The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

I think John Lennon was simply imagining

Imagine no heaven
. It really isn't hard to do, since we live in this evil world.

Imagine no countries, meaning hope for people not fighting across the globe. I think we could all agree that we would like to get along with everyone. But it is in a lot of people's imagination to hope for some peace across the globe. No one really likes war

No hell below us, I am pretty sure we would all hope for that. But then again that is probably what keeps some humans if not most in check
PC apparently saw that John Lennon pic that was on a magazine cover that's currently on the racks at grocery store checkouts,

and she promptly had a fainting spell and awoke with a topic.

Notice...I have a proprietary pride in veracity.
I've told you before....I have nothing but revulsion for despicable liars like yourself.

Remain in your sewer.
Relax....this is about politics.

1. Here the song at issue:

"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"
"Imagine," by John Lennon...


I'm sure you're more articulate than this post indicates.....

...go ahead, make an argument for your position.
Wasn't John Lennon already under the influence of that crazy Asian woman when he wrote that dreadful song?

I wonder if that's the lesson PC is trying to convey?


What's wrong with you people??

It's one of the most beautiful songs ever written.

Hitler was a great painter!
Two coats in an afternoon!
(Great line from "The Producers")

Clearly you didn't read the OP: John Lennon was embarrassed that he once believed what he wrote in "Imagine."

You should be, too.
Relax....this is about politics.

1. Here the song at issue:

"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too"
"Imagine," by John Lennon...


I'm sure you're more articulate than this post indicates.....

...go ahead, make an argument for your position.

LOL ... it's a pop song! I'm not going to bother with a 'position', much less argue for it.
Oddly enough, this song is more successful than anything pathetic message boarder "politicalchic" will ever do in her life.

You are just a side line hater. Preach on.
Slow day for finding things to complain about?

You find it less than important that Liberals/progressives/Leftists wish to end our sovereignty, dispense with the religious basis for the founding of this great nation, endorse private morality based on some warped moral equivalency?

And you present no cogent argument for same? must be some sort of dunce, huh?

Please number your discussion points. I cannot respond until this happens.

Thank you for your anticipated compliance.
Great tune

I can "imagine" why conservatives hate it so

All he is give peace a chance

Wait....aren't you the pretender who claims constantly that you don't read my OP's???

Did you get up to the part where Lennon renounced the nonsense in the song "Imagine"?
This is THE most sickening song ever! Makes me wanna literally puke

American Prayer - Dave Stewart (Barack Obama Music Video) - YouTube

I'll see that steaming pile of offal...and raise you this one:

[ame=]School children sing praises to their savior Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Ugh, I know right. That is the kind of thing we need to watch, it is utter brainwashing our children.

Have you see this one?

[ame=]'Yes We Can' - A Beautiful Song Proving Dreams Can Really Co - YouTube[/ame]
Imagine, John Lennon's words, poetry, music and name are known by more people in the world and will continue to be known far into the future. More than any US President or world leader in history. Perhaps Hitler gives him a run, but who else? And Hitler is only known in name and being an evil man. Few actually know what he had to say.

With respect to the OP.....could you try to digest the premise, and then attempt to make an actual point.

This is where you're mistaken. The OP doesn't deserve any respect.
For your listening pleasure.

John Lennon - Imagine (official video) - YouTube

And PoliticalChic, go fuck yourself.

What a classy Liberal....
...That's your only response when I put you in your place.

That is what folks mean when they say this:

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors!
They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

Thanks for helping to prove it.
She's taking the word of one man in full faith. The same man who went to prison for stealing from John. That's how easy it is to brainwash p.c., her vetting skills are uber sub par.
Oddly enough, this song is more successful than anything pathetic message boarder "politicalchic" will ever do in her life.

You are just a side line hater. Preach on.

This is probably the best attempt at rebuttal one can expect from the imbecile bench.

I must admit that your side, having no possible defense.....

...loves to make the argument about me.

I kinda like that.
“We are with you in spirit.… In this beautiful country where democracy is the very foundation of its constitution, it is sad that we have to still fight for equal rights and equal pay for the citizens. Boycott it must be, if it is the only way to bring justice and restore the dignity of the constitution for the sake of all citizens of the US and their children.

“Peace and love, John Lennon and Yoko Ono. New York City, December, 1980.”

That was Lennon’s last written political statement. It doesn’t seem to be the work of a “closet Republican.”
Slow day for finding things to complain about?

You find it less than important that Liberals/progressives/Leftists wish to end our sovereignty, dispense with the religious basis for the founding of this great nation, endorse private morality based on some warped moral equivalency?

And you present no cogent argument for same? must be some sort of dunce, huh?

Please number your discussion points. I cannot respond until this happens.

Thank you for your anticipated compliance.

Did you actually believe that this obfuscation attempt

a) was like humor....only different


b) hid the fact that you still haven't found a way to answer my post.

I kinda like how I eviscerated you, here:

"You find it less than important that Liberals/progressives/Leftists wish to end our sovereignty, dispense with the religious basis for the founding of this great nation, endorse private morality based on some warped moral equivalency?

And you present no cogent argument for same? must be some sort of dunce, huh?"

This is THE most sickening song ever! Makes me wanna literally puke

American Prayer - Dave Stewart (Barack Obama Music Video) - YouTube

I'll see that steaming pile of offal...and raise you this one:

[ame=]School children sing praises to their savior Obama - YouTube[/ame]

Ugh, I know right. That is the kind of thing we need to watch, it is utter brainwashing our children.

Have you see this one?

[ame=]'Yes We Can' - A Beautiful Song Proving Dreams Can Really Co - YouTube[/ame]


....there goes my appetite....

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