The Midterms: Winners and Lossers

It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.

Bro the Dem's are going to destroy themselves again just like they did in 2008-2010. Here's Pelosi, "unearthing Trump's personal tax returns would be one of the first things we'd do" LMAO!
The Democratic House needs to act with restraint. They need to be wise on the fights they choose to fight.

There be the rub. The only way to fight smart, is to compromise and work with President Trump, and Senate Republicans. But that will alienate the base. The Democrats who won the seats did so promising to “stand up to Trump” and that is what they’re going to have to do to keep their seats. But in doing so, they’ll cost a lot of Democrats their seats.

Just take the Budget. Trump proposes one. The House busy holding hearings into whatever nonsense they want to, rushes back and makes a thousand changes to the Budget cutting Republican issues to the bone. The Senate refuses to put if forward, and when they do finally have a compromise they take it to Trump who Veto’s it and heads off to one of his Resorts to wait out the firestorm. One he’ll be feeding from Twitter.

If the Democrats bend, they lose the support of the Never Trumpers. If they don’t, they lose the support of everyone else.
It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.
Any attempt at impeachment by the Democratic House would be disastrous and back fire as it did with Clinton. The race for the WH begins today. Democrats should have contested primaries like the Republicans in 2016.
The thing is many leading D pols have pushed impeachment and their communications department (MSM) has too. As such, many D voters DEMAND impeachment. If they don’t follow through, will their base abandon them?
It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.

They'll never get Trump impeached. That shit is so old and tiresome
It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.

They'll never get Trump impeached. That shit is so old and tiresome

It keeps them busy, like a 3 year old child with a few blocks.
It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.

Bro the Dem's are going to destroy themselves again just like they did in 2008-2010. Here's Pelosi, "unearthing Trump's personal tax returns would be one of the first things we'd do" LMAO!
The Democratic House needs to act with restraint. They need to be wise on the fights they choose to fight.

The Democratic House will go full retard, they can't help themselves.

Maxine Waters will be interviewing CEOs of banks.

Those will be awesome.

Does she actually legislature, or is she strictly a Dimm Pitbull?

She will be a big embarrassment to the Democrats and they are too stupid to know it.
Florida was a big winner yesterday.

That commie asshole Gillum was running on a platform to create a billion dollar state income tax and to curtail our right to keep and bear arms. He would have been a disaster for the state.

Florida also got rid of that Liberal shithead Senator Bill Nelson, who has always been an embarrassment to the state.

Beto O'Rourke


House Democrats
Senate Republicans
Conservative Judges
Sherrod Brown

The Blue Wave
Andrew Gillum
Chuck Schumer
GOP's critics

Midterms: The winners and losers

I can agree with most of this. I would also add that American Democracy was a winner as it is as vibrant as ever.

I agree it was a mixed night for Trump. Trump needed a check so I think the flip of the House was very good for the Republic. The governorships were also a mixed bag with a slight edge to the Dems.

Losers are those that think Donald Trump's defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Far from it.
Pretty much agree but Beto is mixed?
It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.

Truth right here. Let's hope for better candidates across the board.
It’s up to the Dems if they have a chance to unseat Trump in 2020.

If they spend their time trying to kick him out of office through impeachment, they will lose.

If they find a better candidate who runs a good campaign they have a chance.

Bro the Dem's are going to destroy themselves again just like they did in 2008-2010. Here's Pelosi, "unearthing Trump's personal tax returns would be one of the first things we'd do" LMAO!
The Democratic House needs to act with restraint. They need to be wise on the fights they choose to fight.

There be the rub. The only way to fight smart, is to compromise and work with President Trump, and Senate Republicans. But that will alienate the base. The Democrats who won the seats did so promising to “stand up to Trump” and that is what they’re going to have to do to keep their seats. But in doing so, they’ll cost a lot of Democrats their seats.

Just take the Budget. Trump proposes one. The House busy holding hearings into whatever nonsense they want to, rushes back and makes a thousand changes to the Budget cutting Republican issues to the bone. The Senate refuses to put if forward, and when they do finally have a compromise they take it to Trump who Veto’s it and heads off to one of his Resorts to wait out the firestorm. One he’ll be feeding from Twitter.

If the Democrats bend, they lose the support of the Never Trumpers. If they don’t, they lose the support of everyone else.

The Democrats are smart enough to get on the Trump train. Waters, Pelosi and the other Moon Bat assholes will be source of great embarrassment to Democrat Party. They were even joined by two filthy ass Muslim women. How dumb were the Democrats for electing Muslims?

That "standing up to Trump" will be a silly shitshow that come back to bite them in the ass. Trump is not a Bush to let the filthy Democrats run over him.
2008 scores of Dem party candidates LIED pretending to be right leaning moderates. After the election Dem liberals forced them to vote for the liberal agenda and House Dem's were obliterated in 2010 losing 54 seats, the biggest loss in nearly 100 years.

