The Moral Panic of the Covid Cult--Never Forget

Over 1 million people found that COVID was real.

This thread is stupid.

This thread is everything that we should be discussing. Absolutely. Covid overreaction is the biggest govt debacle in at least a century and that's probably a huge understatement.

Yes, of course, people sadly died. People die of terrible flu strains all the time, tragically. Every human death is a family tragedy. We made it a societal tragedy and multiplied it exponentially. I know you don't want to admit that because it's mostly your party that panicked and did it, but there it is.
One way grocery store aisles. Can anyone explain this to me?

That's shocking actually.

I've read studies and lots of media that it doesn't have much affect on the successful outcome of the pregnancy. But then, neither does drinking and smoking a shit ton either. . .

BUT, with that said, there is really no long term data on how it will affect the children of those mothers. I have heard some anecdotal reports that there is an increase in infant mortality since large scale COVID jab policies were put in place.
I've read studies and lots of media that it does have much affect on the successful outcome of the pregnancy. But then, neither does drinking and smoking a shit ton either. . .

BUT, with that said, there is really no long term data on how it will affect the children of those mothers. I have heard some anecdotal reports that their is an increase in infant mortality since large scale COVID jab policies were put in place.

I have a family member, Feb of 2021, and about my age (generally post-pg age) who had very heavy bleeding just after the Moderna shot. Now this was one month after the shots came out, and no one was talking about it, so she thought it was just a fluke. But nope. Now the cult just accepts "heavy menstrual bleeding" as a side effect--OF A VACCINE.

You better believe these nasty frankenshots are causing all kinds of problems in pg, including miscarriages. The govt is lying and covering it up, as ever.

I will never forgive my profession, especially, for standing up for school closures. From the beginning--after, say, no more than a month at the very outside--there was no excuse for it. We already knew the disease barely had an effect on kids. Most certainly there was no excuse for any school to be remote in school year 2020-2021.

We will see the effects for years and years.
Fauci's entire background was in HIV, which is problematic, because HIV couldn't be more different than COVID: Vaccine for COVID and low virility rate from HIV treatment present 2 very different risks.

COVID and HIV are not transmitted the same way
We didn't have this in this nation, but apparently, if folks had their right to travel curtailed?

It kept the virus from spreading. OH, and also, the virus was more active after sundown for some reason. :rolleyes:

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We didn't have this in this nation, but apparently, if folks had their right to travel curtailed?

It kept the virus from spreading. OH, and also, the virus was more active after sundown for some reason. :rolleyes:

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And to think the scientists and professionals who advocated where we are now--protect the most vulnerable, otherwise let the disease run its course--were absolutely destroyed for it. And now we know that was the only course. But because of the Moral Panic, we had to first destroy economies, wreck business, close schools, etc, etc, etc.

A total disaster.
Cheers to Dr. Fauci on his retirement.

In 1983 he warned in JAMA that kids were at risk for AIDS from "routine close contact"

That record helped solidify his position for 40 years, where he got to repeat the same fear-mongering mistakes over and over, as he did during the Covid pandemic


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