The Morons In California

But the size of California’s welfare rolls is disproportionate when you consider the state has only 12 percent of the nation’s population. Some of it has to do with the benefits being more generous than in many other states, but experts also point to various economic and social factors.

The benefits are more generous. . . I understand the lingo, but the more proper terminology would be: the bureaucrats are more rapacious. It is not their money.

These statistics provided in the article were deeply disconcerting:

• Pays out one of the highest maximum monthly cash grants to the average family on welfare, $638.

• Continues aid for children even when the parents lose eligibility.

• Provides benefits even to some who find a job and helps with child care and transportation while attending school or training.

California needs to break apart and fall into the ocean.
if that happens what ever shithole you live in should be sucked into a massive sink hole at the same time....
You can always put your little super hero outfit on. Just like the one in your avatar. Then you could save California. He'll you might be the next mayor of the loons.

I'm not sure what shithole you people came from but there are lots of rich and successful people that live here.

I live in Palm Spring and La Jolla San Diego........ Where do you people live?


Damn I miss Southern California.
granted illegals the right to possess drivers licenses but are finding out the illegals are driving without insurance. Now, the moron left tardy in DC mandate Americans have insurance both health and auto but in California they just release the illegals back to driving without insurance. How fucked up is that?

Evidence scant California's licensed illegal immigrant drivers getting insurance | Fox News

Moron? Let's see.
1. There far are more American citizens that drive without insurance than illegals. If YOU get caught without ins they treat you the same. Tell me what state that they put you in jail just bc you don't have ins?
2. Just bc they are illegals doesn't mean they are bad people or don't comply. Some do have insurance
2. These illegals will drive their cars whether you or I like it or not.
3. From your link. This guy provide his valid ID. Normally they will just run. No id what do you have? I'm sure this guy got a ticket. A lot of them is like an honor so this is very valuable for them.
5. This id (AB60) also help authorities nail these illegals when they are caught doing something stupid. Normally they just give you any names.

If they do not have a valid ID to identify these people. What do you have? Other state are also trying to adopt the same bill.

Can you tell me again why do you think this is stupid?

Just because Americans break American laws is not an excuse for illegals doing so. Can you explain why you always defend and champion illegal lawbreakers?

I don't defend any law breakers. If they do they should go to jail. If you read my other post........ These people go to jail, get tickets, impound cars etc. just like everyone else. Where in my post that I defend these illegals?
I ask you a question first........ Why do you think issuing a valid ID is stupid?
Because a valid ID implies legality.

So you are letting these illegals get away when they get caught.............. driving without id, accident, crimes, drunk driving, don't know where they live, don't even have a name ............. Total Limbo.
So why are you giving them a special treatments just because you are scared or just plain dumb.
I lived in CA for 5 years and it was whacky back in the mid 70s. Glad I left. I think it's a loon magnet, lunatics love to move there and politicians court their votes. Those in the rural areas are normal folks watching the state circle the drain.
I`ll bet they`re glad you left too!
Yep. CA has weather, Beach, farmland, SV, large GDP. However, the pension bomb they hide is very real. 13% tax rate on income over $450K married joint, 1.125% property tax, ~10% sales tax, $0.18/gal gas tax. You got to pay to stay.
They used to have DUI checkpoints. Too many illegals got caught up and cars impounded. They were forced to stop impound? As it discriminated against illegals? Or stop the checkpoint? Crazy crazy stuff. You got wild illegal humans run around in 4 ton weapon (many with long record violations) but you can't pop em?
granted illegals the right to possess drivers licenses but are finding out the illegals are driving without insurance. Now, the moron left tardy in DC mandate Americans have insurance both health and auto but in California they just release the illegals back to driving without insurance. How fucked up is that?

Evidence scant California's licensed illegal immigrant drivers getting insurance | Fox News

Moron? Let's see.
1. There far are more American citizens that drive without insurance than illegals. If YOU get caught without ins they treat you the same. Tell me what state that they put you in jail just bc you don't have ins?
2. Just bc they are illegals doesn't mean they are bad people or don't comply. Some do have insurance
2. These illegals will drive their cars whether you or I like it or not.
3. From your link. This guy provide his valid ID. Normally they will just run. No id what do you have? I'm sure this guy got a ticket. A lot of them is like an honor so this is very valuable for them.
5. This id (AB60) also help authorities nail these illegals when they are caught doing something stupid. Normally they just give you any names.

