The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
It’s why even liberal suburban women like guys in jeans and cowboy boots or men in uniform. Not the cafe latte drinking dorks they find at Starbucks. When I was in the Corps scoring with these chicks was not hard. It’s what they were looking for, a one night stand with a real man. They knew they could marry a dork and live in the burbs someday.
No idiot, she knew government would take care of her If she had a soldiers baby. She was hoping you got killed or got drunk & killed yourself!
No, she was hoping to finally have some great sex and an orgasm. :113:
Well, that was not a happy ending......:itsok:
What is glaringly missing from this discussion is that women, like men, have interests outside of family and raising children. A man can still raise a family while pursuing his interests in medicine, astrophysics, the law, engineering, politics, the gamut of whatever they are interested in and floats their boat, while women are attacked for having family and pursuing their individual interests at the same time. Both men and women are entitled to the half-and-half between being family people and pursuing their own interests.
Who thinks they don’t? It’s 2019...what the fuck! This is the result of “women’s studies “ indoctrination classes. ITS 2019...WHY ARE YOU WRITING LIKE ITS 1919? Do you have any understanding of what the real world is like?
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
It’s why even liberal suburban women like guys in jeans and cowboy boots or men in uniform. Not the cafe latte drinking dorks they find at Starbucks. When I was in the Corps scoring with these chicks was not hard. It’s what they were looking for, a one night stand with a real man. They knew they could marry a dork and live in the burbs someday.
No idiot, she knew government would take care of her If she had a soldiers baby. She was hoping you got killed or got drunk & killed yourself!
No, she was hoping to finally have some great sex and an orgasm. :113:
Well, that was not a happy ending......:itsok:
Sex is not supposed to have a “happy ending?” What kind of bullshit is that? You had a “happy ending” when you were 7 and finished the merry-go-round ride. When you you and your partner get done you should feel satisfied, fulfilled, and tired.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
It’s why even liberal suburban women like guys in jeans and cowboy boots or men in uniform. Not the cafe latte drinking dorks they find at Starbucks. When I was in the Corps scoring with these chicks was not hard. It’s what they were looking for, a one night stand with a real man. They knew they could marry a dork and live in the burbs someday.
No idiot, she knew government would take care of her If she had a soldiers baby. She was hoping you got killed or got drunk & killed yourself!
No, she was hoping to finally have some great sex and an orgasm. :113:
Well, that was not a happy ending......:itsok:
Sex is not supposed to have a “happy ending?” What kind of bullshit is that? You had a “happy ending” when you were 7 and finished the merry-go-round ride. When you you and your partner get done you should feel satisfied, fulfilled, and tired.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.

Yes. Their fault is right. Thank you for offering it.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.

There were no good old days.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

For a select group of people. Yep, girls who were pregnant still went to the country to visit relatives. Whole lot of stuff you are ignoring.

Select group? mean the vast majority of Americans. I see. Not supposed to get pregnant outside marriage.

Again. Dichotomy. Not supposed to do a lot of things. I'll be sure to codify that as soon as I have completed my takeover of the universe. Here is the reality. There were just as many shiftless men in the 1950s as there were in the 1910s etc.

Here is the really fun part. Women that are further down the socioeconomic ladder have a limited pool of men to partner with. So, at the bottom we have mentally ill men, felons, sex offenders, ongoing addictions, intellectually disabled men, etc. and so on. They are just as susceptible today as they were 60-100 years ago to the whole concept of a knight in shining armor and the fairy tale romance. You still have a very large percentage of young girls that drop out of high school and want to be stay at home mothers and wives. That is what they want to do.

The "modern woman" has a career and children today for the same damn reason that they had children and a career 100 years ago without a man. Rent and food. The number of women that make a "lifestyle choice" are few and are usually independently wealthy or financially stable in established careers.

The women at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum are no different than the men who are there. But those people worked hard in the 1920’s and 1930’s despite their so-called “white privilege” and carved out a living. No social safety net back then. Husband and wife worked together for survival. Then they went on to win a world war, defeat fascism, liberate concentration camps, and make the United States a superpower. I don’t think anyone felt like or waited on a knight in shining armor. Where do you get this from? Education...fucking liberals politicizing our schools. People, my grandparents, parents, and that includes me, just fought to survive on a substandard family income. “Modern women?” What is that supposed to mean? Women in past generations were victims or idiots? Typical liberal narcissism.

Nope. Women were not victims or idiots. In fact, women have always worked outside of the home.

That said, there were men who abandoned their families. There were con-artists. There were ne'er do-wells.

Just people.

There were no good old days.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

For a select group of people. Yep, girls who were pregnant still went to the country to visit relatives. Whole lot of stuff you are ignoring.

Select group? mean the vast majority of Americans. I see. Not supposed to get pregnant outside marriage.

