of authority, as well. I don't see that happening, unfortunately.
There is a house cleaning that needs to go so deep, I'm afraid it can't be accomplished.
Yeah it can and you know why? Because we ARE Americans and WE CAN DO.
Have the FBI the DOJ and the Supreme court DO its job. The Supreme court is just about the laziest group we have. Use a judge from there and they can rotate who and start trying those people.
Know. It won't be HRC, nor Trump, Cruz, or Carson.

I am thinking it will be Kasich, Rubio, or Bush. Unless Joe Biden runs. And despite all the hissing and pissing from the scrotum-less far right, he would be a formidable candidate.
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Yeah it can and you know why? Because we ARE Americans and WE CAN DO.
Give me a break. You are a fucking message board poster. Nothing more.
So are you idiot, so are you. Our framers were farmers, yup just farmers. No where close to the average level of education today, not even close.

But YOU just keep thinking YOU suck to much to ever get ahead and you know what? You never will.

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