The Miracle


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Welcome to the future. The Democratic Party is dead. We are now a one party country.

The Republicans get right to work. They abolish ObamaCare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, the FAA, the FDA, the USDA, the FCC, the IRS, and a whole basket of other agencies, but not the DoD.

No more Presidential trips to foreign capitals (a.k.a. “vacations”) to discuss matters of foreign policy with other world leaders.

No more welfare. No more leeches on the government tit. The government only pays for tanks, and ships, and fighter jets, and post offices.

Our country's GDP explodes! The economy grows at a clip of 7 percent each year.

Now meet the Smiths and the Joneses. Each household earns $50,000 a year. Thanks to the Republicans' drastic cuts in federal spending, their tax rate is only 15 percent.

15 percent!

Since together they earn $100,000, the Smiths and Joneses combined share of the federal budget is $15,000.

That means the Smiths pay $7,500 in taxes each year, and the Joneses pay $7,500 in taxes each year.

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something. I forgot about the government's massive behavioral control program that's still around. It has been a favorite of the Republicans for many decades.

The Smiths have a mortgage. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for borrowing a shit ton of money by giving them a $400 tax deduction.

The Joneses don't have a mortage. Maybe they are trying to save up money to buy a house outright so they don't have to borrow. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths have two kids. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for having children by giving them another $400 deduction!

Mr. and Mrs. Jones don't have any kids living under their roof. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought the right kind of refrigerator which the government wanted them to buy. They get ANOTHER deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones have the same old refrigerator they've owned for ten years. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought a really cool car which the government wanted them to buy. So they get another deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought a car this year, too. But it isn't the kind of car the government wanted them to buy. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not appreciate you buying the wrong car.

So let's add up all those deductions the Smiths got. $400 + $400 + $100 + $100 = $1,000.

Instead of paying $7,500 in taxes, the Smiths pay $6,500.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are over the moon with joy. “We are getting to keep more of our money! Woo hoo!”

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something.

The fair share of the Smiths and Joneses owe to the federal government for all those ships and tanks and planes and post offices is $15,000.

However, since the Smiths are paying $6,500 and the Joneses are paying $7,500, their combined tax revenues add up to only $14,000! The Smiths and the Joneses are $1,000 short!


And as we look around the country, we find tens and tens and tens of millions of other households claiming deductions, exemptions, and credits. And those all add up to a MASSIVE $1.2 trillion in decreased revenues!

Now if there is ONE THING the Republicans hate, it is a budget that is not balanced. They fucking HATE that. HAAAAATE!

So where are they going to find the money to make up the $1.2 trillion difference? Any time anyone talks about eliminating the tax expenditures the Smiths got, they get very defensive. "The Smiths are getting to keep more of their own money! It isn't the government's money! Grrrrr!"

So go ahead. Guess how the government solves this dilemma.

After everyone makes a guess, I will tell you what our government actually does in real life.

I will explain to you the amazing miracle the government pulls off. You won't believe it!

Not in the world where there is only the GOP. I mean what it does right now in this world in which we live right now.

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Write a novel; you have a good start.
I actually am writing a book. And tax expenditures are one chapter.

I've given public speeches about this. And when I am done, the audience is really pissed at the government AND tax expenditures.

So go ahead. Guess what miracle the government does to make up the difference for all those deductions, credits, and exemptions.
Welcome to the future. The Democratic Party is dead. We are now a one party country.

The Republicans get right to work. They abolish ObamaCare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, the FAA, the FDA, the USDA, the FCC, the IRS, and a whole basket of other agencies, but not the DoD.

No more Presidential trips to foreign capitals (a.k.a. “vacations”) to discuss matters of foreign policy with other world leaders.

No more welfare. No more leeches on the government tit. The government only pays for tanks, and ships, and fighter jets, and post offices.

Our country's GDP explodes! The economy grows at a clip of 7 percent each year.

Now meet the Smiths and the Joneses. Each household earns $50,000 a year. Thanks to the Republicans' drastic cuts in federal spending, their tax rate is only 15 percent.

15 percent!

Since together they earn $100,000, the Smiths and Joneses combined share of the federal budget is $15,000.

That means the Smiths pay $7,500 in taxes each year, and the Joneses pay $7,500 in taxes each year.