If they do not have a valid ID to identify these people. What do you have? Other state are also trying to adopt the same bill.

Can you tell me again why do you think this is stupid?

Just because Americans break American laws is not an excuse for illegals doing so. Can you explain why you always defend and champion illegal lawbreakers?

I don't defend any law breakers. If they do they should go to jail. If you read my other post........ These people go to jail, get tickets, impound cars etc. just like everyone else. Where in my post that I defend these illegals?
I ask you a question first........ Why do you think issuing a valid ID is stupid?
Because a valid ID implies legality.

So you are letting these illegals get away when they get caught.............. driving without id, accident, crimes, drunk driving, don't know where they live, don't even have a name ............. Total Limbo.
So why are you giving them a special treatments just because you are scared or just plain dumb.
Deport their sorry asses. 25 years mandatory if they are ever caught in the us again
Moron? Let's see.
1. There far are more American citizens that drive without insurance than illegals. If YOU get caught without ins they treat you the same. Tell me what state that they put you in jail just bc you don't have ins?
2. Just bc they are illegals doesn't mean they are bad people or don't comply. Some do have insurance
2. These illegals will drive their cars whether you or I like it or not.
3. From your link. This guy provide his valid ID. Normally they will just run. No id what do you have? I'm sure this guy got a ticket. A lot of them is like an honor so this is very valuable for them.
5. This id (AB60) also help authorities nail these illegals when they are caught doing something stupid. Normally they just give you any names.

If they do not have a valid ID to identify these people. What do you have? Other state are also trying to adopt the same bill.

Can you tell me again why do you think this is stupid?

Just because Americans break American laws is not an excuse for illegals doing so. Can you explain why you always defend and champion illegal lawbreakers?

I don't defend any law breakers. If they do they should go to jail. If you read my other post........ These people go to jail, get tickets, impound cars etc. just like everyone else. Where in my post that I defend these illegals?
I ask you a question first........ Why do you think issuing a valid ID is stupid?
Because a valid ID implies legality.

So you are letting these illegals get away when they get caught.............. driving without id, accident, crimes, drunk driving, don't know where they live, don't even have a name ............. Total Limbo.
So why are you giving them a special treatments just because you are scared or just plain dumb.
Deport their sorry asses. 25 years mandatory if they are ever caught in the us again

Let me repeat for the second time....... Go ahead I'm not stopping you.
Just because Americans break American laws is not an excuse for illegals doing so. Can you explain why you always defend and champion illegal lawbreakers?

I don't defend any law breakers. If they do they should go to jail. If you read my other post........ These people go to jail, get tickets, impound cars etc. just like everyone else. Where in my post that I defend these illegals?
I ask you a question first........ Why do you think issuing a valid ID is stupid?
Because a valid ID implies legality.

So you are letting these illegals get away when they get caught.............. driving without id, accident, crimes, drunk driving, don't know where they live, don't even have a name ............. Total Limbo.
So why are you giving them a special treatments just because you are scared or just plain dumb.
Deport their sorry asses. 25 years mandatory if they are ever caught in the us again

Let me repeat for the second time....... Go ahead I'm not stopping you.
Trump Trump Trump.
They used to have DUI checkpoints. Too many illegals got caught up and cars impounded. They were forced to stop impound? As it discriminated against illegals? Or stop the checkpoint? Crazy crazy stuff. You got wild illegal humans run around in 4 ton weapon (many with long record violations) but you can't pop em?

That is pure bull nuts.......... They do DUI checkpoint all the time on Fridays and Saturdays night all over California.
Are you saying they stop DUI cp because of illegals? Where in the world you get that idea? Why do you lie?
I drove into CA recently on Rt 80 and the highway signs were reminding people to conserve water due to drought conditions. Directly beneath the warning sign was a street cleaner spewing loads of water onto the road as it cleaned the road shoulder.
California needs to break apart and fall into the ocean.
if that happens what ever shithole you live in should be sucked into a massive sink hole at the same time....
You can always put your little super hero outfit on. Just like the one in your avatar. Then you could save California. He'll you might be the next mayor of the loons.