Again. Dichotomy. Not supposed to do a lot of things. I'll be sure to codify that as soon as I have completed my takeover of the universe. Here is the reality. There were just as many shiftless men in the 1950s as there were in the 1910s etc.

Here is the really fun part. Women that are further down the socioeconomic ladder have a limited pool of men to partner with. So, at the bottom we have mentally ill men, felons, sex offenders, ongoing addictions, intellectually disabled men, etc. and so on. They are just as susceptible today as they were 60-100 years ago to the whole concept of a knight in shining armor and the fairy tale romance. You still have a very large percentage of young girls that drop out of high school and want to be stay at home mothers and wives. That is what they want to do.

The "modern woman" has a career and children today for the same damn reason that they had children and a career 100 years ago without a man. Rent and food. The number of women that make a "lifestyle choice" are few and are usually independently wealthy or financially stable in established careers.

So your a lesbian. That’s fine.

I'm heterosexual.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
Goes against human nature...not the way we are wired as a species. Been that way from the start. Sure you can point out Amazon women and the Island of Lesbos. Where the fuck are those societies now? Sure there are some primitive societies in the deep rain forest somewhere with role reversal. But that’s why they are where they are...wiping their asses with a banana leaf.
So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.

Yes. Their fault is right. Thank you for offering it.
Well....I didn't really feel they were at fault, just a bit ego-deflated.
So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
Goes against human nature...not the way we are wired as a species. Been that way from the start. Sure you can point out Amazon women and the Island of Lesbos. Where the fuck are those societies now? Sure there are some primitive societies in the deep rain forest somewhere with role reversal. But that’s why they are where they are...wiping their asses with a banana leaf.
You know the Amazons were a myth, right? And the island of Lesbos is still there...hasn't tipped over and sunk or anything....where were you expecting it to be?
So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:

Thank you for your service
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

For a select group of people. Yep, girls who were pregnant still went to the country to visit relatives. Whole lot of stuff you are ignoring.

Select group? mean the vast majority of Americans. I see. Not supposed to get pregnant outside marriage.

Again. Dichotomy. Not supposed to do a lot of things. I'll be sure to codify that as soon as I have completed my takeover of the universe. Here is the reality. There were just as many shiftless men in the 1950s as there were in the 1910s etc.

Here is the really fun part. Women that are further down the socioeconomic ladder have a limited pool of men to partner with. So, at the bottom we have mentally ill men, felons, sex offenders, ongoing addictions, intellectually disabled men, etc. and so on. They are just as susceptible today as they were 60-100 years ago to the whole concept of a knight in shining armor and the fairy tale romance. You still have a very large percentage of young girls that drop out of high school and want to be stay at home mothers and wives. That is what they want to do.

The "modern woman" has a career and children today for the same damn reason that they had children and a career 100 years ago without a man. Rent and food. The number of women that make a "lifestyle choice" are few and are usually independently wealthy or financially stable in established careers.

So your a lesbian. That’s fine.

I'm heterosexual.

Jesus Jumped-Up Christ...that poor bastard. So what’s that like? After he gets done cleaning toilets he gets to make supper...listening to how your day went out shopping with the girls and how you all agreed that you hate Susie in the Personal Department? Then you explain/undercut his plans to go fishing next weekend so you can all go to your relatives house for a cookout. Gee, If he’s really nice I guess he gets a hand job. How dare he would think he could ever be on top. That’s not for a professional woman like you. :laughing0301: The fucking guy probably begs his friends to shoot him when he’s mowing the lawn to take him out of his misery.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

Yeah, if you were a white male the 1950s were great. For independent women and people of color, not so much.

Better than the 40s, or 30s.

Which were better than the 1870s, but it still wasn't great for those groups.

1. It was great for them, relative to the last 2 decades, just like for straight white males.

2. Why the need to deny any past good times?

I am not denying the 1950s were good for some. But for others, it was not the same. In 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a white man. No first come first serve. No men giving up a seat for a black women. He got on the bus and demanded she give him her seat.

While I support what Rosa Parks "sat" for, the truth of the story was lost in translation long ago. She was an NAACP member and her protest was planned and orchestrated to perfection. The stories of her heroic actions were overplayed to the extreme.
Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:

Thank you for your service

Ask about her service while in violation of the UCMJ for years.
Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:

Thank you for your service
You are welcome.
No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry. HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:

Thank you for your service

Ask about her service while in violation of the UCMJ for years.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: HAVE to accept help from someone? How come guys keep turning my help down? What's wrong with them? Their fault, I guess.
You as a woman don't put your life on the line. Strong women means nothing. This system will end because men will not listen at some point.
Now that's some funny stuff, especially considering my 21 years in the Navy as an Aviator....putting my life on the line every time I went up.

You sound very very very very very very very very insecure....:itsok:

Thank you for your service

Ask about her service while in violation of the UCMJ for years.


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