The modern woman has a career and children, all without the help of any man...

,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Not correct. They can only manage this feat through the help of every man. Firstly when men were foolish enough to grant women voting privileges, and and again currently now that they’ve voted themselves access to every working mans bank account, by gifting themselves wealth through taxation.
If every working mans contribution in this manner ceased; the the bubble would pop. It will anyway as it’s unsustainable in the long haul; (declining birth rates bear this out quite readily)...

Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.

There were no good old days.
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

Yeah, if you were a white male the 1950s were great. For independent women and people of color, not so much.

Better than the 40s, or 30s.

Which were better than the 1870s, but it still wasn't great for those groups.

1. It was great for them, relative to the last 2 decades, just like for straight white males.

2. Why the need to deny any past good times?

I am not denying the 1950s were good for some. But for others, it was not the same. In 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a white man. No first come first serve. No men giving up a seat for a black women. He got on the bus and demanded she give him her seat.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.

Women have kids without the help of a man...wait, what?
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Not correct. They can only manage this feat through the help of every man. Firstly when men were foolish enough to grant women voting privileges, and and again currently now that they’ve voted themselves access to every working mans bank account, by gifting themselves wealth through taxation.
If every working mans contribution in this manner ceased; the the bubble would pop. It will anyway as it’s unsustainable in the long haul; (declining birth rates bear this out quite readily)...

Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Not correct. They can only manage this feat through the help of every man. Firstly when men were foolish enough to grant women voting privileges, and and again currently now that they’ve voted themselves access to every working mans bank account, by gifting themselves wealth through taxation.
If every working mans contribution in this manner ceased; the the bubble would pop. It will anyway as it’s unsustainable in the long haul; (declining birth rates bear this out quite readily)...

Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.

And? If you think all men are vastly superior to women, you either haven't met a lot of idiot men or haven't met a lot of sharp women. Both are out there in good numbers.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?
Bullshit. United States roared after WW2.

Yeah, if you were a white male the 1950s were great. For independent women and people of color, not so much.

Better than the 40s, or 30s.

Which were better than the 1870s, but it still wasn't great for those groups.

1. It was great for them, relative to the last 2 decades, just like for straight white males.

2. Why the need to deny any past good times?

I am not denying the 1950s were good for some. But for others, it was not the same. In 1955 Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat on a bus to a white man. No first come first serve. No men giving up a seat for a black women. He got on the bus and demanded she give him her seat.

In 1955 Rosa Parks had the luxury of moving on to higher concerns on Malow's hierarchy of needs. In the 40s, she would have just been beaten by cops and ignored by a society consumed by fighting against the Nazis. In the 30s she would have been more concerned with where dinner was coming than, her status in society.

I ask again, why the need to deny any past good times?
Advances on any number of fronts, but especially technology and the sciences generally (including psychology), have not been adequately assimilated by current thinking and practice. Clinging to outmoded thinking is not the answer to the problems we face today.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Not correct. They can only manage this feat through the help of every man. Firstly when men were foolish enough to grant women voting privileges, and and again currently now that they’ve voted themselves access to every working mans bank account, by gifting themselves wealth through taxation.
If every working mans contribution in this manner ceased; the the bubble would pop. It will anyway as it’s unsustainable in the long haul; (declining birth rates bear this out quite readily)...

Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.

And? If you think all men are vastly superior to women, you either haven't met a lot of idiot men or haven't met a lot of sharp women. Both are out there in good numbers.
I said neither. You’re the one trying to saddle both with a metric. I simply accept reality, and recognize that they are different. As such, they can never be “equal”.
Last edited:
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?
Apparently it did in the specific example you gave. Forgive me for pointing out a clear fallacy presented in your comment.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Not correct. They can only manage this feat through the help of every man. Firstly when men were foolish enough to grant women voting privileges, and and again currently now that they’ve voted themselves access to every working mans bank account, by gifting themselves wealth through taxation.
If every working mans contribution in this manner ceased; the the bubble would pop. It will anyway as it’s unsustainable in the long haul; (declining birth rates bear this out quite readily)...

Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.

