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The most disgusting state in the union signs the most disgusting law ever created

And with twelve toes and crossed eyed or with cancer or a limp.:lol: You already have gay girls getting off watching straight girls in the shower, so what is one dick? Are you afraid those little darlings might see a penis, other than there dads or brothers or neighbor boys? Grow up!!!

I raised three girls - and I realize that you leftists don't give a fuck about people, and only seek to promote your political agenda, but young girls are very self-conscious. From about 10 to 15, they get downright freaky about their bodies. EVEN if the boy in the locker room isn't interested, just having a male there will freak an average girl out. Again - you seek to promote your agenda and don't care at all about the damage you do to people - but this is a horrendous idea, put forth by mentally deficient leftists who care only about attacking traditional moral values - with no thought at all to the damage they do.

I mean, I get it - you're the same people who slaughtered 200 million people in the 20th to force an agenda, crushing the psyche of little girls is no big deal in the scheme of things - still, I'd castrate the fucker who tried to do this to my girls...

Hmm, where did you get that strange notion about not caring about people? Seems we are defending one of those people at the moment against the don't-give-fuck people at the moment. Are you a liberal? Are you promoting your political agenda against an American citizen?

And I bet she freaks out at twelve toes, cross eyes, etc. Should we ban everybody you think she freaks out at? Do you think I care about your traditional values that don't account for physical deformities. really?:lol:

And the suggestion that republicans can murder humans, but democrats cannot. I mean I am hysterical here. LMAO!!:lol:

Ans crushing a Psyche of a little girl with your own inhuman moralist views. lol!! Yeah, explain what castrate is to your daughters and show them the knife you plan to use. LMAO!! Some moralist we have here!!! LMAO!!!:lol::lol::lol:

You make a joke a minute, very huypocritically twisted illogical jokes, I love it!!! LMAO!:lol:


I know that Matthew Shepard was not transgendered; he was just gay. But ...

When I heard the story of how he was tortured to death by two kids who had been raised to believe that gays are evil, I wondered if anyone secretly sided with the torturers.

This thread makes me wonder again.
Too bad you are not educated about the Shepard case.

He was a little drunk and came onto these two guys. The more they said no the more aggressive he became. It was a horrific crime. The defense was gay panic brought on by Shepard's insistence. It didn't work and should not have worked. Both men were sentenced to life.

Contrast that with the murder of Lawrence King. A 14 year old gay boy who would not take no for an answer. He tormented Brian McInerny in school and followed him home "flirting". Brian's parents went to the school and to the police where they learned that it was all their son's fault. He was a homophobe who refused to enter into a homosexual relationshi with a youg man who liked him and meant no harm. Unable to stand the constant harrassment, Brian too a gun to school and blew King's head off. The harrassment Brian endured was used to mitigate the crime down to manslaughter. He got six years. Served half and got time served for the two years he was incarcerated during the trial. He was out in a year and should have sued the bejezzus out of the school system.

Some boy is going to wag his dick in the girl's locker room or shower and a girl gang will beat him within an inch of his life. Girls do play rough. Some girl will bounce her titties in the high school jock shower and get gang banged. Then the nonsense will stop.

So I am allowed to torture and kill the next guy who is bothering me at the bar? Got it.

whether you are allowed to torture and kill the next guy who is bothering you at the bar you hang out at or not is not the issue. It's whether it will happen and it will. Unless you just haven't noticed the gays being murdered lately.
Hmm, where did you get that strange notion about not caring about people?

From sentience.

It's an awareness of reality.

Seems we are defending one of those people at the moment against the don't-give-fuck people at the moment. Are you a liberal? Are you promoting your political agenda against an American citizen?

Just the opposite. You are attacking 10,000 in the claim of promoting the interests of the 1 over the interests of the 10,000.

But the left cares nothing for either - the goal is to destroy a system of values, the damage done to the girls is collateral damage to the left - who is waging war on the value systems and structures of America.

And I bet she freaks out at twelve toes, cross eyes, etc. Should we ban everybody you think she freaks out at? Do you think I care about your traditional values that don't account for physical deformities. really?:lol:

Could be, but that has noting to do with your demand she be put on display naked, to further your political agenda of eviscerating gender roles.

And the suggestion that republicans can murder humans, but democrats cannot. I mean I am hysterical here. LMAO!!:lol:


I was pointing out that the left has a history of utter contempt for the rights and lives of people - that the left view people as nothing more than spare parts to be used in the machine of the party, to achieve whatever sinister goals the rulers seek.

Ans crushing a Psyche of a little girl with your own inhuman moralist views. lol!! Yeah, explain what castrate is to your daughters and show them the knife you plan to use. LMAO!! Some moralist we have here!!! LMAO!!!:lol::lol::lol:

You make a joke a minute, very huypocritically twisted illogical jokes, I love it!!! LMAO!:lol:

Ah, so in leftist world, protecting a little girl from being displayed naked is "inhuman moralist views." :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

And you wonder why we think you of the Khmer Rouge are some sick motherfuckers....
This is as bad as when they allowed HIV positive students to attend schools!!!!!!