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something. I forgot about the government's massive behavioral control program that's still around. It has been a favorite of the Republicans for many decades.

The Smiths have a mortgage. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for borrowing a shit ton of money by giving them a $400 tax deduction.

The Joneses don't have a mortage. Maybe they are trying to save up money to buy a house outright so they don't have to borrow. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths have two kids. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for having children by giving them another $400 deduction!

Mr. and Mrs. Jones don't have any kids living under their roof. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought the right kind of refrigerator which the government wanted them to buy. They get ANOTHER deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones have the same old refrigerator they've owned for ten years. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought a really cool car which the government wanted them to buy. So they get another deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought a car this year, too. But it isn't the kind of car the government wanted them to buy. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not appreciate you buying the wrong car.

So let's add up all those deductions the Smiths got. $400 + $400 + $100 + $100 = $1,000.

Instead of paying $7,500 in taxes, the Smiths pay $6,500.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are over the moon with joy. “We are getting to keep more of our money! Woo hoo!”

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something.

The fair share of the Smiths and Joneses owe to the federal government for all those ships and tanks and planes and post offices is $15,000.

However, since the Smiths are paying $6,500 and the Joneses are paying $7,500, their combined tax revenues add up to only $14,000! The Smiths and the Joneses are $1,000 short!


And as we look around the country, we find tens and tens and tens of millions of other households claiming deductions, exemptions, and credits. And those all add up to a MASSIVE $1.2 trillion in decreased revenues!

Now if there is ONE THING the Republicans hate, it is a budget that is not balanced. They fucking HATE that. HAAAAATE!

So where are they going to find the money to make up the $1.2 trillion difference? Any time anyone talks about eliminating the tax expenditures the Smiths got, they get very defensive. "The Smiths are getting to keep more of their own money! It isn't the government's money! Grrrrr!"

So go ahead. Guess how the government solves this dilemma.

After everyone makes a guess, I will tell you what our government actually does in real life.

I will explain to you the amazing miracle the government pulls off. You won't believe it!

Not in the world where there is only the GOP. I mean what it does right now in this world in which we live right now.

Welcome to the future. The Democratic Party is dead. We are now a one party country.

The Republicans get right to work. They abolish ObamaCare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, the FAA, the FDA, the USDA, the FCC, the IRS, and a whole basket of other agencies, but not the DoD.

No more Presidential trips to foreign capitals (a.k.a. “vacations”) to discuss matters of foreign policy with other world leaders.

No more welfare. No more leeches on the government tit. The government only pays for tanks, and ships, and fighter jets, and post offices.

Our country's GDP explodes! The economy grows at a clip of 7 percent each year.

Now meet the Smiths and the Joneses. Each household earns $50,000 a year. Thanks to the Republicans' drastic cuts in federal spending, their tax rate is only 15 percent.

15 percent!

Since together they earn $100,000, the Smiths and Joneses combined share of the federal budget is $15,000.

That means the Smiths pay $7,500 in taxes each year, and the Joneses pay $7,500 in taxes each year.

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something. I forgot about the government's massive behavioral control program that's still around. It has been a favorite of the Republicans for many decades.

The Smiths have a mortgage. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for borrowing a shit ton of money by giving them a $400 tax deduction.

The Joneses don't have a mortage. Maybe they are trying to save up money to buy a house outright so they don't have to borrow. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths have two kids. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for having children by giving them another $400 deduction!

Mr. and Mrs. Jones don't have any kids living under their roof. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought the right kind of refrigerator which the government wanted them to buy. They get ANOTHER deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones have the same old refrigerator they've owned for ten years. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought a really cool car which the government wanted them to buy. So they get another deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought a car this year, too. But it isn't the kind of car the government wanted them to buy. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not appreciate you buying the wrong car.

So let's add up all those deductions the Smiths got. $400 + $400 + $100 + $100 = $1,000.

Instead of paying $7,500 in taxes, the Smiths pay $6,500.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are over the moon with joy. “We are getting to keep more of our money! Woo hoo!”

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something.

The fair share of the Smiths and Joneses owe to the federal government for all those ships and tanks and planes and post offices is $15,000.