2018 scores of Dem party candidates LIED pretending to be right leaning moderates. After the election Dem liberals will force them to vote for the liberal agenda and in 2020 House Dem's will again be obliterated.

House Dem's were obliterated in 2010 losing 54 seats,

The Dems lost 63 seats (holy shit!) in 2010.

Beto O'Rourke


House Democrats
Senate Republicans
Conservative Judges
Sherrod Brown

Then Blue Wave
Andrew Gillum
Chuck Schumer
GOP's critics

Midterms: The winners and losers

I can agree with most of this. I would also add that American Democracy was a winner as it is as vibrant as ever.

I agree it was a mixed night for Trump. Trump needed a check so I think the flip of the House was very good for the Republic. The governorships were also a mixed bag with a slight edge to the Dems.

Losers are those that think Donald Trump's defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Far from it.

In 2020 republican (aka, Trump ass-kissers) will defending 22 of 34 senate seats; good luck with THAT....put down the orange kool-aid; the times they are a-changing.

Nah, you commie fucks are still far behind.

Dale is trying to make a chicken salad sandwich out of chicken shit.......LOL

Beto O'Rourke


House Democrats
Senate Republicans
Conservative Judges
Sherrod Brown

Then Blue Wave
Andrew Gillum
Chuck Schumer
GOP's critics

Midterms: The winners and losers

I can agree with most of this. I would also add that American Democracy was a winner as it is as vibrant as ever.

I agree it was a mixed night for Trump. Trump needed a check so I think the flip of the House was very good for the Republic. The governorships were also a mixed bag with a slight edge to the Dems.

Losers are those that think Donald Trump's defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Far from it.

In 2020 republican (aka, Trump ass-kissers) will defending 22 of 34 senate seats; good luck with THAT....put down the orange kool-aid; the times they are a-changing.

Right. That explains how Republicans were able to pick up seats in the Senate. Oh, I know. It was Gerrymandering. That’s it.

What a moronic non-sequitur...........Reality and facts are what you Trump ass kissers must truky hate.

Beto O'Rourke


House Democrats
Senate Republicans
Conservative Judges
Sherrod Brown

Then Blue Wave
Andrew Gillum
Chuck Schumer
GOP's critics

Midterms: The winners and losers

I can agree with most of this. I would also add that American Democracy was a winner as it is as vibrant as ever.

I agree it was a mixed night for Trump. Trump needed a check so I think the flip of the House was very good for the Republic. The governorships were also a mixed bag with a slight edge to the Dems.

Losers are those that think Donald Trump's defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Far from it.

In 2020 republican (aka, Trump ass-kissers) will defending 22 of 34 senate seats; good luck with THAT....put down the orange kool-aid; the times they are a-changing.

Right. That explains how Republicans were able to pick up seats in the Senate. Oh, I know. It was Gerrymandering. That’s it.

What a moronic non-sequitur...........Reality and facts are what you Trump ass kissers must truky hate.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't get your Blue Wave like you were hoping for, did you?

The only reason you stupid butt pirates gained the House was because so many Republican incumbents retired. Incumbents usually win.

You lost big in several states like Florida and the states where you did win doesn't amount to a hill of beans. You have a long way to go to regain the over 1,000 seats that the affirmative action asshole President you dumbfucks elected lost for you.

Meanwhile you have bat shit crazy Democrat idiots in charge of the House, the Senate picked up Republican seats and Trump is still President. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch has been seated and one Liberal Supreme Court Justice is on her death bed and another one in the wings.

Anybody that voted for a Democrat should be ashamed of themselves. The greedy little Moon Bat assholes.

Beto O'Rourke


House Democrats
Senate Republicans
Conservative Judges
Sherrod Brown

Then Blue Wave
Andrew Gillum
Chuck Schumer
GOP's critics

Midterms: The winners and losers

I can agree with most of this. I would also add that American Democracy was a winner as it is as vibrant as ever.

I agree it was a mixed night for Trump. Trump needed a check so I think the flip of the House was very good for the Republic. The governorships were also a mixed bag with a slight edge to the Dems.

Losers are those that think Donald Trump's defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Far from it.

In 2020 republican (aka, Trump ass-kissers) will defending 22 of 34 senate seats; good luck with THAT....put down the orange kool-aid; the times they are a-changing.

Right. That explains how Republicans were able to pick up seats in the Senate. Oh, I know. It was Gerrymandering. That’s it.

What a moronic non-sequitur...........Reality and facts are what you Trump ass kissers must truky hate.

You filthy ass Moon Bats didn't get your Blue Wave like you were hoping for, did you?

The only reason you stupid butt pirates gained the House was because so many Republican incumbents retired. Incumbents usually win.

You lost big in several states like Florida and the states where you did win doesn't amount to a hill of beans. You have a long way to go to regain the over 1,000 seats that the affirmative action asshole President you dumbfucks elected lost for you.

