The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?
Apparently it did in the specific example you gave. Forgive me for pointing out a clear fallacy presented in your comment.

No. When I said "So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up?" there was no mention of fighting abilities.
If she was beaten up, there was a fight of some sort... and someone lost... Therefore; not equal.

I am sure that some arguments escalate because the woman hits the man. But I also am pretty sure that those are in the minority.

And? If you think all men are vastly superior to women, you either haven't met a lot of idiot men or haven't met a lot of sharp women. Both are out there in good numbers.
I said neither. You’re the one trying to saddle both with a metric. I simply accept reality, and recognize that they are different. As such, they can never be “equal”.

There is as much difference between individuals.

The main thing is that the gov't must give each the same opportunities and require that in our society.
No. "Must" is actually just a personal desire, and beholden only to current written law, and ones location. There is no biological imperative that enforces this "must".

It has nothing to do with biological imperative. And yes, it must. That is not a personal desire, imho, but should be a requirement
You contradicted yourself at the word "should"...
And biological imperative is both inescapable, and self correcting. Always has been; and for as long as life itself continues to exist, always will be.
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?
Apparently it did in the specific example you gave. Forgive me for pointing out a clear fallacy presented in your comment.

No. When I said "So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up?" there was no mention of fighting abilities.
If she was beaten up, there was a fight of some sort... and someone lost... Therefore; not equal.

I am sure that some arguments escalate because the woman hits the man. But I also am pretty sure that those are in the minority.
"Pretty sure" frankly, isn't good enough a position to found an argument on. Not to mention who started it is irrelevant to the notion of "equality".
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?

No. It’s her fault for refusing the help of a man who is willing to help. I am a father of two girls. If a man they trust offers to walk them to their car they should
Accept and not state they are independent and all
That BS. Bring back chivalry.
These threads are always amusing, particularly the right-wing guys' depictions of imaginary conversations they have had with imaginary women. Most people who have actually reached emotional maturity do not act according to their idiotic narrative. Enough with the " strawman" nonsense.

Upper-body strength is not determinative of whether a person is "entitled" to equality in society. It's not the only "talent" in the world. All people are entitled to equal status.

It is pathetic that some of you are making statements against democracy and the concept of government by the people.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
I'm sorry....but what is the responsibility of the Democrats when "the modern man" refuses to grow up when women are self-sufficient?

Sounds like you've got a real problem becoming a MAN on your own and taking responsibility like a MAN.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

So much self loathing packed into an OP...
I don't know if it's self-loathing....more like self-pity and blaming women for all his troubles.....blaming women for his inability to grow up.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Lol, you know that republicans are in power roughly half the time, right?

Yep and both parties have major flaws
So why did you start the thread blaming liberals for it 100%?

What thread?
So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.
How has that struggle benefited us?
I'd say that for the most part it hasn't.

Advances on any number of fronts, but especially technology and the sciences generally (including psychology), have not been adequately assimilated by current thinking and practice. Clinging to outmoded thinking is not the answer to the problems we face today.
Insightful and well said. The question, though, is what we mean by "outmoded."
Thinking that the traditional family structure is a net positive?
Thinking that femininity gains a woman more than feminism?
We can probably all agree that lynching blacks is outmoded but beyond that sort of thing, is the type of thinking typical of 1950's America outmoded or just discarded?

I am sure that some arguments escalate because the woman hits the man. But I also am pretty sure that those are in the minority.
Rounded, roughly 1/4 of reported domestic violence incidents involve a man doing violence to a woman, 1/4 a woman doing violence to a man, and 1/2 each doing violence to the other.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

So much self loathing packed into an OP...
I don't know if it's self-loathing....more like self-pity and blaming women for all his troubles.....blaming women for his inability to grow up.

Yeah maybe...very incel-like.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Lol, you know that republicans are in power roughly half the time, right?

Yep and both parties have major flaws
So why did you start the thread blaming liberals for it 100%?

What thread?
My bad, you aren't the OP.
Because they started this a generation ago by teaching white kids in the burbs to be PC pussified and play video games all day while living with mommy and daddy until they were 27.

Do you think that's why they are doing that?

Nope. They are doing that because, more often than not, they are six figures in debt after college and can't afford their own place until then.
1 in 4 women experience abuse. It isn't just the left who created this situation.

No, it is the left.

In the past, right-wing conservative ideology, was that men were to be leaders and protectors of the home. That women were to be cared for and protected by men.

But that involves limits on what women can do.

We've done away with both the limits, and the protection. That was left-wing ideology that did that.

So now a women gets abused, and no one cares, or does anything. That's on the left. Not the right wing. You abused some of my relatives in southern Ohio, they would round up a bunch guys, hunt you down, and beat the ever living crap out of you. And I can promise you, those are all right-wing people.

You go to New York, where a woman was raped, beaten, and murdered in an alley, and no one hearing the screams even called the police. That's left-wing at work.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

There were no good old days.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

For a select group of people. Yep, girls who were pregnant still went to the country to visit relatives. Whole lot of stuff you are ignoring.

Yes, things were a lot closer to idyllic if you were White and straight, but every American benefited from the post-WWII boom.

That women who put out & got pregnant "went to the country to visit relatives" instead of unabashedly having children out of wedlock or unashamedly having the children's lives terminated was, overall, a good thing sociologically.

Please explain how that was a good thing sociologically.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

There were no good old days.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

For a select group of people. Yep, girls who were pregnant still went to the country to visit relatives. Whole lot of stuff you are ignoring.

Yes, things were a lot closer to idyllic if you were White and straight, but every American benefited from the post-WWII boom.

That women who put out & got pregnant "went to the country to visit relatives" instead of unabashedly having children out of wedlock or unashamedly having the children's lives terminated was, overall, a good thing sociologically.

It is pretty insulting the way liberals, assume that anyone they disagree with, knows nothing of nuance.

Making a statement about "the good old days" does not imply that a person is unaware that "good" does not mean "perfect" or "utopia".

It's not insulting. People don't change. Technology changes.
At one time the suffix "wing" indicated the extreme of a party. Now, it is used merely as the tendency, the simple position of even slightly "left" or "right" of "center".
The usefulness of these terms is deteriorating at an increasing rate.

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