However, since the Smiths are paying $6,500 and the Joneses are paying $7,500, their combined tax revenues add up to only $14,000! The Smiths and the Joneses are $1,000 short!


And as we look around the country, we find tens and tens and tens of millions of other households claiming deductions, exemptions, and credits. And those all add up to a MASSIVE $1.2 trillion in decreased revenues!

Now if there is ONE THING the Republicans hate, it is a budget that is not balanced. They fucking HATE that. HAAAAATE!

So where are they going to find the money to make up the $1.2 trillion difference? Any time anyone talks about eliminating the tax expenditures the Smiths got, they get very defensive. "The Smiths are getting to keep more of their own money! It isn't the government's money! Grrrrr!"

So go ahead. Guess how the government solves this dilemma.

After everyone makes a guess, I will tell you what our government actually does in real life.

I will explain to you the amazing miracle the government pulls off. You won't believe it!

Not in the world where there is only the GOP. I mean what it does right now in this world in which we live right now.

Thanks for admitting anything over 120 characters goes over your head. Sorry, this complex matter cannot be compressed into a tweet.
Are you going to say or are you going to make me read through 45 posts of BS?
Welcome to the future. The Democratic Party is dead. We are now a one party country.

The Republicans get right to work. They abolish ObamaCare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, the FAA, the FDA, the USDA, the FCC, the IRS, and a whole basket of other agencies, but not the DoD.

No more Presidential trips to foreign capitals (a.k.a. “vacations”) to discuss matters of foreign policy with other world leaders.

No more welfare. No more leeches on the government tit. The government only pays for tanks, and ships, and fighter jets, and post offices.

Our country's GDP explodes! The economy grows at a clip of 7 percent each year.

Now meet the Smiths and the Joneses. Each household earns $50,000 a year. Thanks to the Republicans' drastic cuts in federal spending, their tax rate is only 15 percent.

15 percent!

Since together they earn $100,000, the Smiths and Joneses combined share of the federal budget is $15,000.

That means the Smiths pay $7,500 in taxes each year, and the Joneses pay $7,500 in taxes each year.

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something. I forgot about the government's massive behavioral control program that's still around. It has been a favorite of the Republicans for many decades.

The Smiths have a mortgage. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for borrowing a shit ton of money by giving them a $400 tax deduction.

The Joneses don't have a mortage. Maybe they are trying to save up money to buy a house outright so they don't have to borrow. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths have two kids. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for having children by giving them another $400 deduction!

Mr. and Mrs. Jones don't have any kids living under their roof. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought the right kind of refrigerator which the government wanted them to buy. They get ANOTHER deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones have the same old refrigerator they've owned for ten years. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought a really cool car which the government wanted them to buy. So they get another deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought a car this year, too. But it isn't the kind of car the government wanted them to buy. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not appreciate you buying the wrong car.

So let's add up all those deductions the Smiths got. $400 + $400 + $100 + $100 = $1,000.

Instead of paying $7,500 in taxes, the Smiths pay $6,500.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are over the moon with joy. “We are getting to keep more of our money! Woo hoo!”

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something.

The fair share of the Smiths and Joneses owe to the federal government for all those ships and tanks and planes and post offices is $15,000.

However, since the Smiths are paying $6,500 and the Joneses are paying $7,500, their combined tax revenues add up to only $14,000! The Smiths and the Joneses are $1,000 short!


And as we look around the country, we find tens and tens and tens of millions of other households claiming deductions, exemptions, and credits. And those all add up to a MASSIVE $1.2 trillion in decreased revenues!

Now if there is ONE THING the Republicans hate, it is a budget that is not balanced. They fucking HATE that. HAAAAATE!

So where are they going to find the money to make up the $1.2 trillion difference? Any time anyone talks about eliminating the tax expenditures the Smiths got, they get very defensive. "The Smiths are getting to keep more of their own money! It isn't the government's money! Grrrrr!"

So go ahead. Guess how the government solves this dilemma.

After everyone makes a guess, I will tell you what our government actually does in real life.

I will explain to you the amazing miracle the government pulls off. You won't believe it!

Not in the world where there is only the GOP. I mean what it does right now in this world in which we live right now.

Borrows money?
Write a novel; you have a good start.
I actually am writing a book. And tax expenditures are one chapter.

