The moon landings were a HOAX

But why have they put mirrors , by unmanned machines, on the moon, while they already in 1962 could measure with lasers the distance to the moon? That is bothering me.

They even didn't have to put these mirrors up.

That means that the myth busters lied, because they said in one episode that
the mirrors were needed to measure the distance.Not true!

It is all staged and all a show.Just like Shakespeare ( who in reality never wrote a letter!) allegedly 'wrote'
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And of course it is a logical fallacy to say that because there are reflectors on the moon, that they personally have been put there. That is pure nonsense of course.
Then there is the problem of the films.

The temperature differences were way too high for the films to survive!

But then, if it is faked, everything is possble it seems.
I alwasy have to laugh very laud if I see stupidty like this:


photographs of the tracks they made on the Moon, taken from orbit.


Really nothing to see then some dots and arows and they take that as proof?

The world is mad indeed1
You give me a rock, I take it to a geologist and have him analyze it. He says it came from the moon, I sell it for a lot of money. Simple.

O ic, it doesn't have to come from the moon, but someone has to SAY it comes from the moon.


Yes, a geologist who knows what elements are present in what quantities on the earth and what are from elsewhere. I would trust a geologist long before I would a blog writer with no credibility in the subject.
Then there is the problem of the films.

The temperature differences were way too high for the films to survive!

But then, if it is faked, everything is possble it seems.
Ever hear of insulation? People are not stupid. Of course they would know that there would be temperature extremes. The film was protected. You'll believe anything if it reinforces what you already believe, won't you?
I alwasy have to laugh very laud if I see stupidty like this:


photographs of the tracks they made on the Moon, taken from orbit.


Really nothing to see then some dots and arows and they take that as proof?

The world is mad indeed1
Let's see. They land on a place on the moon, leaving tracks behind. Later, those tracks are seen. You'll believe anything if it reinforces your false beliefs.
But why have they put mirrors , by unmanned machines, on the moon, while they already in 1962 could measure with lasers the distance to the moon? That is bothering me.

They even didn't have to put these mirrors up.

That means that the myth busters lied, because they said in one episode that
the mirrors were needed to measure the distance.Not true!

It is all staged and all a show.Just like Shakespeare ( who in reality never wrote a letter!) allegedly 'wrote'

Shakespeare never wrote and man never landed on the moon...

was Jesus real?
The OP is a troll.

I just took a moment to look at the threads he has created- and they are just stupid science trolling
"The planets are all hollow"
"Moon Landings were a hoax"
"Evolution is false"
"Gravity waves can't exist"

He just is a science troll for some bizarre reason.
Don't people here read newspapers?

My o my!
Apparently, you read newspapers no one else sees. Can anyone else see the newspaper?

Of course.
'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake


A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.

Now we are going to laugh, looking at people trying to put all this in their belief systems that says that we have send men to the moon.


And it is rather strange nobody here has read that,. I don't believe that, it was all over the news!

It is called being very 'selective' at the evidence/

But fnny to watch

And another thing.

They lost the moontapes!!!

wow what morons eh?!!!! ;)

Hey look -- a fake Picasso....

'Picasso' artwork found in attic was fake

... using your logic, that means ALL Picasso's are fake. :thup:

was Jesus real?

Nope, jezus was a myth.
e.g. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars before the so called 'jesus'
'people' were dying on crosses and resurrected and birth from a virging and what have you not.
You see, christianity is just a recycled pagan religion.
The OP is a troll.

I just took a moment to look at the threads he has created- and they are just stupid science trolling
"The planets are all hollow"
"Moon Landings were a hoax"
"Evolution is false"
"Gravity waves can't exist"

He just is a science troll for some bizarre reason.

science troll? Hell no, I mean every word I wrote.

But you seem to be incapable of handling it.
Don't people here read newspapers?

My o my!
Apparently, you read newspapers no one else sees. Can anyone else see the newspaper?

Of course.
'Moon rock' given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is fake


A moon rock given to the Dutch prime minister by Apollo 11 astronauts in 1969 has turned out to be a fake.

Now we are going to laugh, looking at people trying to put all this in their belief systems that says that we have send men to the moon.


And it is rather strange nobody here has read that,. I don't believe that, it was all over the news!

It is called being very 'selective' at the evidence/

But fnny to watch

And another thing.

They lost the moontapes!!!

wow what morons eh?!!!! ;)

Hey look -- a fake Picasso....

'Picasso' artwork found in attic was fake

... using your logic, that means ALL Picasso's are fake. :thup:

Of course you are trying this.

Haven forbid you may found out that the moon landings were a hoax!

Terrible eh?
Let's see. They land on a place on the moon, leaving tracks behind. Later, those tracks are seen. You'll believe anything if it reinforces your false beliefs.


That's the point, you don't see any tracks at all!
Some white dots and some white lines.

The whole thing is ridiculous!
You give me a rock, I take it to a geologist and have him analyze it. He says it came from the moon, I sell it for a lot of money. Simple.

O ic, it doesn't have to come from the moon, but someone has to SAY it comes from the moon.


Yes, a geologist who knows what elements are present in what quantities on the earth and what are from elsewhere. I would trust a geologist long before I would a blog writer with no credibility in the subject.

true I understand that.

However, the alleged moon rocks have no composition that proofs they are from the moon.
Then there is the problem of the films.

The temperature differences were way too high for the films to survive!

But then, if it is faked, everything is possble it seems.
Ever hear of insulation? People are not stupid. Of course they would know that there would be temperature extremes. The film was protected. You'll believe anything if it reinforces what you already believe, won't you?

This is just an example of circular reasoning. again

"They went there , the filmed it, so it nust be " bla bla bla.

You are assuming that what has to be proved.

I see this all the time here.

But it is funny in a way to read.

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