The Molly Tibbetts murder will be ‘the one’....the one that motivates good Americans to cast a vote.

Foxnews 30 minutes ago:

Support for pathway to citizenship has dropped by 7 % since february, mostly among democrats.
Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Mike Brown ring a bell for you? Like your side gave a shit about these guys. The difference here is Mollie Tibbetts didn't attack anyone, didn't break any laws and doesn't have a rap sheet a mile long. It was failure to enforce common sense border laws that killed her. See the difference?

Sorry; I don't have a "side."
I am all for OUR government enforcing the immigration policies it has passed into law.
The FACT that both Dems & Reps, for decades, have been unwilling to do just that has nothing to do with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

We have a President now that wants to do it, and he is getting a ton of push back from Liberals.

I would like nothing more than for Trump to be successful in his quest to address the issue of illegal immigration; that would be great.

For Trump to politicize the Tibbetts murder is IMO not helping him in this regard.

Trump's maneuver to blame Tibbetts murder on illegal immigration is short sighted, self serving, and demonstrates Trump's propensities to address complex issues with at best, very elementary ideas.

How so? Is that not exactly how she died? Is he supposed to ignore it and pretend the guy was legal so as not to appear the politicize? Those are the facts. "Hand up don't shoot" by Liberals was politicizing because as we know is was based on a lie.

Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.

Uh what? What kind of effed up logic is that? The guy who murdered her was an illegal. Had he not been here she would still be alive.
millions of people still remember Kate...walking with her father and her killer walked propelled Trump into the white house and Molly's death will hold the house and senate.....people have had enough of progressives....its wrong to leave our nation so exposed and vulnerable for votes and cheap labor...its not only wrong its criminal....and every do nothing politician should be prosecuted for failing to do their sworn duty....they are breaking their oath of office....

I agree. Sixty years ago a majority of Americans from all adult walks of life wanted freedom from taboo, religion and the authority of war governments. A cultural revolution based on falsified academic works was handed to them as justification to hop onboard the amorality, anti-Americanism train, and half of America thrived on their newfound sexual, political, intellectual and cultural freedom for the following several decades.

However, now the cultural revolution--similar in materialistic composition, were it not an abstract thing, to an elastic band--has been overstretched past the point of snapping, by the radical--and lately the mainstream--ideological leadership of the Democratic party. And yet the Democrats continue to stretch it even when its inevitable, imminent snapping is plainly apparent to them.

The American people have had enough of Democrat radical cultural revolutionary assault on all aspects of their tradition, culture, heritage, beliefs and self-evident moral truths. In all honesty folks, either the elastic band cultural revolution is going to snap very painfully in the Democratic Party's DNC face, or, the American people will call for and voluntarily prop up a government possessed of the power and willingness to crush the cultural revolution and revolutionary intelligentsia responsible for it, into the dust of American history, quite possibly along with our Constitution as we know it.

The Democratic party's greatest mistake was in thinking, despite decades of pop culture, on campus and in public school brainwashing, that good, decent, traditional and Christian Americans proud of their heritage and beliefs and nation's history, would just lie down and swallow whatever level of insane psycho-circus perversion of reality it decided next to force down their throats.

What was that I once read about awakening sleeping giants? In this case, the Democratic party has awakened sleeping lions starved from lack of faith and moral fact. And they are ravenous. Once unleashed and on the hunt, there's just no getting them back into their cages.

Someone the other day, I think it was Michael Knowles, was talking along these lines, he zero'ed in on the idea that Trump's "bad behavior" with women (and I'd argue even a lot of the "bad behavior" currently complained about in the metoo movement) were championed by the left. Casual sex, open marriage, even alpha male behaviors across gender (aka masculine women) - all of this stuff was pushed on American society/culture by the "radicals" of the time - much to the dismay of religious folks (which back then were Republican's who were a lot... uhm more tightwad, than today's republicans are.)

It's ironic that the modern left doesn't understand that all of this stuff was their forebears idea, that all of this present "fall out" is what they actually wanted - folks to be free to do whatever; free love, casual sex, etc.

