The most glaring proof of a fraudulent election....

Biden/Democrats, all TDS sufferers are contesting the proof brought forward. Proof like the following which Biden/Democrats, refute. If the below illustrations are NOT true,
why don't the Biden/Democrats refute them?
1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities.
Counting generally continued without the observers
2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio
3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions
4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures
5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’
6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing
7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes
In addition here are some more abnormalities...
For example...nearly 900,000 questionable ballots were accepted.

View attachment 435882
Yet none of the courts in the world, including the supreme court, have seen any evidence of fraud.

Thia is all fake news because you little pussy bitches can't accept that Trump lost.

The Supreme court has Spoken, the election was secure and Biden won. Deal with it.
I gave up on this whole thing a while back.

You can show them facts that debunk all these stories, but they don't come from an approved Trumpster source, so they're "fake news".

It's what they're trained to say.

A complete waste of time. After Biden is in, it will just be background noise.


Update: Here is what we know right now. President Trump has court cases still pending that will go to the Supreme Court. Thanks to Texas, he now knows how to file it under article 3 and not under article 2. This will force the Supreme Court to hear this rewritten case. President Trump has the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) report. It was announced as a late submission. Barr has stepped down on the 23rd, so he is now able to be a witness. It was not able to be announced until now. Durham is now a special counsel. He can prosecute in any state, all Biden’s! He is allowing the civil, criminal, and federal courts to fail. Why? So he is able to handle the situation properly, using the military tribunals. President Trump has all the data from NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer, and other systems most are not familiar with. He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Mike Pence as the final arbiter of ballots to accept on 1/6/20. He has the Insurrection Act (see below in a previous post), the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Emergency Act, the 14th Amendment, the 2018 Executive Order allowing for the rejection of the election based on Foreign Interference, which we now know is true. He has January 27, 2017, the very first President Trump Executive Order, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the possible Declassification of EVERYTHING, including Wikileaks. President Trump has 1000 people swear affidavits, the QR code scan personnel who just needs access to some real ballots & he can detect if they are fake by looking for creases & printing items using his scanner technology. Trump has all the statistical data being analyzed, the videos, emails, phone calls, bank transfer statements showing the coordination of the coup. We know Zuckerberg funded and manned it, Soros funded it. He has the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) law passed in 1970. President Trump has crimes against humanity videos, which Wikileaks just released massive videos. Julian Assange is about to be pardoned, so he can talk about Seth Rich. Now that the governors and secretary of states certified the illegal ballots and Biden has accepted them, they knowingly committed treason! Criminals are desperate and stupid! We just raided the solar company and Dominion is closing up the shop. Many media company CEOs are gone. The same goes for many politicians. President Trump has the CIA servers from Germany used to change Dominion machines and he will soon have access to the state's machines too. He baited them to staying in DC so they could be inaugurated...arrested! Biden has not accepted any transition money nor has Kamala given up her seat. The military has infiltrated Antifa & BLM and President Trump has the financial tracings. He knows exactly which politicians took Chinese and Soros money. He put in Miller & Watnick. He also just reduced more regulations and wrote an Executive Order in the military line of succession. He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board with his loyalists. The military has been flying more planes over America and to Guantanamo for the first time in years. The DNC wanted to close Gitmo, but President Trump said no way and said softly under his breath, I want to use it for her”, meaning crooked Hillary. The navy just parked huge naval fleets on both coasts. The 82nd airborne is preparing for an operation (same group of Flynn & Donoghue). Things are falling into place. He has it all. He is just laying out the case and building the narrative. He knows he won and they cheated. He gave them the chance to fix things. They chose not to. Do not feel sorry for them. They did this to themselves.

Share share share , copy and paste if u have to get this
truth of facts out there y'all . God be with us all God be with president Trump and his administration and legal team , God be with our country and the true American people God bless all .
I'm sure that's all real interesting 'n stuff.


yes, it is. can you refute any of it? the truth gives you a mental problem doesn't it?
Your truth makes me giggle, which is why I didn't read that wall of words.