So Shortbus, you think people with a penis should be watching young, under age girls in the shower?

The perversion factor is extreme even for you...

And with twelve toes and crossed eyed or with cancer or a limp.:lol: You already have gay girls getting off watching straight girls in the shower, so what is one dick? Are you afraid those little darlings might see a penis, other than there dads or brothers or neighbor boys? Grow up!!!

What kind of fucking idiot responds to inappropriate situations with children by saying "grow up"?!? :cuckoo:

They are children you fuck'n moron. Why do you want them to see each other naked and "grow up"?!?
Rott, baseless assumptions and opinions don't double as factual information.

You have a clear anti-gay agenda, and I doubt there's anything that can be said to change your mind.

In the face of economic woes and an imminent war with Syria, why do the bathroom laws for transgendered children top your list of major concerns?

The question is, why doesn't it top yours?

The reason it doesn't top mine is because unlike libtards (which I do believe you are a closet libtard), money doesn't mean shit to me. Living a life of integrity in a civilized society where someone of the opposite sex isn't welcomed to walk in on my children changing at school is a billion times more important.

How sad that your concern is about the economy first.

Well for starters, when the economy collapses your kids won't have a school to go to.

That will render your worries of them encountering a transgendered student in the bathroom (one in a million, maybe? Ten million?) even more irrelevant than it already is today.

That's GREAT! I can think of few better scenarios where the filth like this ceases to exist because the tax draining government run schools are shut down.
Yes, I am wondering how many transgendered children there are in America? Far less than gays, so we must be talking 1 in a million or ten million.

Exactly. You just said it. You support the ONE child's wants over the TEN MILLION children's wants. How deranged is that?!? :cuckoo:

Hmm, you make a claim of ten million children's wants, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most mature adults and their children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

Hmm, you make a claim that transgendered children are harmed, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most transgendered children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

How can you not love libtard logic? Demand "proof" even though you've spent 3 days screaming about something that you have provided ZERO proof for.... :lol:
The solution to this thread is simple.

1). We have morons judging the needs of transgendered people who barely know what one is. Thinking people call these people "idiots."

True...but can't we enjoy Rottie's ritual humiliation as yet another thread of his turns to custard?!:eusa_drool:

His refusal to admit the 3/5ths was worse than the law was worth the price of admission alone!

I love watching Saigon go unhinged because I own him and his libtard pals with facts. Buffoon here had no idea what the 3/5th's Clause was - I had to explain it to him.

Furthermore, the 3/5th's clause forced Dumbocrats to view slaves as 3/5th's of a person, where they had previously viewed slaves as 0/5th's of a person. Further still, the 3/5th's Compromise is what lead to the end of slavery.

All in all, I'd say the 3/5th's Compromise (when you actually become educated about it - which Dumbocrats never are, like Saigon they just know they hate blacks) is one of the greatest laws ever.

Here is Dumbocrat (ie Saigon) "logic" at it's finest:

3/5th's Compromise forces Democrats to view slaves as people instead of property and leads to the end of slavery = BAD

Law that allows little boys and girls to shower together = GOOD

Folks, you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried. This really is your unhinged, radical, modern day Dumbocrat!
Exactly. You just said it. You support the ONE child's wants over the TEN MILLION children's wants. How deranged is that?!? :cuckoo:

Hmm, you make a claim of ten million children's wants, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most mature adults and their children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

Hmm, you make a claim that transgendered children are harmed, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most transgendered children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

How can you not love libtard logic? Demand "proof" even though you've spent 3 days screaming about something that you have provided ZERO proof for.... :lol:

Kids who are distressed because they feel their physical body doesn't match their gender suffer from high rates of psychiatric symptoms, such as depression and suicide attempts, a new study finds.[...]

Researchers attributed those rates to discrimination and stigma, as well as a lack of laws protecting transgender people from employment discrimination. Poor insurance coverage of hormones and other treatments to help a transgender person transition to their desired gender also account for the rates, the researchers found.

Kids who are distressed because they feel their physical body doesn't match their gender suffer from high rates of psychiatric symptoms, such as depression and suicide attempts, a new study finds.[...]

Researchers attributed those rates to discrimination and stigma, as well as a lack of laws protecting transgender people from employment discrimination. Poor insurance coverage of hormones and other treatments to help a transgender person transition to their desired gender also account for the rates, the researchers found.

Without Treatment, Mental Health Problems Plague Transgender Kids | Gender Identity Disorder | Depression, Suicide & Psychiatric Symptoms | LiveScience

Out of curiosity - do you actually believe any of the idiotic shit you post?

