The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

With respect to the OP.....could you try to digest the premise, and then attempt to make an actual point.

This is where you're mistaken. The OP doesn't deserve any respect. you still have no answer..... this your pathetic attempt to become relevant?

To pretend that that you actually understood the OP?

Which is it?

The point is that you can go anywhere in the world and people know the words of John Lennon and what he wanted to say to the world. His music has been loved and continues to be loved by millions since he first appeared and long after he has gone. Maybe tens of millions. Maybe hundreds of millions. Maybe as time goes by, billions. He had a tremendous impact on the world. Unlike the temporary impacts world leaders have, John Lennon will continue to have an impact on the world. That is what happens with art. It lives on after the artist dies. The artist name may live on, and his or her's work may live on, and some written works may live on, but the message of those artist can become changed and forgotten with time. Poetry and music can go on forever. The message of a song can go on forever. John Lennon put his feeling into poetry and song. His feelings will continue to influence the beliefs and opinions of countless people far into the future. Not many in world history have ever gained that claim and status. Perhaps you can or someone else can name some. That would be an interesting debate.
Umm, I didn't fall into anything. You just posted a writer's opinion who has never even met John Lennon to refute his publicists' quote?

You're one gosh golly big retard, huh?

Look how dishonest this dumbass is.

The quote she posted and where she cut it: But why let that get in the way of the delicious schadenfreude I'm feeling right now over the recent claims by his former personal assistant Fred Seaman – and the apparent discomfort it is causing lefties."

What's before "but," you dishonest hack?
Be is due to the Republicans that women have the vote in this great nation.

Too simplistic - almost moronically so.

Be advised: even in the late teens and early twenties, money talked and bullshit walked. Accordingly, it was due to progressives and to the big money interests served by integrating women into the voting pool ...that women won the right to vote.

Nothing to say about the fags though? :dunno:
so lets see how seriously you really believe in his words. start giving up your possesions and living your life in peace. we'll see how it works out for you. if it does, maybe we'll even join you. lead by example but please, drop your hypocritical bullshit. you don't believe this is possible any more than i do.

Never said I belied in his words.


lol, someone who is supporting him doesn't even believe in his words. now that is fail

Our pal G.T. has trouble with the English language...and all other ones,too....

...didn't he say "Never said I belied in his words."

That means he never said he disagreed with, contradicted, the words in Lennon's song....

(of an appearance) fail to give a true notion or impression of (something); disguise or contradict.
"his lively alert manner belied his years"
synonyms: contradict, be at odds with, call into question, show/prove to be false, disprove, debunk, discredit, controvert, negate; More

The poor boy......

....should have stayed in school beyond the third grade.....
"Was John Lennon a secret Reagan Republican? You know what? I think the answer's probably no. But why let that get in the way of the delicious schadenfreude I'm feeling right now over the recent claims by his former personal assistant Fred Seaman – and the apparent discomfort it is causing lefties."

This is your noble "out" after using the words of a convicted thief as support for one of the points in your OP.

Another politicalchic failed OP. Who's got the fork?
Never said I belied in his words.


lol, someone who is supporting him doesn't even believe in his words. now that is fail

Our pal G.T. has trouble with the English language...and all other ones,too....

...didn't he say "Never said I belied in his words."

That means he never said he disagreed with, contradicted, the words in Lennon's song....

(of an appearance) fail to give a true notion or impression of (something); disguise or contradict.
"his lively alert manner belied his years"
synonyms: contradict, be at odds with, call into question, show/prove to be false, disprove, debunk, discredit, controvert, negate; More

The poor boy......

....should have stayed in school beyond the third grade.....

:lol: @ writing an entire post based on an obvious typo.

This is where you're mistaken. The OP doesn't deserve any respect. you still have no answer..... this your pathetic attempt to become relevant?

To pretend that that you actually understood the OP?

Which is it?

The point is that you can go anywhere in the world and people know the words of John Lennon and what he wanted to say to the world. His music has been loved and continues to be loved by millions since he first appeared and long after he has gone. Maybe tens of millions. Maybe hundreds of millions. Maybe as time goes by, billions. He had a tremendous impact on the world. Unlike the temporary impacts world leaders have, John Lennon will continue to have an impact on the world. That is what happens with art. It lives on after the artist dies. The artist name may live on, and his or her's work may live on, and some written works may live on, but the message of those artist can become changed and forgotten with time. Poetry and music can go on forever. The message of a song can go on forever. John Lennon put his feeling into poetry and song. His feelings will continue to influence the beliefs and opinions of countless people far into the future. Not many in world history have ever gained that claim and status. Perhaps you can or someone else can name some. That would be an interesting debate.

Seems you failed to understand the import of the OP.....

It isn't about his musical ability.

"The message of a song can go on forever."

Seems not. Lennon himself disagreed with it.
lol, someone who is supporting him doesn't even believe in his words. now that is fail

No, not really. In the world exists nuance. It's hard if you're not much of a thinker, I understand.

think all you want. only actions change things. and thats the problem with liberalism. its a bunch of pie in the sky thoughts that don't function in the real world.

Right, because being a thinker means you don't act.


Scary that people think life is a big one liner.
Seems not. Lennon himself disagreed with it.

Not according to himself, his wife & his publicist he didn't.

But we could always take the word of a guy who was convicted of stealing from him. :lol:

Also funny is that you posted an article in which the writer doesn't believe it, either.
"You know what? I think the answer's probably no. But why let that get in the way of the delicious schadenfreude I'm feeling right now over the recent claims by his former personal assistant Fred Seaman – and the apparent discomfort it is causing lefties."

:lol: @ she cut it at "but"
No, his former assistant claims that. & that's all you have.

"...his former assistant claims that."
That's right.

And you have your constant and unaccompanied " is not, is not."

Great work.

Anyone ever point out to you that something beats nothing? one ever thought you'd have the IQ to understand it?
Got it.

Anyone ever point out to you that you're willing to gamble your integrity on a convicted scumbag thief JUST because it adds to the heap of confirmation bias which makes your world view? Your brain is sick, pretty obviously.

Another pretend post?

Kind of a sign of one taking a terrible beating....and has no real way to avoid it. deserve it.
PC apparently saw that John Lennon pic that was on a magazine cover that's currently on the racks at grocery store checkouts,

and she promptly had a fainting spell and awoke with a topic.

Notice...I have a proprietary pride in veracity.
I've told you before....I have nothing but revulsion for despicable liars like yourself.

Remain in your sewer.

Get out of the gutter, you are blocking my view.

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