I've given public speeches about this. And when I am done, the audience is really pissed at the government AND tax expenditures.

So go ahead. Guess what miracle the government does to make up the difference for all those deductions, credits, and exemptions.
Welcome to the future. The Democratic Party is dead. We are now a one party country.

The Republicans get right to work. They abolish ObamaCare, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, the FAA, the FDA, the USDA, the FCC, the IRS, and a whole basket of other agencies, but not the DoD.

No more Presidential trips to foreign capitals (a.k.a. “vacations”) to discuss matters of foreign policy with other world leaders.

No more welfare. No more leeches on the government tit. The government only pays for tanks, and ships, and fighter jets, and post offices.

Our country's GDP explodes! The economy grows at a clip of 7 percent each year.

Now meet the Smiths and the Joneses. Each household earns $50,000 a year. Thanks to the Republicans' drastic cuts in federal spending, their tax rate is only 15 percent.

15 percent!

Since together they earn $100,000, the Smiths and Joneses combined share of the federal budget is $15,000.

That means the Smiths pay $7,500 in taxes each year, and the Joneses pay $7,500 in taxes each year.

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something. I forgot about the government's massive behavioral control program that's still around. It has been a favorite of the Republicans for many decades.

The Smiths have a mortgage. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for borrowing a shit ton of money by giving them a $400 tax deduction.

The Joneses don't have a mortage. Maybe they are trying to save up money to buy a house outright so they don't have to borrow. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths have two kids. The Republicans therefore reward the Smiths for having children by giving them another $400 deduction!

Mr. and Mrs. Jones don't have any kids living under their roof. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought the right kind of refrigerator which the government wanted them to buy. They get ANOTHER deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones have the same old refrigerator they've owned for ten years. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not like that kind of behavior.

The Smiths bought a really cool car which the government wanted them to buy. So they get another deduction of $100.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones bought a car this year, too. But it isn't the kind of car the government wanted them to buy. Fuck you, Mr. and Mrs. Jones. The government does not appreciate you buying the wrong car.

So let's add up all those deductions the Smiths got. $400 + $400 + $100 + $100 = $1,000.

Instead of paying $7,500 in taxes, the Smiths pay $6,500.

Mr. and Mrs. Smith are over the moon with joy. “We are getting to keep more of our money! Woo hoo!”

Life is good, God is great.

Oh, shit. Wait. I forgot something.

The fair share of the Smiths and Joneses owe to the federal government for all those ships and tanks and planes and post offices is $15,000.

However, since the Smiths are paying $6,500 and the Joneses are paying $7,500, their combined tax revenues add up to only $14,000! The Smiths and the Joneses are $1,000 short!


And as we look around the country, we find tens and tens and tens of millions of other households claiming deductions, exemptions, and credits. And those all add up to a MASSIVE $1.2 trillion in decreased revenues!

Now if there is ONE THING the Republicans hate, it is a budget that is not balanced. They fucking HATE that. HAAAAATE!

So where are they going to find the money to make up the $1.2 trillion difference? Any time anyone talks about eliminating the tax expenditures the Smiths got, they get very defensive. "The Smiths are getting to keep more of their own money! It isn't the government's money! Grrrrr!"

So go ahead. Guess how the government solves this dilemma.

After everyone makes a guess, I will tell you what our government actually does in real life.

I will explain to you the amazing miracle the government pulls off. You won't believe it!

Not in the world where there is only the GOP. I mean what it does right now in this world in which we live right now.


I guess you need a hint.

Look at Carly Fiorina's tax plan. She wants to stab the miracle in the heart and brain and balls.

So does Ted Cruz. So does Tom Coburn. So does Rand Paul. So did Ronald Reagan.
Yeah but why would the democrat party be dead? Because their programs don't work and their candidates have been found to be liars and crooks? That's an important part of the argument isn't it? The left has been proposing crazy arguments these days and this is one of them. Perhaps it's time to seek professional help.
Write a novel; you have a good start.
I actually am writing a book. And tax expenditures are one chapter.

I've given public speeches about this. And when I am done, the audience is really pissed at the government AND tax expenditures.

So go ahead. Guess what miracle the government does to make up the difference for all those deductions, credits, and exemptions.

Does it involve The Confidence Fairy?

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