The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy.

So what are they doing exactly? Look at Wisconsin. The top five state posts were won by Democrats.

So what is the Republican lame duck legislature do? They are passing bills to decimate the power of the top five posts. Even the head of the Republicans in the state Senate said that they don’t want the state run by democrats.
And they say things like get rid of the two biggest cities and Republicans would run the state.
Regardless of the election. You can’t just get rid of two big cities. That’s not democracy.

And they’re doing the same thing in other states like Michigan.

And look what they’re doing in North Carolina. Out right election fraud. Actually destroying ballots or rewriting ballots to win an election.

And look at Florida. Voters passed an amendment to give felons who paid their debt to society the right to vote by 65%. And now the governor elect Rick Disantis is saying that we need to put a break on that. It’s because those people will vote Democrat.

Never in my lifetime have I seen a party become so anti-democratic. Willing to do anything to suppress the will of the voters.

If this is any indication of what Republicans are doing now, what will it be like in 2020?
the dems are the ones who do not want fair/legal/American elections-democracy
this is undeniable
the dems are the ones who do not want fair/legal/American elections-democracy
this is undeniable
The Democrats are a coalition party. Being a coalition party is the very nature of being a democracy. Democrats have to come together and negotiate to come out with unified message.

Republicans are nearly all white.
But still, putting race aside, clearly Republicans no longer do respect the democratic process. Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, all the states that are filled with Republicans prove my point.
The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy.

So what are they doing exactly? Look at Wisconsin. The top five state posts were won by Democrats.

So what is the Republican lame duck legislature do? They are passing bills to decimate the power of the top five posts. Even the head of the Republicans in the state Senate said that they don’t want the state run by democrats.
And they say things like get rid of the two biggest cities and Republicans would run the state.
Regardless of the election. You can’t just get rid of two big cities. That’s not democracy.

And they’re doing the same thing in other states like Michigan.

And look what they’re doing in North Carolina. Out right election fraud. Actually destroying ballots or rewriting ballots to win an election.

And look at Florida. Voters passed an amendment to give felons who paid their debt to society the right to vote by 65%. And now the governor elect Rick Disantis is saying that we need to put a break on that. It’s because those people will vote Democrat.

Never in my lifetime have I seen a party become so anti-democratic. Willing to do anything to suppress the will of the voters.

If this is any indication of what Republicans are doing now, what will it be like in 2020?
the dems are the ones who do not want fair/legal/American elections-democracy
this is undeniable
The Democrats are a coalition party. Being a coalition party is the very nature of being a democracy. Democrats have to come together and negotiate to come out with unified message.

Republicans are nearly all white.
the Dems/leftists/blacks said FU to the FAIR/legal/American election
plain and simple
One can only hope that "The Republicans" are successful at preventing illegals and those ineligible from voting in 2020. Maybe they will even get some reasonable Voter ID laws passed as well. We all know voter fraud is rampant, especially in big cities where Democrat machines rule (e.g., Philadelphia, Chicago, L.A., New York, Boston).

As for Wisconsin and other similarly situated states, they are moving from a situation where the Executive and Legislative branches were of the same party, and hence the Executive was given broader powers than usual, to a situation of divided government where, of course, the powers of the Executive will be strictly confined to the laws and the Constitution of the state.

Normal political business, just like Gerrymandering for the winning party's benefit.

Do you think the Democrats will eschew Gerrymandering if they take control of more state legislatures in 2020? Not on your life.
One can only hope that "The Republicans" are successful at preventing illegals and those ineligible from voting in 2020. Maybe they will even get some reasonable Voter ID laws passed as well. We all know voter fraud is rampant, especially in big cities where Democrat machines rule (e.g., Philadelphia, Chicago, L.A., New York, Boston).

As for Wisconsin and other similarly situated states, they are moving from a situation where the Executive and Legislative branches were of the same party, and hence the Executive was given broader powers than usual, to a situation of divided government where, of course, the powers of the Executive will be strictly confined to the laws and the Constitution of the state.

Normal political business, just like Gerrymandering for the winning party's benefit.

Do you think the Democrats will eschew Gerrymandering if they take control of more state legislatures in 2020? Not on your life.
It looks like you’re trying to argue that destroying democracy is a good thing. Is that something you believe in? The distruction of our democracy? What do you expect to replace it?
The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy.