I don't care about that stuff on a like "moral" level (like the religious stuff about no SSM, about causal sex stuff) but I think the hypocrisy from them is glaring. I think the left today is realizing that the "don't need no dads" shit they taught these folks is turning out to be absolutely devastating to a lot of families (the kids especially.) Now they're just over-reacting to correct it, taking on the same puritan like moral values that the R's did way back.

I can kind of go through in my head all the shit the left pushed as "correct culture" and see the bad consequences of it all. (Except maybe SSM, I mean other than stupid overbearing PA laws anyway.)

My question on it all is if we're going full circle, ya know? Like I don't want to go back to puritan like values, there's gotta be some kind of middle ground between the sexual revolution and the Victorian era heh
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Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
You were lied to.
Shame on you and Crooked Donnie for using her death for political purposes.

The social security number he stole was legal. He wasn't.

according to the below article the immigration status of Rivera seems to be currently undetermined, as there have been claims made by several parties involved that do not seem to yet be reconciled.

Lawyer chides Trump, says suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' slaying worked in Iowa legally. Not true, says employer

No matter the immigration status of Rivera it still remains that a murder took place in Iowa that many, Trump included, are blaming on illegal immigration.

That is a very short sighted & simple minded way of viewing the world; particularly for any POTUS.
View attachment 212699
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
You were lied to.
Shame on you and Crooked Donnie for using her death for political purposes.

The social security number he stole was legal. He wasn't.

according to the below article the immigration status of Rivera seems to be currently undetermined, as there have been claims made by several parties involved that do not seem to yet be reconciled.

Lawyer chides Trump, says suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' slaying worked in Iowa legally. Not true, says employer

His employer used the old system which uses the social security number. The new everify system is more accurate.

He stole the ss #.
View attachment 212699
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
You were lied to.
Shame on you and Crooked Donnie for using her death for political purposes.

The social security number he stole was legal. He wasn't.

according to the below article the immigration status of Rivera seems to be currently undetermined, as there have been claims made by several parties involved that do not seem to yet be reconciled.

Lawyer chides Trump, says suspect in Mollie Tibbetts' slaying worked in Iowa legally. Not true, says employer

His employer used the old system which uses the social security number. The new everify system is more accurate.

He stole the ss #.

according to the article:

Yarrabee Farms, Rivera’s employer, issued a statement Tuesday night saying Rivera was vetted through the government's E-Verify system. However, a government archive does not indicate the Brooklyn, Iowa, farm as a participating member of the system.

On Wednesday, officials from the farm acknowledged they did not use the E-Verify system and that Rivera gave them false information.

Now, if that is true, Yarrabee Farms initially stated something that was false aka not true.
Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.
Would she have been murdered if not for illegal immigration? Would civilian aircraft have not plowed into WTC if not for Islam? What are the chances?

As I stated earlier, Rivera's immigration status does not seem to be reconciled, at least according to multiple reports.
There are plenty of LEGAL immigrants in America that also commit murders.

As I previously stated the Tibbetts murder is about murder, not about immigration.
Just because Trump says so, does not make it so.

Jet planes flew into those buildings on 9/11; let's ban jet planes now?
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.

I was disappointed but not surprised that Trump made the choice to politicize the murder of Mollie Tibbetts

What’s your idea of “politicizing” an event?
Should our president do what CNN does and pretend it didn’t happen by not acknowledging her murder?
Unfortunately for you wetback lovers, illegal wetbacks and all the filth and degradation they’re responsible for happens to be a hot topic within our political landscape. Sucks for you huh?

The murder of Tibbetts is about a murder; it isn't about immigration.
Trump is telling people that murder is actually about immigration but he is wrong.

Correct, it is about non vetted ILLEGAL ALIENS coming into the country and killing our children. It has nothing to do with legal immigration.

Thank you
Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.
Would she have been murdered if not for illegal immigration? Would civilian aircraft have not plowed into WTC if not for Islam? What are the chances?

As I stated earlier, Rivera's immigration status does not seem to be reconciled, at least according to multiple reports.
There are plenty of LEGAL immigrants in America that also commit murders.

As I previously stated the Tibbetts murder is about murder, not about immigration.
Just because Trump says so, does not make it so.

Jet planes flew into those buildings on 9/11; let's ban jet planes now?

He was stalking other women.