And? If you think all men are vastly superior to women, you either haven't met a lot of idiot men or haven't met a lot of sharp women. Both are out there in good numbers.
I said neither. You’re the one trying to saddle both with a metric. I simply accept reality, and recognize that they are different. As such, they can never be “equal”.

There is as much difference between individuals.

The main thing is that the gov't must give each the same opportunities and require that in our society.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?
Apparently it did in the specific example you gave. Forgive me for pointing out a clear fallacy presented in your comment.

No. When I said "So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up?" there was no mention of fighting abilities.
Not correct. They can only manage this feat through the help of every man. Firstly when men were foolish enough to grant women voting privileges, and and again currently now that they’ve voted themselves access to every working mans bank account, by gifting themselves wealth through taxation.
If every working mans contribution in this manner ceased; the the bubble would pop. It will anyway as it’s unsustainable in the long haul; (declining birth rates bear this out quite readily)...

Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.

And? If you think all men are vastly superior to women, you either haven't met a lot of idiot men or haven't met a lot of sharp women. Both are out there in good numbers.
I said neither. You’re the one trying to saddle both with a metric. I simply accept reality, and recognize that they are different. As such, they can never be “equal”.

There is as much difference between individuals.

The main thing is that the gov't must give each the same opportunities and require that in our society.
No. "Must" is actually just a personal desire, and beholden only to current written law, and ones location. There is no biological imperative that enforces this "must".
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

Because upper body strength makes the man superior in all ways, huh? The ability to beat someone up is the ultimate show of superiority?

If a woman is intelligent, educated and ambitious, some high school dropout can beat her up and its her fault for not being able to fight?
Apparently it did in the specific example you gave. Forgive me for pointing out a clear fallacy presented in your comment.

No. When I said "So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up?" there was no mention of fighting abilities.
If she was beaten up, there was a fight of some sort... and someone lost... Therefore; not equal.
Men should at all times protect and cherish women. We are usually stronger, bigger, faster and quicker but when the “modern” woman says, F Off I can take care of myself and some bad guy abuses her because she is weaker it’s not my fault as I offered to help but she told me she was “Ms. Independent”. Playing the equal card results in more abuses not fewer.

So demanding that she is equal gets her beaten up? And that is her fault?
Demanding equality doesn't make it so. In your example, if she were equal; they'd have fought to a draw. Equality exists only in mathematics.

You’re making my point
A woman can have a career and children without the help of any man, but in the vast majority of such cases either the career or motherhood (or both) will be shortchanged and the kids will suffer, as will society as a whole. Kids suffer enough with both parents working, but with just a career-orienter mother? What a fiasco.

Remember Murphy Brown and Dan Quayle? Her decision to have a kid without a husband was a huge, selfish mistake, and it was RIGHT to point that out.
,,,the modern man remains boy-like, perpetually playing video games and hopping from woman to woman but never settling down.

This is the world liberal Democrats have created.
Lol, you know that republicans are in power roughly half the time, right?
Foolish enough to grant women the vote? WTF? If you see granting 51% of the population the vote as foolish, its hard to take the rest of what you say seriously.

Until 1972, women were prohibited from running in the Boston Marathon because it was said that their uterus would fall out.

Women were not allowed their own line of credit until well into the 20th century. Single women couldn't get credit and married women had to have their husband co-sign.

It wasn't until 1975 SCOTUS only struck down a ban on women serving on juries (because women were not fit to hear about the crimes and should focus on being a wife & mother).

So it was a long, and fairly recent struggle for women.

And? If you think all men are vastly superior to women, you either haven't met a lot of idiot men or haven't met a lot of sharp women. Both are out there in good numbers.
I said neither. You’re the one trying to saddle both with a metric. I simply accept reality, and recognize that they are different. As such, they can never be “equal”.

There is as much difference between individuals.

The main thing is that the gov't must give each the same opportunities and require that in our society.
No. "Must" is actually just a personal desire, and beholden only to current written law, and ones location. There is no biological imperative that enforces this "must".

It has nothing to do with biological imperative. And yes, it must. That is not a personal desire, imho, but should be a requirement (and is in most cases). To be able to discriminate based solely on gender is just wrong. If there is a justifiable reason for it, no problem. But other than that, women should be treated equally.

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