The Most Famous Fakes In Science

"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
So you don't want to say how you think all the different animals came about. So I'll assume that you think god just poofed everything into existence. Mainly because I can't think of any other way it could happen.

So you don't want to say why the operators of government schooling impose it on the unsuspecting as proven truth?

Is it because you aren't that brave, or you aren't that intelligent?
I didn’t go to public school, looks like you did, lol.

So god magically made the animals appear, I never would have thought that of you, because you like to think of yourself as the smartest one here.

You're the one changing the subject.

My question must be painful to must really feel stupid.
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?
I have no intention of answering the question that no scientist can answer.
What you meant to say is that you have no intention of answering the question that only 95% of US biologists can answer, and you'll remain in the minority. With your views and values, I'm sure you're much more comfortable there but you can't really expect the rest of the world to ignore science and to not teach our children the best information we have.

The vast majority of the scientific community and academia supports evolutionary theory as the only explanation that can fully account for observations in the fields of biology, paleontology, molecular biology, genetics, anthropology, and others.[18][19][20][21][22] A 1991 Gallup poll found that about 5% of American scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists.[23][24]
Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.
For those of us who missed those alternative theories you previously noted, would you be so kind note them once again? Thanks.
Is this your admission that Darwinism is a proven failure?
Evolution will only be considered a failure when a better theory comes along. Got one?
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
It’s comical how you’re reduced to attempts at schoolyard insults when you’re unable to address some pretty basic questions about biological evolution.

This might be a good time to present the creationer “General Theory of Supernatural Creation”

Shirley, you can find that at Harun Yahya.
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
My statements are supported by every science research facility in the world that knows the work of Darwin. Why should I just repeat it. I went out of my way explaining how science works. It seems to have bounced off your head. You’re not bright enough in science to even ask questions about Darwin.
Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.
For those of us who missed those alternative theories you previously noted, would you be so kind note them once again? Thanks.
Is this your admission that Darwinism is a proven failure?
Evolution will only be considered a failure when a better theory comes along. Got one?
Well, the theory of evolution has stood the test of time. Subtleties in deferent premises that make it up may be altered but I would not expect anything in our lifetime to be dramatically changed. Literally, Every piece of work we do in genetics can reinforce or slightly alter our views .
"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
So you don't want to say how you think all the different animals came about. So I'll assume that you think god just poofed everything into existence. Mainly because I can't think of any other way it could happen.

So you don't want to say why the operators of government schooling impose it on the unsuspecting as proven truth?

Is it because you aren't that brave, or you aren't that intelligent?
I didn’t go to public school, looks like you did, lol.

So god magically made the animals appear, I never would have thought that of you, because you like to think of yourself as the smartest one here.

You're the one changing the subject.

My question must be painful to must really feel stupid.
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?

I've made it clear that that is not a question for this thread.

Somehow, it suits you better to keep repeating that rather than admitting that you were tricked into accepting Darwinism.
I have no intention of answering the question that no scientist can answer.
What you meant to say is that you have no intention of answering the question that only 95% of US biologists can answer, and you'll remain in the minority. With your views and values, I'm sure you're much more comfortable there but you can't really expect the rest of the world to ignore science and to not teach our children the best information we have.

The vast majority of the scientific community and academia supports evolutionary theory as the only explanation that can fully account for observations in the fields of biology, paleontology, molecular biology, genetics, anthropology, and others.[18][19][20][21][22] A 1991 Gallup poll found that about 5% of American scientists (including those with training outside biology) identified themselves as creationists.[23][24]

I never mind being 'in a minority.'

I'm not a weak sissy like you.
Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.
For those of us who missed those alternative theories you previously noted, would you be so kind note them once again? Thanks.

