The Modern Democratic Party Was Born Out Of The Sixties Drug Culture


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.


The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.
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You sure hate freedom and want to force your religion down everyones throat.

You'd ban most freedoms.
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

View attachment 131160

The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.
It's all really nothing new. You can see the same oddly similar cycles in nations of the past, and even our own nations past...same BS just rebranded. The only reveloutionary change in human history governance came out of the Switzerland, then a couple hundred years we followed a similar path...and then boom, explosion of technology and ideas.

The Swiss are the happiest, wealthiest, safest, best educated, and high standard of living for all...and also the longest existing government in the world. Maybe we should be taking notes?
We stand for freedom from your rigid anti-freedom religious world view.

Yes, we love rock in roll, feeling good, enjoying llife and so much more that you goats wouldn't understand. This is why religion is bad because it limits a person to a set of crap and limits ones life.

Freedom is all about choices and enjoying life...
This is exactly what I was talking about in the general discussion board a few weeks ago. One must demand and live his//her freedoms or lose them as you religion prudes are always attempting to do away with them.
We stand for freedom from your rigid anti-freedom religious world view.

Yes, we love rock in roll, feeling good, enjoying llife and so much more that you goats wouldn't understand. This is why religion is bad because it limits a person to a set of crap and limits ones life.

Freedom is all about choices and enjoying life...
I'm sorry what religion are you being forced to follow?
This is exactly what I was talking about in the general discussion board a few weeks ago. One must demand and live his//her freedoms or lose them as you religion prudes are always attempting to do away with them.
You realize it was religious philosophy that brought about the constitution and free society. You know, the philosophy of natural law, saying that god gave us free will, therefore it's unethical for a government or person to take another's free will, therefore all men are created equal. God gave us the ability to speak/think, defend ourselves, etc. therefore those rights are self evident and inalienable.
This is exactly what I was talking about in the general discussion board a few weeks ago. One must demand and live his//her freedoms or lose them as you religion prudes are always attempting to do away with them.
------------------------------------------------------- Matthew my young freind , i believe that your generation is going to lose it all , imo . The things that you associate with freedom is not freedom . --------- just a comment !!
We stand for freedom from your rigid anti-freedom religious world view.

Yes, we love rock in roll, feeling good, enjoying llife and so much more that you goats wouldn't understand. This is why religion is bad because it limits a person to a set of crap and limits ones life.

Freedom is all about choices and enjoying life...

Ah, Matthew? I'm an atheist and I'm also a conservative. Stop with the nonsense about religion. Unlike you, I respect the choice that other people make to believe in religion...something that so many of you on the far left seem incapable of!
This is why the left so hates Trump and anyone remotely conservative. He doesn't drink, smoke or use drugs and they HATE that. He loves women and has MARRIED several. He marries women, you can't get worse than that.

That's what made obama so acceptable to the left. He drinks, smokes, is a cocaine addict and choom wagon driver, he prefers men to women except to the extent it would interfere with his political career.
MattWHO? thinks the government controlling everything is freedom, he likes the idea of having no responsibility at all except to his whims, and not having to help anyone because his video game is on pause as he pisses in a bottle and leaves the 200th on sitting in the floor for someone else to pour out. A typical liberal.
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

View attachment 131160

The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.

Your threads are invariably retarded.
Life is infinitely better for American gays, blacks, Hispanics, and women than it was 50 years ago, and that just pisses off some old men.
We stand for freedom from your rigid anti-freedom religious world view.

Yes, we love rock in roll, feeling good, enjoying llife and so much more that you goats wouldn't understand. This is why religion is bad because it limits a person to a set of crap and limits ones life.

Freedom is all about choices and enjoying life...
I don't think you understand freedom. At all.

Freedom isn't making someone else pay for your welfare. Freedom is keeping your own earnings, those that you deserve. Stealing from others for your benefit takes their freedom away.

Freedom isn't healthcare that others have to pay for. You should be free to join an insurance plan you want and need of your own valition. It's not freedom when the government tells you what you have to purchase and takes other peoples money to give it to you.

Freedom comes with scientific limits. You aren't free as a male to decide you're a female and just run into their bathroom holding your dick. That intrudes on an actual females freedom not to have to put up with such stupidity. You have the freedom to be one of two things sexually. A man or a woman. Actually no freedom there, it's decided for you at birth. Sorry.

Freedom also doesn't include killing because it's not a good time for you to have this needy person around. How can you be for freedom when you claim you can kill your own child because it's not a good time for them to be here? Why don't you fight for their freedom to live?

Freedom actually comes from religion. Doing the right things. Not being a self centered prick. Helping others on our own and not making up stupid sexes that can't possibly exist.

Your version of freedom comes at the expense of a lot of people. What about their freedom?
And the KKK. Bill Clinton's mentor:

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto...
And the KKK. Bill Clinton's mentor:

J. William Fulbright - Wikipedia

James William Fulbright (April 9, 1905 – February 9, 1995) was a United States Senator representing Arkansas from January 1945 until his resignation in December 1974. Fulbright is the longest serving chairman in the history of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. A Southern Democrat and a staunch multilateralist who supported the creation of the United Nations, he was also a segregationist who signed the Southern Manifesto...

Also Sam Ervin of North Carolina.
We stand for freedom from your rigid anti-freedom religious world view.

Yes, we love rock in roll, feeling good, enjoying llife and so much more that you goats wouldn't understand. This is why religion is bad because it limits a person to a set of crap and limits ones life.

Freedom is all about choices and enjoying life...
I'm sorry what religion are you being forced to follow?
He still can't decide if he's a boy or a girl. Don't put that kind of pressure on him.
This is exactly what I was talking about in the general discussion board a few weeks ago. One must demand and live his//her freedoms or lose them as you religion prudes are always attempting to do away with them.
Have you ever asked yourself, why is it so many of the "freedoms" you think you deserve require so many others loss of freedom to pay for?

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