The Mormonizing Of America

The question is: Why Do You Ask?

A pursuit of knowledge and wisdom and power.

I am not as familiar with Mormonism as I am with other religions, and I seem to have developed a somewhat negative impression of it, which I believe is unfair due to my obvious ignorance of actual Mormon culture, traditions, and teachings.

There must be something I can learn from Mormonism that can strengthen me in some way or another. Such is the case with every religion. Normally I would become an "adherent" to that religion for a time so that I may understand it better, from the inside out, but I have yet to feel any desire to take it to that level with Mormonism.

So Mormons. Teach me something.


I am not a Mormon, but I kind of like the idea of multiple wives. Are you interested?


I kind of like the idea of taking multiple husbands at once. Is polyandry tolerated in Mormonism?

Is that a 'no'?


Yeah it's a "no".

My interest in polyandry is primarily for Eugenics purposes.

But really, I'd like to hear something new about Mormonism that doesn't have to do with fucking. I'm already a Master at that. Let's hear some profound spiritual wisdom.

The community would benefit if you shared 10% of your orgasms with them.

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you want to understand Mormons read the scriptures and talk with the missionaries
The question is: Why Do You Ask?

A pursuit of knowledge and wisdom and power.
Well, you've certainly identified your areas of improvement, but you've got a very long way to go.

Mormons are all over the fucking planet looking for you, riding bikes, knocking on strangers doors, and you cannot find a better source of information about Mormons than USMB?

You're not looking for knowledge, you're looking for a Mormon to argue with the existential position you already have.

So the question becomes: Why?

There are no Mormons where I currently live. I am not on a mission to absorb all there is to know about Mormonism, so its really not that important. I just thought it would be interesting to talk to a Mormon and learn something new, considering that I am rather ignorant of their religion.

So don't hate. I'm actually a very open minded person, especially when it comes to religion. I love learning about the religions and spiritual traditions of various cultures around the world.
The question is: Why Do You Ask?

A pursuit of knowledge and wisdom and power.
Well, you've certainly identified your areas of improvement, but you've got a very long way to go.

Mormons are all over the fucking planet looking for you, riding bikes, knocking on strangers doors, and you cannot find a better source of information about Mormons than USMB?

You're not looking for knowledge, you're looking for a Mormon to argue with the existential position you already have.

So the question becomes: Why?

There are no Mormons where I currently live. I am not on a mission to absorb all there is to know about Mormonism, so its really not that important. I just thought it would be interesting to talk to a Mormon and learn something new, considering that I am rather ignorant of their religion.

So don't hate. I'm actually a very open minded person, especially when it comes to religion. I love learning about the religions and spiritual traditions of various cultures around the world.

I'm open-minded too, though as I believe I may have coined (inspired by Bill Maher) "Don't be so open-minded your brain falls out." :)

My open-minded is this, asll religions are nonsense, and all religious people either ignorant, delusional, or clinically insane.
It is one thing to learn by reading material about a religion.

It is a completely different thing to learn by studying the adherents of a religion by actually speaking with its followers and/or religious leaders.
It is one thing to learn by reading material about a religion.

It is a completely different thing to learn by studying the adherents of a religion by actually speaking with its followers and/or religious leaders.

Religious people, especially those trying to recruit aren't going to tell a non-believer the things the non-believer probably wants to know most about. They're gonna get the 'pop culture/warm and fuzzy' version. Not the scriptural version like how God loves killing people and such.
I'm actually a very open minded person, especially when it comes to religion. I love learning about the religions and spiritual traditions of various cultures around the world.

Yeah, right.

Mormons usually remind me of those people in the Fallout games who spend their whole lives locked up in a Vault.

Actually, the Fallout games were commended for portraying Mormons in a very positive light.

Besides, I even admitted earlier that my limited impression of Mormonism is somewhat negative, which I don't think is really fair to them because of my ignorance of their religion.
I'm actually a very open minded person, especially when it comes to religion. I love learning about the religions and spiritual traditions of various cultures around the world.

Yeah, right.

Mormons usually remind me of those people in the Fallout games who spend their whole lives locked up in a Vault.

Actually, the Fallout games were commended for portraying Mormons in a very positive light.

Besides, I even admitted earlier that my limited impression of Mormonism is somewhat negative, which I don't think is really fair to them because of my ignorance of their religion.

Liked how Mormons were portrayed in "Starship Troopers" ;)
The ninja husband is in a row with someone in the house his ninja sister wives attacked.

Guys, I am telling you that SLC is the funnest city in the US.
So are there are any Mormons here?

I am not looking to debate anything. I am not looking to argue anything.

I am interested in hearing some Mormon wisdom directly from you.

What kind of wisdom? Here's a few examples.

The book "Tao of Jet Kun Do" has a great deal of spiritual wisdom among its chapters, even though it is also a physical training manual. Its spiritual spiritual advice can strengthen someone regardless if they walk a "good", "evil", or morally neutral path. "Use only that which works, and take from it any place you can find it".

In the New Testament, the stories about Jesus reveal some profound wisdom and spiritual teachings that focus on developing a "morally good" mindset. "How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?" Or when he noticed that the beggar's offering of a single coin was more than the rich man's chests of gold. He also used wisdom when people attempted to fuck him over with the Law. "Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's, give to God what is God's." Or when they were about to stone a woman for her sin of adultery, and Jesus was put on the spot, and he said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

One completely different religion taught me "He who stands atop the highest mountain of skulls can see the furthest".

There is even wisdom in fiction! Every episode of Star Wars' "The Clone Wars" starts of with some kind of seemingly simple Jedi Wisdom. "Revenge is a confession of pain", "Who a person is cannot be seen with the eye", "Where we are going always reflects where we came from", "Facing all that you fear will free you from yourself".... and in anything Star Wars, the Jedi are always saying things that can usually make you think deep about it. "Your focus determines your reality"... etc.

So what about Mormonism? Doesn't matter if it has absorbed things from other cultures, all religions do that in some way or another.

Let us hear some Mormon wisdom.


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