Is this your admission that Darwinism is a proven failure?
That’s bullshit. Just because Newtonian physics is replaced when dealing with particles at the atomic level, doesn’t mean that Newton was a failure. It’s really stupid to assume Darwin was wrong when he did his work before Modern equipment was developed. Was Edison a failure because incandescent light bulbs he invented have been replaced by LEDs ? I have never seen so much science illiteracy. But keep trying to sound less educated.
Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.
For those of us who missed those alternative theories you previously noted, would you be so kind note them once again? Thanks.
Is this your admission that Darwinism is a proven failure?
Evolution will only be considered a failure when a better theory comes along. Got one?

Darwin has nothing to do with 'how we got here' life began. It is provided as an explanation for the diversity of life as it appears now.

There are numerous theories, a number of which I have noted in the past.
For those of us who missed those alternative theories you previously noted, would you be so kind note them once again? Thanks.

Is this your admission that Darwinism is a proven failure?
That’s bullshit. Just because Newtonian physics is replaced when dealing with particles at the atomic level, doesn’t mean that Newton was a failure. It’s really stupid to assume Darwin was wrong when he did his work before Modern equipment was developed. Was Edison a failure because incandescent light bulbs he invented have been replaced by LEDs ? I have never seen so much science illiteracy. But keep trying to sound less educated.

No vulgarity.
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
My statements are supported by every science research facility in the world that knows the work of Darwin. Why should I just repeat it. I went out of my way explaining how science works. It seems to have bounced off your head. You’re not bright enough in science to even ask questions about Darwin.

What statements????

You ran from your own claims.
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?

Talk about juvenile insults.... Why don't you ask God how He does things.
Rational people can appreciate that the creations which abound had a Creator. Irrational people think they simply "happened." From nothing. No wands needed in IrrationalThink.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day
Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn
The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee
The Privileged Planet- How our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery by Gonzalez and Richards

How you bounced out of my Ignore List, I do not know, but back into that rathole you go.

ciao brutto
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
Cutting and pasting from someone's blog.

Anything from the supermarket tabloids you want to cut and paste?
If she wanted to she would have, nothing your troll hide could do about it.
"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
So you don't want to say how you think all the different animals came about. So I'll assume that you think god just poofed everything into existence. Mainly because I can't think of any other way it could happen.

So you don't want to say why the operators of government schooling impose it on the unsuspecting as proven truth?

Is it because you aren't that brave, or you aren't that intelligent?
I didn’t go to public school, looks like you did, lol.

So god magically made the animals appear, I never would have thought that of you, because you like to think of yourself as the smartest one here.

You're the one changing the subject.

My question must be painful to must really feel stupid.
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?

I've made it clear that that is not a question for this thread.

Somehow, it suits you better to keep repeating that rather than admitting that you were tricked into accepting Darwinism.
So is there anything other than Darwinism?
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?

Talk about juvenile insults.... Why don't you ask God how He does things.
Rational people can appreciate that the creations which abound had a Creator. Irrational people think they simply "happened." From nothing. No wands needed in IrrationalThink.

The Irrational Atheist by Vox Day
Illogical Atheism by Bo Jinn
The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski
Rare Earth by Ward and Brownlee
The Privileged Planet- How our Place in the Cosmos is Designed for Discovery by Gonzalez and Richards

How you bounced out of my Ignore List, I do not know, but back into that rathole you go.

ciao brutto
So how did all the different animals come about if not through evolution? God put everything one by one himself?
"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
So you don't want to say how you think all the different animals came about. So I'll assume that you think god just poofed everything into existence. Mainly because I can't think of any other way it could happen.

So you don't want to say why the operators of government schooling impose it on the unsuspecting as proven truth?

Is it because you aren't that brave, or you aren't that intelligent?
I didn’t go to public school, looks like you did, lol.

So god magically made the animals appear, I never would have thought that of you, because you like to think of yourself as the smartest one here.

You're the one changing the subject.

My question must be painful to must really feel stupid.
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?

I've made it clear that that is not a question for this thread.

Somehow, it suits you better to keep repeating that rather than admitting that you were tricked into accepting Darwinism.
So is there anything other than Darwinism?