You're just a Trumpster.

then go back and read them, its not my truth, its THE truth. You losers cannot even win by cheating. you got caught and will pay the price.
Yeah, I'll get right on that.


ok I get it, you don't care about the truth. you are a blind ignorant partisan brainwashed idiot. I actually thought at one time that you had some brains and credibility, you proved me wrong on that.
Well, that's okay!

I know that, from now on, whenever I need to get The Truth from a super-smart, super-informed person, I'll run straight to you!

Biden/Democrats, all TDS sufferers are contesting the proof brought forward. Proof like the following which Biden/Democrats, refute. If the below illustrations are NOT true,
why don't the Biden/Democrats refute them?
1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities.
Counting generally continued without the observers
2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio
3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions
4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures
5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’
6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing
7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes
In addition here are some more abnormalities...
For example...nearly 900,000 questionable ballots were accepted.

View attachment 435882
Yet none of the courts in the world, including the supreme court, have seen any evidence of fraud.

Thia is all fake news because you little pussy bitches can't accept that Trump lost.

The Supreme court has Spoken, the election was secure and Biden won. Deal with it.
I gave up on this whole thing a while back.

You can show them facts that debunk all these stories, but they don't come from an approved Trumpster source, so they're "fake news".

It's what they're trained to say.

A complete waste of time. After Biden is in, it will just be background noise.


Update: Here is what we know right now. President Trump has court cases still pending that will go to the Supreme Court. Thanks to Texas, he now knows how to file it under article 3 and not under article 2. This will force the Supreme Court to hear this rewritten case. President Trump has the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) report. It was announced as a late submission. Barr has stepped down on the 23rd, so he is now able to be a witness. It was not able to be announced until now. Durham is now a special counsel. He can prosecute in any state, all Biden’s! He is allowing the civil, criminal, and federal courts to fail. Why? So he is able to handle the situation properly, using the military tribunals. President Trump has all the data from NSA, the Kraken supercomputer, the Alice supercomputer, and other systems most are not familiar with. He has the dueling electors from 7 state legislatures. He has VP Mike Pence as the final arbiter of ballots to accept on 1/6/20. He has the Insurrection Act (see below in a previous post), the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Emergency Act, the 14th Amendment, the 2018 Executive Order allowing for the rejection of the election based on Foreign Interference, which we now know is true. He has January 27, 2017, the very first President Trump Executive Order, the Patriot Act, the FISA warrants, the possible Declassification of EVERYTHING, including Wikileaks. President Trump has 1000 people swear affidavits, the QR code scan personnel who just needs access to some real ballots & he can detect if they are fake by looking for creases & printing items using his scanner technology. Trump has all the statistical data being analyzed, the videos, emails, phone calls, bank transfer statements showing the coordination of the coup. We know Zuckerberg funded and manned it, Soros funded it. He has the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization (RICO) law passed in 1970. President Trump has crimes against humanity videos, which Wikileaks just released massive videos. Julian Assange is about to be pardoned, so he can talk about Seth Rich. Now that the governors and secretary of states certified the illegal ballots and Biden has accepted them, they knowingly committed treason! Criminals are desperate and stupid! We just raided the solar company and Dominion is closing up the shop. Many media company CEOs are gone. The same goes for many politicians. President Trump has the CIA servers from Germany used to change Dominion machines and he will soon have access to the state's machines too. He baited them to staying in DC so they could be inaugurated...arrested! Biden has not accepted any transition money nor has Kamala given up her seat. The military has infiltrated Antifa & BLM and President Trump has the financial tracings. He knows exactly which politicians took Chinese and Soros money. He put in Miller & Watnick. He also just reduced more regulations and wrote an Executive Order in the military line of succession. He is defunding the CIA. He just replaced Kissinger & Allbright on the National Security Advisory Board with his loyalists. The military has been flying more planes over America and to Guantanamo for the first time in years. The DNC wanted to close Gitmo, but President Trump said no way and said softly under his breath, I want to use it for her”, meaning crooked Hillary. The navy just parked huge naval fleets on both coasts. The 82nd airborne is preparing for an operation (same group of Flynn & Donoghue). Things are falling into place. He has it all. He is just laying out the case and building the narrative. He knows he won and they cheated. He gave them the chance to fix things. They chose not to. Do not feel sorry for them. They did this to themselves.

