The more “libertarian” end of the spectrum needs to get their s**t together.


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
To all the constitutional conservatives, the wide umbrella that is people who call themselves libertarians, objectivist, and even the anrcho-capitalist...there are plenty of differences between these groups that we seem to spend too much time arguing about. While on the flip side, there’s probably 20 years worth of policy changes we could make with this country before we get to our first disagreement. Why the hell aren’t we concentrating and uniting under that? So I’m just going to put out some of our main immediate problems with this country and see if anyone is in disagreement with it. If you want to add anything let me know. But in my mind, this is what we should be uniting under. Bear with me, because much of this is going to overlap, which is unavoidable, because our government is much like the ouroboros, the self consuming snake.

SPENDING: Spending is so obviously out of control in this country. Especially when considered that year after year the government is raking in record setting tax receipts, yet we are still increasing our debt at an alarming rate. Clearly this is one of the biggest problems we have. In the 2016 fiscal year, the government misspent 1 trillion dollars, that doesn’t mean wasteful spending, that’s the government just making payments they were never supposed to make. Think about that. 1 trillion is over a 3rd of the tax money the government brings in annually, it’s about 5% of the nations GDP, there’s not even a company out there that is worth 1 trillion dollars...and the government threw all that away. If people were thinking for themselves (sadly no one seems to be anymore), that is an outrage, and we ALL should be marching on the capital. If a charity like the Red Cross somehow managed to misspend 1/3 of their donations, we would be burning it to the ground. But no one makes a fuss when it’s the government. Now much of spending is a result of entitlement programs which will lead to my next point.

TAXES: AFTER, we cut spending, say trillion per year for a few years, next move should be taxes. Flat tax, around 10-13%, and you don’t pay taxes on the first 30,000 or so you make...and that’s across the board. Now I know a huge problem with spending is entitlements, but we can’t honestly tear down the massive safety net propping millions of people up, not without the country burning itself to the ground. But this is where taxes come into play. We have to make it worthwhile to work, and hire workers again. The flat tax, with a 30,000 or so no taxable portion, will not only avoid damaging the working poor, but also won’t stifle entrepreneurship, since a new business can pour 30,000 right back into itself without it being taxed. Now it’s going to be more profitable to work and hire, as help get people back into the work that we can begin to cut back on the entitlement programs and do some real, much needed reform.

LAWMAKING: This issue is two fold. One, have the legislative power return to congress, congress who has delegated much of lawmaking to regulatory entities, and the executive branch. Pass a law that states, any new regulation NEEDS to be voted on by congress. Pass an amendment to severely district executive orders to what it was meant to be, as well as repeal the (I believe 21st) amendment that changed voting for senators by state legislators, to the population. Senators or just super congressmen, they no longer fight on behalf of their states, which leads to the next part, state powers. We need to limit federal powers, and instead of making every issue into some big federal fight, allow the issues to be delegated to the states. That way there’s more competition between states, people can vote with their feet, if they believe their state blows, and we can see what works and what doesn’t.

Now I’m leaving out foreign policy for now, but there anything else to mention...that’s largely agreeable?
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