I'm not sure what shithole you people came from but there are lots of rich and successful people that live here.

I live in Palm Spring and La Jolla San Diego........ Where do you people live?


The kind of stunt North Korea would play on a visitor from the West.
Nothing but serenity.
I don't intentionally lie Charmin. This android tablet not easy to post or paste links. Too many illegals and or "minorities" were caught up and getting cars impounded (tickets, warrents etc.). They did something, disallowed to impound? Stopped doing checkpoints certain areas? All of them? Huge story few years back.
I don't intentionally lie Charmin. This android tablet not easy to post or paste links. Too many illegals and or "minorities" were caught up and getting cars impounded (tickets, warrents etc.). They did something, disallowed to impound? Stopped doing checkpoints certain areas? All of them? Huge story few years back.

Nope. You are not lying.

Immigrant groups want a moratorium on car impounds
I don't intentionally lie Charmin. This android tablet not easy to post or paste links. Too many illegals and or "minorities" were caught up and getting cars impounded (tickets, warrents etc.). They did something, disallowed to impound? Stopped doing checkpoints certain areas? All of them? Huge story few years back.

Yes you are lying........... If you caught an illegal driver......... Drunk, run over a red light, zigzagging, resisting arrest......... No driver license......... Oh he or she is illegal......... Let her/him go so they can kill people. Do you realize how dumb and stupid that is? It's NUT. Read the link real good before you replied to my post.
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I don't intentionally lie Charmin. This android tablet not easy to post or paste links. Too many illegals and or "minorities" were caught up and getting cars impounded (tickets, warrents etc.). They did something, disallowed to impound? Stopped doing checkpoints certain areas? All of them? Huge story few years back.

Nope. You are not lying.

Immigrant groups want a moratorium on car impounds

Did you read your link or you just look at it?
How you and NUT perceived this is totally non sense. Read your link real good and understand what it mean before you respond to me.
Police came to the scene and determined the driver had a valid license, and sent him on his way.

I've never been stopped by a cop while driving but I believe that, unless the laws have changed, the first thing the cop will ask for is licence, registration and insurance card. Am I right.

In the topic incident, Brawley was rear-ended by a truck. Did the truck belong to the refugee driver, or to an employer, who presumably is insured.

If the driver was operating his own car without insurance, what is the cop required to do?
The point is, if insurance came with car registration, everyone would have it all the time and everyone would know it. There would be no 'cheating'.
Car registration is annually. They buy INS monthly. Show one mo get car registered and stop paying INS next mo.

In Cali they get the insurance to register then cancel. Insurance companies are suppose to report delinquent canceled polices to DMV, who in turn suspend your registration pending insurance compliance. Problem is, the beaners don't care. They got their plates and stickers and only care if they get pulled over. Then they're busted. Except, they go great lengths to avoid getting pulled over. Like driving 30 miles an hour in the 50. But when they do stupid stuff like pulling out in front of you, sitting at a green light after his slow ass got you at the stop.

Cops won't pull them over just to avoid dealing with a no win situation


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The point is, if insurance came with car registration, everyone would have it all the time and everyone would know it. There would be no 'cheating'.
Car registration is annually. They buy INS monthly. Show one mo get car registered and stop paying INS next mo.

In Cali they get the insurance to register then cancel. Insurance companies are suppose to report delinquent canceled polices to DMV, who in turn suspend your registration pending insurance compliance. Problem is, the beaners don't care. They got their plates and stickers and only care if they get pulled over. Then they're busted. Except, they go great lengths to avoid getting pulled over. Like driving 30 miles an hour in the 50. But when they do stupid stuff like pulling out in front of you, sitting at a green light after his slow ass got you at the stop.

Cops won't pull them over just to avoid dealing with a no win situation


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Here in San Diego they are not even pulled over because they do not show up for court dates or pay fines. It is the Mexican way. If the shit gets to deep they change names. All Mexicans have 2 to 3 names. I live and work right in the middle of what is coming to a city near you. Corruption is in their DNA. Just wait until they are entrenched in the democratic leadership.
Have any of you liberal deniers ever been to Mexico. Outside the resorts and see the corruption works. If pulled over by a Mexican cop you pay him a little or you go up the ladder and pay more with each rung. Any situation is done this way. Complete coruption

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