Not for individuals like you, who suffer from indelible indoctrination.
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
What 'science' are you referring to?
Seriously, do you know what science is ? Yes, Darwin was a scientist. You have this uninformed idea that science is 100% perfect from day one. Nothing is, least of all anyother measure.. Science helps understand complex ideas dependent on the information available at the time. Darwin‘S are some. Many of his conjectures are still valid, some are not. Do you get your ideas from a cereal box ? Cause really, nothing else comes close. Are you going to say Newton is not a real scientist even though Newtonian physics has been improved upon ? Of course not.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)
Can you provide the proof that suckered you into accepting the failed concept, Darwinism?

"Many of his conjectures are still valid,..."

Such as? (This is the point where you realize that you don't know what you're talking about.)

Do you want me to impress no one on my ability to google. The best science is FREE. It’s not your made up bullshit that you have give a 15% tithing just to hear a preacher fill you full of shit.

You’re question, if you knew science, should be.....Do you really want to know which ideas of Darwin are still valid and which are not ? That answer is easy. After gathering more evidence then Darwin ever had available , there are at least 3500 university sources that can tell you. ( among Hundreds of others)

I’ve learned long ago that doing the work for a lazy ass denier does no good. If they aren’t going to believe institutes like Johns Hopkins, they ain’t going believe me. Look it up yourself.

You didn't answer the question.

Why is that?

Is this why?
"It's shocking how much venom and bile you can stir up by criticizing Darwin in public. I more or less expected, when I wrote a post critical of evolutionary theory at, there'd be a few heated comments. I didn't expect so many of the 600+ comments to be so heated. Quite a few of the comments were and are just plain ugly. And the most vitriolic attacks came not from the religious right, but from supporters of Darwin! " Scientists should be humble, not arrogant
It was a stupid non science question. It assumed Darwin was wrong. He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had. Science is not wrong. It’s a methodology. You either believe in it or the wizzard of Oz.

"He wasn’t necessarily wrong THEN given the evidence he had."

Such as?

As of this post, you are still nothing but a windbag, refusing to admit you've been indoctrinated.

Pretty weak of you.
Look it up. You’re the wind bag You can find the address of a favorite restaurant can’t you. Should be easy to find Darwin’s life story. I’m not doing any lazy ass work for a denier.

I've simply asked you to support statements you've made.

And, as all have can't.

That's a characteristic of the mindless indoctrination your sort has undergone.

Do a little research before your next error.
My statements are supported by every science research facility in the world that knows the work of Darwin. Why should I just repeat it. I went out of my way explaining how science works. It seems to have bounced off your head. You’re not bright enough in science to even ask questions about Darwin.

What statements????

You ran from your own claims.
My claims have not changed; he got things right and he got somethings wrong, mostly having to do with the limited technology he had to study species and the mechanism of change. Read, then you can sound a little smarter,

"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
So you don't want to say how you think all the different animals came about. So I'll assume that you think god just poofed everything into existence. Mainly because I can't think of any other way it could happen.

So you don't want to say why the operators of government schooling impose it on the unsuspecting as proven truth?

Is it because you aren't that brave, or you aren't that intelligent?
I didn’t go to public school, looks like you did, lol.

So god magically made the animals appear, I never would have thought that of you, because you like to think of yourself as the smartest one here.

You're the one changing the subject.

My question must be painful to must really feel stupid.
I either stumped you again or you're too embarrassed to say how you think all the different animals came about. Throwing juvenile insults at me won't change that.

So, does god have a wand, or blink his eyes or something to make animals appear? How does that work?

I've made it clear that that is not a question for this thread.

Somehow, it suits you better to keep repeating that rather than admitting that you were tricked into accepting Darwinism.
So is there anything other than Darwinism?

Not for individuals like you, who suffer from indelible indoctrination.
It's embarrassing for everyone except you to watch you cower and evade.

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