The Miracle

As every fiscal conservative like myself knows, it's just like Tom Coburn said: Tax expenditures are spending. A hidden kind of spending. Hidden in plain sight.

So eliminating tax expenditures IS CUTTING SPENDING. This concept causes pseudocon heads to explode from cognitive dissonance.

"I get to keep my own money! It isn't the government's money. Grrrrr!"

They continue to labor under that hoax. Poor bastards.

They want to cut food stamps, but not their own government gifts which are harming all of us taxpayers and our economy.

When you cut spending (eliminate tax expenditures), as the man said, you "pave the way for reducing tax rates for all Americans and small businesses."

I'm cool with Fiorina's plan to cut the tax code to three pages. We conservatives should be educating the American public about tax expenditures.

I have been, and the response has been amazing.
Your answer was incorrect. It is the actual fiction pseudocons tell themselves to keep their government gifts alive. And it is entirely untrue.

And again, you were demanding the government interfere in the free market in your response by claiming government interference has a positive economic effect!

That is definitely not a conservative belief.

First you build a strawman, then you tear it down.

You give no proof, create an assertion out of thin air about my beliefs that I didn't make then tell me it's wrong.

That was miracle.

Now, how about an actual empirically proving my answer was wrong.

Or are you just a master strawman manufacturer...

You asked a question, I answered it. Can you prove it wrong, or just blindly lash out at the answerer.
I promised you I would show you where you were wrong. I have done so. Finish reading the topic.

And you are still demanding the government interfere in the housing market! Amazing.

No way you are a conservative. You have been led WAY off the reservation by hucksters.
As the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has noted, “Despite the favorable tax treatment that mortgage interest receives in the United States, the rate of homeownership here is similar to that in Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom, and none of those countries currently offers a tax deduction for mortgage interest.”[10] The United Kingdom phased out its mortgage interest deduction from 1975 to 2000, but the share of households that own homes rose from 53 percent in 1974 to 68 percent in 2001.

Home ownership rates in countries without an MID are the same.

Oh, well. At least you can console yourself you are paying more for your house than you should be...

I'm not sure I would call that proof. There are so many variables involved that even claiming a correlation is a stretch.
Your answer was incorrect. It is the actual fiction pseudocons tell themselves to keep their government gifts alive. And it is entirely untrue.

And again, you were demanding the government interfere in the free market in your response by claiming government interference has a positive economic effect!

That is definitely not a conservative belief.

First you build a strawman, then you tear it down.

You give no proof, create an assertion out of thin air about my beliefs that I didn't make then tell me it's wrong.

That was miracle.

Now, how about an actual empirically proving my answer was wrong.

Or are you just a master strawman manufacturer...

You asked a question, I answered it. Can you prove it wrong, or just blindly lash out at the answerer.
I promised you I would show you where you were wrong. I have done so. Finish reading the topic.

And you are still demanding the government interfere in the housing market! Amazing.

No way you are a conservative. You have been led WAY off the reservation by hucksters.

Can you make a post without an ad hominem attack? It doesn't bolster your argument anywhere but in your own mind.

Again, your proof is lacking. A comparison is not proof, especially with so many other variables at work.
Your answer was incorrect. It is the actual fiction pseudocons tell themselves to keep their government gifts alive. And it is entirely untrue.

And again, you were demanding the government interfere in the free market in your response by claiming government interference has a positive economic effect!

That is definitely not a conservative belief.

First you build a strawman, then you tear it down.

You give no proof, create an assertion out of thin air about my beliefs that I didn't make then tell me it's wrong.

That was miracle.

Now, how about an actual empirically proving my answer was wrong.

Or are you just a master strawman manufacturer...

You asked a question, I answered it. Can you prove it wrong, or just blindly lash out at the answerer.
I promised you I would show you where you were wrong. I have done so. Finish reading the topic.

And you are still demanding the government interfere in the housing market! Amazing.

No way you are a conservative. You have been led WAY off the reservation by hucksters.

Can you make a post without an ad hominem attack? It doesn't bolster your argument anywhere but in your own mind.

Again, your proof is lacking. A comparison is not proof, especially with so many other variables at work.
I also posted evidence the housing industry freely admits the MID increases the price of a house.

As for "ad hominem", I am stating a fact. You are demanding the federal government interfere in the market.

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