So what are they doing exactly? Look at Wisconsin. The top five state posts were won by Democrats.

So what is the Republican lame duck legislature do? They are passing bills to decimate the power of the top five posts. Even the head of the Republicans in the state Senate said that they don’t want the state run by democrats.
And they say things like get rid of the two biggest cities and Republicans would run the state.
Regardless of the election. You can’t just get rid of two big cities. That’s not democracy.

And they’re doing the same thing in other states like Michigan.

And look what they’re doing in North Carolina. Out right election fraud. Actually destroying ballots or rewriting ballots to win an election.

And look at Florida. Voters passed an amendment to give felons who paid their debt to society the right to vote by 65%. And now the governor elect Rick Disantis is saying that we need to put a break on that. It’s because those people will vote Democrat.

Never in my lifetime have I seen a party become so anti-democratic. Willing to do anything to suppress the will of the voters.

If this is any indication of what Republicans are doing now, what will it be like in 2020?
View attachment 234998

More like conservatives don’t care about babies. How come conservatives don’t care about America’s children? It’s like the opposite of the Bible.
the dems are the ones who do not want fair/legal/American elections-democracy
this is undeniable
The Democrats are a coalition party.

The Coalition of the Insane.
Well of course they’re going to appear that way to Republicans.

To all of sound mind. A man cannot become a woman. Indigent people are not entitled to my money. Importing hordes of uneducated, unskilled people is not a good idea.

One because Republicans are nearly all white.

So what? Are you a racist?

Two they don’t believe in democracy.

Indeed. The United States is a republic.

Three they hate black and brown people. But they hate gay people the most.

I believe it would be more accurate to say they hate the retard club the Democratic Party has become.
One can only hope that "The Republicans" are successful at preventing illegals and those ineligible from voting in 2020. Maybe they will even get some reasonable Voter ID laws passed as well. We all know voter fraud is rampant, especially in big cities where Democrat machines rule (e.g., Philadelphia, Chicago, L.A., New York, Boston).

As for Wisconsin and other similarly situated states, they are moving from a situation where the Executive and Legislative branches were of the same party, and hence the Executive was given broader powers than usual, to a situation of divided government where, of course, the powers of the Executive will be strictly confined to the laws and the Constitution of the state.

Normal political business, just like Gerrymandering for the winning party's benefit.

Do you think the Democrats will eschew Gerrymandering if they take control of more state legislatures in 2020? Not on your life.
It looks like you’re trying to argue that destroying democracy is a good thing. Is that something you believe in? The distruction of our democracy? What do you expect to replace it?
A republic. Just as it was designed to be in the beginning.
the dems are the ones who do not want fair/legal/American elections-democracy
this is undeniable
The Democrats are a coalition party.

The Coalition of the Insane.
Well of course they’re going to appear that way to Republicans.

One because Republicans are nearly all white.

Two they don’t believe in democracy.

Three they hate black and brown people. But they hate gay people the most.
how many times do I have to prove it??
blacks commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
blacks 13% population
whites about 67%
white on black murders 189
black on white ------------- 409
let's see your stats on hate
you are just babbling with nothing to back you up--as usual
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
The midterms proved that Republicans are trying to destroy our democracy.

So what are they doing exactly? Look at Wisconsin. The top five state posts were won by Democrats.

So what is the Republican lame duck legislature do? They are passing bills to decimate the power of the top five posts. Even the head of the Republicans in the state Senate said that they don’t want the state run by democrats.
And they say things like get rid of the two biggest cities and Republicans would run the state.
Regardless of the election. You can’t just get rid of two big cities. That’s not democracy.

And they’re doing the same thing in other states like Michigan.

And look what they’re doing in North Carolina. Out right election fraud. Actually destroying ballots or rewriting ballots to win an election.

And look at Florida. Voters passed an amendment to give felons who paid their debt to society the right to vote by 65%. And now the governor elect Rick Disantis is saying that we need to put a break on that. It’s because those people will vote Democrat.

Never in my lifetime have I seen a party become so anti-democratic. Willing to do anything to suppress the will of the voters.

If this is any indication of what Republicans are doing now, what will it be like in 2020?

and one of the things Democrats will be doing when they take over the House, is passing a Bill for a nationwide voter ID


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