Share share share , copy and paste if u have to get this
truth of facts out there y'all . God be with us all God be with president Trump and his administration and legal team , God be with our country and the true American people God bless all .
I'm sure that's all real interesting 'n stuff.


yes, it is. can you refute any of it? the truth gives you a mental problem doesn't it?
Your truth makes me giggle, which is why I didn't read that wall of words.

You're just a Trumpster.

Your retort.."You're just a Trumpster."?
You know why more people believe people like me is that we provide substantiation for our subjective opinions.
Logical rational people simply ask where is your proof and you have NOTHING to refute the abnormality of the extremely lower rejection rate? Even though a dramatic increase in absentee voting?
Logic and common senses would say as these seasoned poll workers have said....
Absentee votes with no creases means they were never put into an envelope.
Several Georgia Recount Monitors Describe ‘Odd Batches of Ballots’ That Stood Out – Pristine Sheets with Perfectly Marked Bubbles – 100% For Joe Biden
Several recount workers, including Democrats, have described odd batches of pristine ballots with perfectly marked bubbles all for Joe Biden.
One Georgia recount worker went on the record in Wood v. Raffensperger and described an odd batch of ballots that stood out — pristine sheets with no markings that went 98% to Joe Biden.
The monitor describes how ballots that had been handled looked worn and had already been written on — except for a magical pristine batch for Joe Biden.
I predict a sharp increase in tear-stained My Pillows on Jan 6th. :crybaby:
I predict a sharp increase in tear-stained My Pillows on Jan 6th. :crybaby:
I predict a very strong case of ironic amazement for you on the sixth, Robot-Boy.
That will be the day Vice-President Pence counts the votes that seals the end of President Trump’s administration. All of your belly-aching and foot-stomping won’t change a thing.
I predict a sharp increase in tear-stained My Pillows on Jan 6th. :crybaby:
I predict a very strong case of ironic amazement for you on the sixth, Robot-Boy.
That will be the day Vice-President Pence counts the votes that seals the end of President Trump’s administration. All of your belly-aching and foot-stomping won’t change a thing.
It will also be the day the majority of Americans will unite behind Trump after the evidence they have is shown to everyone. They will then have until the 20th to end this fraud with the force of sheer public opinion.
It will also be the day the majority of Americans will unite behind Trump after the evidence they have is shown to everyone.
I’m sure President-Elect Biden’s Kenyan birth certificate will totally overturn the election.
It will also be the day the majority of Americans will unite behind Trump after the evidence they have is shown to everyone.
I’m sure President-Elect Biden’s Kenyan birth certificate will surely overturn the election.
Ballots should be audited by then. That will be conclusive solid indisputable evidence of fraud. If they, the ballots, are withheld from scanning it is an indisputable admission of guilt.
Ballots should be audited by then. That will be conclusive solid indisputable evidence of fraud. If they, the ballots, are withheld from scanning it is an indisputable admission of guilt.
Fulton County in Georgia has ignored a court order to make ballots and Dominion machines accessible
for inspection. Not a good look for them and as you say, an indisputable admission of guilt.
That will be the day Vice-President Pence counts the votes that seals the end of President Trump’s administration. All of your belly-aching and foot-stomping won’t change a thing.
Dream big, Robot-Boy. The evidence is piling up and the jig is up.

Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia has flipped on Biden. Those states will decertify Biden's electoral votes
and drop him below 270 votes, which is what he needs to steal the election.

You can look like an absolute fool and deny what's going on, and make an a-hole of yourself.
Or you can get on board with reality. I doubt you are smart enough to do the right thing, however.
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That will be the day Vice-President Pence counts the votes that seals the end of President Trump’s administration. All of your belly-aching and foot-stomping won’t change a thing.
Dream big, Robot-Boy. The evidence is piling up and the jig is up.

Arizona, Pennsylvania and Georgia has flipped on Biden. Those states will decertify Biden's electoral votes
and drop him below 270 votes, which is what he needs to steal the election.

You can look like an absolute fool and deny what's going on, and make an a-hole of yourself.
Or you can get on board with reality. I doubt you are smart enough to do the right thing, however.
Something is piling up alright, but it’s not evidence. I can wait to see what batshit conspiracies you retards will conjure up when all your hopes and dreams on Jan. 6th get dashed by Vice-President Pence.
Ballots should be audited by then. That will be conclusive solid indisputable evidence of fraud. If they, the ballots, are withheld from scanning it is an indisputable admission of guilt.
Fulton County in Georgia has ignored a court order to make ballots and Dominion machines accessible
for inspection. Not a good look for them and as you say, an indisputable admission of guilt.

Please link this court order. I can find nothing on it. All I can seem to find is a freeze on wiping machines in three counties issued on November 30th. And I believe that's been dismissed.
Something is piling up alright, but it’s not evidence. I can wait to see what batshit conspiracies you retards will conjure up when all your hopes and dreams on Jan. 6th get dashed by Vice-President Pence.
Good luck with that fantasy. Pinning your hopes on the hated Mike Pence now?
Strange bedfellow. Make sure his wife doesn't find out.
Last edited:
Please link this court order. I can find nothing on it. All I can seem to find is a freeze on wiping machines in three counties issued on November 30th. And I believe that's been dismissed.

Fulton County has denied access to this evidence. Why do you think they did this?

So now the courts will be used to compel Fulton Country to stop hiding their evidence of fraud.
I’m sure President-Elect Biden’s Kenyan birth certificate will totally overturn the election.
That's the sort of "hilarious" satire that will sustain you when your dreams of abusing the Constitution
are dashed.
Biden/Democrats, all TDS sufferers are contesting the proof brought forward. Proof like the following which Biden/Democrats, refute. If the below illustrations are NOT true,
why don't the Biden/Democrats refute them?
1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities.
Counting generally continued without the observers
2. Statistically abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio
3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions
4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures
5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, ‘If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election’
6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing
7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes
In addition here are some more abnormalities...
For example...nearly 900,000 questionable ballots were accepted.

View attachment 435882
The main fact is there is not that many brain dead 'something for nothing' in this country. As criminal in the courts ignore this fraud the only ones to set this right are the people. As of now we will never have another free election again. This retard getting more votes than any president the last 100 years who sticks his foot in his mouth every time he opens it is impossable. After what this party has done these last 10 years does anyone think this party would not commett crimes, lie, cheat, and steal to gain power? Many should be serving long prison sentances yet not one has been jailed. Many should have been dragged to the noose including Barr. The first time our Constitution was making a come back and cheated out of it. These pathedic criminals put there pants on one leg at a time. It's time to fix this or disarm and bow down. Give me liberty or I'll kill ya till your dead.
Please link this court order. I can find nothing on it. All I can seem to find is a freeze on wiping machines in three counties issued on November 30th. And I believe that's been dismissed.

Fulton County has denied access to this evidence. Why do you think they did this?

So now the courts will be used to compel Fulton Country to stop hiding their evidence of fraud.
By their own standards Democrats should recognize the obvious guilt. It is like their conclusion Trump hiding his taxes makes him guilty. Hiding ballots and machines should make them just as guilty.

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