The Modern Democratic Party Was Born Out Of The Sixties Drug Culture

The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

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The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.
No, I think you've missed the chain of events. The free-loving malcontents of the 60's and 70's resented power that they did not control. So they have now reached the point in which they would have had the wisdom to govern, but in reality, they just want the power.

That isn't really anything new, as each generation has that problem. The real problem that was caused by this generation is how they raised their kids. They screwed up their kids and then those kids have become parents and they too are following failed parenting models and it has just started to snowball. Couple that with their control of the education system, and they can drive this nation into utter ruin within another 4 generations.

I'm just glad I won't be around to see it.
We stand for freedom from your rigid anti-freedom religious world view. Yes, we love rock in roll, feeling good, enjoying llife and so much more that you goats wouldn't understand. This is why religion is bad because it limits a person to a set of crap and limits ones life.
Freedom is all about choices and enjoying life...

Matthew, I wouldn't normally dignify a rant such as yours with a reply, but the very thing you rant against, the US Constitution, is the very fount of your freedoms, what I hold most dear. And religion wasn't even part of the topic, but everyone is arguably religious; even atheism is a type of religion/faith, only faith in there being no supreme sentient being and us coming about through a chain of accidents.

FWIW, I actually do like feeling good too, enjoying life, and my ties to rock AND roll are probably far deeper than you or anyone else on this board! But you needn't know about my personal life. But in general, you scare the crap out of me, that anyone as ignorant, narrow, irrational and prejudiced as you can still come out of our public school system to walk the streets with literate, normal people.
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

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The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.

Yep, the right will shout to the rooftops that "choice" is important, then when people make their choices, the right then hammers them for it. You have the right to choose what we want you to choose, or we will try and lock you up.
No, I think you've missed the chain of events. The free-loving malcontents of the 60's and 70's resented power that they did not control. So they have now reached the point in which they would have had the wisdom to govern, but in reality, they just want the power.

Point well taken. I was trying for brevity for a change so just left it as the "counter-culture," but you describe the situation beautifully.
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

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The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.

Yep, the right will shout to the rooftops that "choice" is important, then when people make their choices, the right then hammers them for it. You have the right to choose what we want you to choose, or we will try and lock you up.

With all due respect, Weirdo...what you just described is the modern Democratic Party!
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

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The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.

Your threads are invariably retarded.
Invariably needs to be taken out.
Fuck the prudes!

-I'll never stop watching porn
-Smoking pot
-Dressing up as a girl
-Listening to rock in roll
-Screaming fuck!
-And fucking

Freedom baby! Don't like it, well, get the fuck out of this country.
Fuck the prudes!

-I'll never stop watching porn
-Smoking pot
-Dressing up as a girl
-Listening to rock in roll
-Screaming fuck!
-And fucking

Freedom baby! Don't like it, well, get the fuck out of this country.

You watch porn, smoke pot and dress like girl?'re a catch all right, Matthew! I bet the chicks are just lined up around the block waiting to screw you! (eye roll)
You watch porn, smoke pot and dress like girl?'re a catch all right, Matthew! I bet the chicks are just lined up around the block waiting to screw you! (eye roll)

Matthew is the new spokes-model for the dangers of organic brain damage. :spinner:
It explains why he has so much time to devote to starting strings here...
... religion wasn't even part of the topic, but everyone is arguably religious; even atheism is a type of religion/faith, only faith in there being no supreme sentient being and us coming about through a chain of accidents. ...
No, atheism is not a religion. A conviction is not necessarily religious.
In the OP you also wrote about the Democratic Party's foundation, "It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred ..." The word "sacred" implies that the Democrats are anti-religion.
Besides, your analysis, such as it is, is incorrect. The modern Democratic Party was not born out of drug addiction in the 1960s but from Lyndon Johnson's civil rights program which lost the former confederate states to the Republicans and transformed the Democratic Party into the choice of liberal Americans.
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

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The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.

Yep, the right will shout to the rooftops that "choice" is important, then when people make their choices, the right then hammers them for it. You have the right to choose what we want you to choose, or we will try and lock you up.

With all due respect, Weirdo...what you just described is the modern Democratic Party!

What I just described would be millions of partisan Americans, just like yourself, who seem to be playing a team sport, rather than actually being interested in politics.
The 40's and the end of WWII gave rise to unprecedented prosperity of the Middle Class.

The 50's gave rise to a movement of rebelliousness and questioning old dogma.

The 60's gave rise to psychedelic drugs, free love, and the counter culture where anti-American sentiment began to be taught. It was an era of depravity and societal decay. It was out of this that the modern democrat liberal progressive was born.

As they grew up, they took positions of authority and education, gradually swaying our society to where many of their new deal doctrines were interwoven into the thinking gradually until accepted and normalized.

Today, we are reaping the results of that social experiment, an age where the revolutionaries are no longer just rioting and burning in the streets, but figuratively in the halls of government, media and universities. Where is it unacceptable to NOT think like them. Where it is acceptable to believe our Founders and nation are actually the cause of the world's problems rather than its salvation. Where pipe tobacco is restricted but marijuana is sold openly in stores. Where half the country no longer takes care of itself but lives off government programs and its productive members. It is a self-destructive movement where nothing is sacred and everything traditional is game for derision. The democratic party today no long has anything to do with the democratic party of even 30 years ago, it is the unraveling of a generation built upon self-loathing and contempt for itself turned outward on everything it touches.

View attachment 131160

The modern liberal is angry, but they cannot even tell you what they are angry over. In culture, they weaken the family unit, so what are they good for? Used in the military, they weaken our defense. Used in industry, they weaken the economy. Used in education, they weaken the young mind. Used in Journalism, they misinform and mislead the populace. What is left for them than to either live off the public dole or to get jobs working in government as politicians, social workers, etc., where incompetence is both tolerated and protected, they weaken the entire nation.

It is a generation of defectives and malcontents that we are stuck with until we outgrow them and a newer, better generation comes in to replace them.

Yep, the right will shout to the rooftops that "choice" is important, then when people make their choices, the right then hammers them for it. You have the right to choose what we want you to choose, or we will try and lock you up.

With all due respect, Weirdo...what you just described is the modern Democratic Party!

What I just described would be millions of partisan Americans, just like yourself, who seem to be playing a team sport, rather than actually being interested in politics.

And Democrats aren't part of that? Seriously, Weirdo? I see a lot of the "Borg" in the mindset of the far left of the Democratic Party these either agree with us or we will silence you!

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