{In classical conditioning, the conditioned response is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus. For example, let's suppose that the smell of food is an unconditioned stimulus, a feeling of hunger in response the the smell is a unconditioned response, and a the sound of a whistle is the conditioned stimulus. The conditioned response would be feeling hungry when you heard the sound of the whistle.}

What Is a Conditioned Response?
Uh...where was that done...stupid?

"I think your desperately trying to find a reason to support this since you can't admit you are a sexually deviant pig who gets turned on by children being forced to change, shower, and go to the bathroom together...."

You wanna walk that back a bit?
"I think your desperately trying to find a reason to support this since you can't admit you are a sexually deviant pig who gets turned on by children being forced to change, shower, and go to the bathroom together...."

You wanna walk that back a bit?

You should be careful! You could seriously hurt yourself with that kind of absurd stretch.....
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

You're right, it is disturbing & disgusting, but this is yet another attempt at more group favortism from the Democraps to get the votes.

The Democraps are betting that if they do something like pass laws, rules and regulations that they believe will benefit a group, like the trannies, then those trannies in return would vote for them again, and many do.

Same reason as to why some states legalized gay marriage, to get that groups vote for the democraps.
Hmm, you make a claim of ten million children's wants, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most mature adults and their children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

Hmm, you make a claim that transgendered children are harmed, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most transgendered children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

How can you not love libtard logic? Demand "proof" even though you've spent 3 days screaming about something that you have provided ZERO proof for.... :lol:

Kids who are distressed because they feel their physical body doesn't match their gender suffer from high rates of psychiatric symptoms, such as depression and suicide attempts, a new study finds.[...]

Researchers attributed those rates to discrimination and stigma, as well as a lack of laws protecting transgender people from employment discrimination. Poor insurance coverage of hormones and other treatments to help a transgender person transition to their desired gender also account for the rates, the researchers found.

Without Treatment, Mental Health Problems Plague Transgender Kids | Gender Identity Disorder | Depression, Suicide & Psychiatric Symptoms | LiveScience

So you admit that children are distressed by being around the wrong people in the locker room, and yet you're going to allow boys into the girls locker room? :eusa_whistle:

Seawytch - stop with the act. You know damn well that "normal" / "straight" girls are going to be mortified that sick, twisted boys with serious psychological problems are free to roam their rest rooms and locker rooms.

It amazes me what an ass you are showing sympathy for the 0.000001% but give could a flying fuck about how uncomfortable the 99.999999% feel.
Exactly. You just said it. You support the ONE child's wants over the TEN MILLION children's wants. How deranged is that?!? :cuckoo:

Hmm, you make a claim of ten million children's wants, SO PROVE IT!!!! I bet you can't, and I bet most mature adults and their children don't give a rats tail about your hung-up sexual issues. lol!!:eusa_whistle:

So we have a Men's bathroom and a Women's bathroom because of "hung-up" sexual issues?!? :cuckoo:

Do you even hear yourself when you speak?!? I think your desperately trying to find a reason to support this since you can't admit you are a sexually deviant pig who gets turned on by children being forced to change, shower, and go to the bathroom together....

You are catching on. I bet you thought it has always been that way huh? That you are so fking smart. Nah, that ain't the case dude. Cons are just ignorant in general. You a con? :lol:


Well, exaclty, who would get turned on by a child. That is the point, so children don't care or are not bothered by your sexual hangups, anymore than I am. You know perverts like Craig think like you do.
Congratulations are in order to the libtard Dumbocrats of America. Their Nazi goose-stepping march to the destruction of civilized society just took another giant Nazi goose-step.

They've now made yet another of their disturbing and disgusting deviant sexual behaviors (voyeurism) legal! You can now declare yourself "transgender" and go watch members of the opposite sex shower and change in the school locker rooms! Yeah for disturbed and disgusting Dumbocrats!

Calif. governor signs transgender-student bill

You're right, it is disturbing & disgusting, but this is yet another attempt at more group favortism from the Democraps to get the votes.

The Democraps are betting that if they do something like pass laws, rules and regulations that they believe will benefit a group, like the trannies, then those trannies in return would vote for them again, and many do.

Same reason as to why some states legalized gay marriage, to get that groups vote for the democraps.

Ahh, I see, so when a state trooper is sticking his arm up a women's vagina in a road side stop, that is just republicans getting more votes.

So when you are passing laws like test welfare recipients for drugs, force women to have sona-grams before abortion, declaring that conception occurs two weeks before copulation, profiling Mexicans, etc., that is just Republicans out to get more votes.

Oh, I got it, when Mitt Romney disenfranchises 41% of the minority's, he was just out to get some votes. Hey, I am catching onto what you are raving about!!!:lol::lol:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E88RUqyjts]Grandpa Tell Me Bout The Good Old Days - YouTube[/ame]

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