Man accused Mollie Tibbetts murder 'stalked other girls in hometown'

No record of him:
View attachment 212699
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
You were lied to.
Shame on you and Crooked Donnie for using her death for political purposes.

Says his Lawyer. The Government say's differently.

Quit spreading this debunked bullshit.
What’s your idea of “politicizing” an event?
Should our president do what CNN does and pretend it didn’t happen by not acknowledging her murder?
Unfortunately for you wetback lovers, illegal wetbacks and all the filth and degradation they’re responsible for happens to be a hot topic within our political landscape. Sucks for you huh?

The murder of Tibbetts is about a murder; it isn't about immigration.
Trump is telling people that murder is actually about immigration but he is wrong.

Yes, murdered by someone that was in this country ILLEGALLY.

OK; if you wanna play that game then we can also blame the killer's employer, which is just as weak an argument as yours.

"Rivera worked at Yarrabee Farms in rural Poweshiek County for four years, Lang said. Yarrabee Farms is owned by multiple generations of the Lang family, including Craig Lang, former Farm Bureau President and prominent Iowa Republican."

Mollie Tibbetts case: 'Our employee was not who he said he was,' said murder suspect's employer

But hey; if Trump & his supporters wanna blame illegals for the murder of Tibbetts, then we also have to blame the Republicans that paid the killer's pay check & kept the killer in Iowa to kill Tibbetts.

Sure, with that logic why not blame the parent's for even conceiving her....dumbass.

and thus, my argument that Tibbetts murder is about murder; not about immigration.

Trump told his base that Tibbetts murder IS about immigration & they ran with that = Pavlov's dog

Nevertheless, if the ILEGAL immigrant wasn't here she would probably still be alive.
Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Mike Brown ring a bell for you? Like your side gave a shit about these guys. The difference here is Mollie Tibbetts didn't attack anyone, didn't break any laws and doesn't have a rap sheet a mile long. It was failure to enforce common sense border laws that killed her. See the difference?

Sorry; I don't have a "side."
I am all for OUR government enforcing the immigration policies it has passed into law.
The FACT that both Dems & Reps, for decades, have been unwilling to do just that has nothing to do with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

We have a President now that wants to do it, and he is getting a ton of push back from Liberals.

I would like nothing more than for Trump to be successful in his quest to address the issue of illegal immigration; that would be great.

For Trump to politicize the Tibbetts murder is IMO not helping him in this regard.

Trump's maneuver to blame Tibbetts murder on illegal immigration is short sighted, self serving, and demonstrates Trump's propensities to address complex issues with at best, very elementary ideas.

How so? Is that not exactly how she died? Is he supposed to ignore it and pretend the guy was legal so as not to appear the politicize? Those are the facts. "Hand up don't shoot" by Liberals was politicizing because as we know is was based on a lie.

Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.

At the hands of an illegal alien. Who, if we had secured our border after the killing of Sarah Root and dozens and dozens of others, would be alive today.

Your deflection is duly noted. Next time, when you want to wash the blood of the innocent off your sides hands, use lots and lots of soap. Excuses won't hack it.

As always, I am happy to help.
Sorry; I don't have a "side."
I am all for OUR government enforcing the immigration policies it has passed into law.
The FACT that both Dems & Reps, for decades, have been unwilling to do just that has nothing to do with the murder of Mollie Tibbetts.

We have a President now that wants to do it, and he is getting a ton of push back from Liberals.

I would like nothing more than for Trump to be successful in his quest to address the issue of illegal immigration; that would be great.

For Trump to politicize the Tibbetts murder is IMO not helping him in this regard.

Trump's maneuver to blame Tibbetts murder on illegal immigration is short sighted, self serving, and demonstrates Trump's propensities to address complex issues with at best, very elementary ideas.

How so? Is that not exactly how she died? Is he supposed to ignore it and pretend the guy was legal so as not to appear the politicize? Those are the facts. "Hand up don't shoot" by Liberals was politicizing because as we know is was based on a lie.

Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.

At the hands of an illegal alien. Who, if we had secured our border after the killing of Sarah Root and dozens and dozens of others, would be alive today.

Your deflection is duly noted. Next time, when you want to wash the blood of the innocent off your sides hands, use lots and lots of soap. Excuses won't hack it.