Meanwhile you have bat shit crazy Democrat idiots in charge of the House, the Senate picked up Republican seats and Trump is still President. Kavanaugh and Gorsuch has been seated and one Liberal Supreme Court Justice is on her death bed and another one in the wings.

Anybody that voted for a Democrat should be ashamed of themselves. The greedy little Moon Bat assholes.

A strong laxative may help your delicate disposition.....LOL

Beto O'Rourke


House Democrats
Senate Republicans
Conservative Judges
Sherrod Brown

Then Blue Wave
Andrew Gillum
Chuck Schumer
GOP's critics

Midterms: The winners and losers

I can agree with most of this. I would also add that American Democracy was a winner as it is as vibrant as ever.

I agree it was a mixed night for Trump. Trump needed a check so I think the flip of the House was very good for the Republic. The governorships were also a mixed bag with a slight edge to the Dems.

Losers are those that think Donald Trump's defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion. Far from it.

In 2020 republican (aka, Trump ass-kissers) will defending 22 of 34 senate seats; good luck with THAT....put down the orange kool-aid; the times they are a-changing.

Right. That explains how Republicans were able to pick up seats in the Senate. Oh, I know. It was Gerrymandering. That’s it.

What a moronic non-sequitur...........Reality and facts are what you Trump ass kissers must truky hate.

Facts are the Republicans picked up seats in the Senate. The reality is that the Democrats are riding a tiger to use one analogy. Or leading a mob of torch and pitchfork wielding villagers to use another. The reality is the Democrats are in trouble, a lot of trouble.

Democrats ran on gun control. In Georgia, so did Abrams and Johnson. Both lost. Abrams doesn’t believe it yet, but she will in time.

Now, what does that leave for Democrats. They campaigned on “Getting Trump” and Gun control, and abolishing ICE. They can’t do any of those things. They just can’t. Not just holding the House. So what happens when the first Budget is proposed to the House? Nancy cuts money from ICE and plays into Trumps hand? Nope. No way. Nancy is too smart for that, and the Tiger turns on them. Or she does cut money from ICE, and every Illegal who jaywalks is going to be headline news and the subject of a Trump Tweet with the statement that Democrats don’t want to do anything about the criminals running amok.

Going after guns? Dead before arrival. Long before. The Senate will never pass it, and Trump wouldn’t sign it even if they did.

Getting Trump? The Democrats can hold dozens of hearings, and Trump can and will fight them in court for at least the entire two year period. If they get the Tax Returns, one of the Democrats will have it in the fax machine to the Press before ten minutes are up, and then they’ll be committing a crime. You’ve given Trump what he needed desperately. He needed a Bogieman to focus his tweets at. The media is already mistrusted and what’s left for him to rail against?

Propose a budget where any of the things you want are in it, and it will not pass. If Democrats comprimise The supporters will turn on them for not standing up to Trump, if they stand up, the American People will be disgusted, and the next election swings back the other way. In the meantime, the Senate is going to be confirming Judges as fast as they can, and asking for more to confirm. Democrats will keep rushing phony victims of non existent crimes out to stop the process, and will lose again.

This isn’t a great day for Democrats, they’re in a minefield. And Trump is the one throwing the mines while laughing.
This isn’t a great day for Democrats, they’re in a minefield. And Trump is the one throwing the mines while laughing.

Above, a typical Trump ass-licker trying to make a chicken salad sandwich out of chicken shit....Happy eating.....LOL
This isn’t a great day for Democrats, they’re in a minefield. And Trump is the one throwing the mines while laughing.

Above, a typical Trump ass-licker trying to make a chicken salad sandwich out of chicken shit....Happy eating.....LOL

Ok. Educate me. How do the Democrats get a gun ban going on AR-15 rifles? How do the Democrats abolish ICE? How do the Democrats Get Trump? Tell me how it works. I voted Democrat for years, so if anyone is liable to be open minded and willing to consider, it would be me. I voted for Dukakis. I voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama for President. So explain to me how it works. I honestly want to know. How do they do anything without shooting themselves in the foot with it?
This isn’t a great day for Democrats, they’re in a minefield. And Trump is the one throwing the mines while laughing.

Above, a typical Trump ass-licker trying to make a chicken salad sandwich out of chicken shit....Happy eating.....LOL

Ok. Educate me. How do the Democrats get a gun ban going on AR-15 rifles? How do the Democrats abolish ICE? How do the Democrats Get Trump? Tell me how it works. I voted Democrat for years, so if anyone is liable to be open minded and willing to consider, it would be me. I voted for Dukakis. I voted for Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama for President. So explain to me how it works. I honestly want to know. How do they do anything without shooting themselves in the foot with it?

NAT. You marked it as funny, but you haven’t explained yet how the Democrats accomplish anything they campaigned on. I’m waiting. We’re all waiting. How do they do it? Do they comprimise and betray the people who sent them there to “stand up to Trump”? Do the Democrats refuse to pass any legislation or any budgets until Trump is in jail? What happens, how do they do it?

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