As always, I am happy to help.

I don't have a side.

Tibbetts murder is not about immigration, as much as Trump, or yourself make out to be about immigration.

Tibbetts murder is about a murder; nothing else.
We have a President now that wants to do it, and he is getting a ton of push back from Liberals.

I would like nothing more than for Trump to be successful in his quest to address the issue of illegal immigration; that would be great.

For Trump to politicize the Tibbetts murder is IMO not helping him in this regard.

Trump's maneuver to blame Tibbetts murder on illegal immigration is short sighted, self serving, and demonstrates Trump's propensities to address complex issues with at best, very elementary ideas.

How so? Is that not exactly how she died? Is he supposed to ignore it and pretend the guy was legal so as not to appear the politicize? Those are the facts. "Hand up don't shoot" by Liberals was politicizing because as we know is was based on a lie.

Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.

At the hands of an illegal alien. Who, if we had secured our border after the killing of Sarah Root and dozens and dozens of others, would be alive today.

Your deflection is duly noted. Next time, when you want to wash the blood of the innocent off your sides hands, use lots and lots of soap. Excuses won't hack it.

As always, I am happy to help.

I don't have a side.

Tibbetts murder is not about immigration, as much as Trump, or yourself make out to be about immigration.

Tibbetts murder is about a murder; nothing else.

Get immigration out of your thick skull. Immigration is a legal process. Crossing our border illegally is not Immigration, it is a criminal act. I suggest you educate yourself.

Tibbetts murder is about a criminal entering our country, with encouragement of the left, and stabbing one of our children to death.

Again, if you don't understand that simple reality, I, nor anyone else can help ya.
Anybody who votes for a democrat is celebrating the murder of Mollie.

According to The Des Moines Register Rivera's employer was a Republican that 'claimed' they utilized E-Verify, which news sources are stating is incorrect, to check for immigration status

I won't rush to judgement in this case, because news reports indicate many involved are either telling lies, or cannot get their stories straight.

The fact remains Tibbetts was murdered.

For anyone to politicize the murder is extremely short sighted & demonstrates a lack of maturity.
I would like nothing more than for Trump to be successful in his quest to address the issue of illegal immigration; that would be great.

For Trump to politicize the Tibbetts murder is IMO not helping him in this regard.

Trump's maneuver to blame Tibbetts murder on illegal immigration is short sighted, self serving, and demonstrates Trump's propensities to address complex issues with at best, very elementary ideas.

How so? Is that not exactly how she died? Is he supposed to ignore it and pretend the guy was legal so as not to appear the politicize? Those are the facts. "Hand up don't shoot" by Liberals was politicizing because as we know is was based on a lie.

Tibbetts died because she was murdered; not because of illegal immigration.

At the hands of an illegal alien. Who, if we had secured our border after the killing of Sarah Root and dozens and dozens of others, would be alive today.

Your deflection is duly noted. Next time, when you want to wash the blood of the innocent off your sides hands, use lots and lots of soap. Excuses won't hack it.

As always, I am happy to help.

I don't have a side.

Tibbetts murder is not about immigration, as much as Trump, or yourself make out to be about immigration.

Tibbetts murder is about a murder; nothing else.

Get immigration out of your thick skull. Immigration is a legal process. Crossing our border illegally is not Immigration, it is a criminal act. I suggest you educate yourself.

Tibbetts murder is about a criminal entering our country, with encouragement of the left, and stabbing one of our children to death.

Again, if you don't understand that simple reality, I, nor anyone else can help ya.

Politicize Tibbetts murder all you like; that demonstrates nothing more than short sighted thinking & lack of intelligence.
Anybody who votes for a democrat is celebrating the murder of Mollie.

According to The Des Moines Register Rivera's employer was a Republican that 'claimed' they utilized E-Verify, which news sources are stating is incorrect, to check for immigration status

I won't rush to judgement in this case, because news reports indicate many involved are either telling lies, or cannot get their stories straight.

The fact remains Tibbetts was murdered.

For anyone to politicize the murder is extremely short sighted & demonstrates a lack of maturity.
She was brutally murdered by an ILLEGAL immigrant who was here ILLEGALLY. The Democratic party supports these ILLEGALS.
How can this not be political?

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